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How to Access a Variable's Value in a Nested Function?

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How Can I see the value of variable g in Command window and Workspace?
function parentfcn(b)
a = b+1
function childfcn
g = a+1
  1 Comment
Adam on 28 Feb 2017
The shared workspace of a nested function and the main function is not bi-directional. The nested function has access to everything in the workspace of the main function, but not the other way around.

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Feb 2017
The nested workspace stops existing as soon as parentfcn returns.
See however,
function r = parentfcn(b)
a = b+1
r = @childfcn;
function childfcn
g = a+1
together with
bbb = parentfcn(7)
s = functions(bbb)
Notice that even though you called childfcn, that the workspace of childfcn does not include the local variable g: the workspace retrieved only includes the objects that the child shares with the parent. g stops existing as soon as childfcn returns.

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