how to find centroid of each conneted component of a Binary Image in matlab, and represent each connected component with its centroid..??

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Hi, I want to represent each connected component with its centroid, after finding centroid of each connected component , i want to represent each connected component with its centroid????

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Jan 2018
It finds centroids, weighted centroids, and bounding boxes.

More Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 6 Jan 2018
regionprops and ask for centroid.
Please explain more about what you mean by "represent" the component with its centroid
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Jan 2018
Are you sure you want that, or do you want the centroid like you originally said? My code gives you the bounding box, the centroid, and the weighted centroid, all of which could be at a different location. The center of the bounding box is simply the average of the top row and bottom row, and the same in the horizontal direction. Note that the center of the bounding box, as well as the two centroids may not actually lie inside the blobs. It's possible it could be outside it.

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Mohammad Bhat
Mohammad Bhat on 8 Jan 2018
Sir, What do you suggest, If I have to take the representation of a bounding box. Which will be more representative center,centroid and any other.Whether they are in or outside of blob doesn't matter. As far as they are representative....

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