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Error using mupadmex " MuPAD "

1 view (last 30 days)
sachin k
sachin k on 30 Aug 2017
Commented: sachin k on 31 Aug 2017
I don't know Why I am getting the error "error using mupadmex......." in the following code, please help,
syms z myFun =@(m,n) int(hermiteh(m,z)*hermite(n,z),0,5) myFun(1,2)

Answers (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 30 Aug 2017
Were you trying to call the hermiteH function? MATLAB is case sensitive so hermiteh and hermiteH are not the same function. There is no function named hermiteh in any MathWorks product, as far as I can see from a search. Nor is there a function named hermite.
When I changed both "hermiteh" and "hermite" to hermiteH evaluating the anonymous function worked.
sachin k
sachin k on 31 Aug 2017
Thank for writing!, but in my matlab version, I had saved the function manually by the name "hermiteh", and if call hermiteh(1,2), it gives 4, then what is wrong ??
sachin k
sachin k on 31 Aug 2017

You please see this.

If I run the following code, lagu=@(j,k,l) feval(symengine,'laguerreL',j,k,l); ele1=@(j,k) lagu(j,k-j,-0.5)*(0.5).^(k-j); ele2=@(j,k) lagu(j,k-j,-0.5)*(-0.5).^(k-j); el=@(j,k) 0.5*i*(ele1(j,k)-ele2(j,k)); double(el(3,2)) res=bsxfun(el,1:2,(1:2).').

Then it give the answer of "double(el(3,2))" , but gives the following errors for "res"

"Error using mupadengine/feval (line 157) MuPAD error: Error: Second argument: Expecting an arithmetical expression. [laguerreL]

Error in @(j,k,l)feval(symengine,'laguerreL',j,k,l) Error in test (line 6) Error in @(j,k)lagu(j,k-j,-0.5)*(0.5).^(k-j) Error in @(j,k)0.5*i*(ele1(j,k)-ele2(j,k)) res=bsxfun(el,1:2,(1:2).')"

Please help

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