Simplify symbolic functions: remove terms
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Hi I want to simplify a symbolic function in this way:
this is my function:
I want that Matlab:
- Remove the terms in which there is a product between dx*dy, dy*dx, dt*da, dx^2*dy etc.
- Make two function: In the first there are all terms that are multiplied by dx, dy, dt and in the other, the other terms.
Answers (2)
on 29 Nov 2016
Do you want to remove a specific variable
You can use
new_equation = subs(equation,var,0);
new_equation2 = simplify(equation); % Maybe is not necessary simplify in this case
Of all the cross multiplication between variables?
Walter Roberson
on 29 Nov 2016
Note: for this purpose I exclude all squared terms such as dx^2, guessing that your rule was that multiplying two or more derivatives together was going to give a result too small to matter.
syms a b dx dy dz dt da
r = a*b+dx*dy+dx^2*dy+a*dx+a+dy*dz+dt*da;
[A,B] = coeffs(r,[dx,dy,dz,da,dt], 'all');
[tf, idx] = ismember([dx,dy,dz,da,dt],B);
just_constants = cellfun(@(C) isempty(symvar(C)), num2cell(B));
first_term = sum(A(idx(tf)) .* B(idx(tf)));
second_term = sum(A(just_constants) .* B(just_constants));
Walter Roberson
on 29 Nov 2016
I did test the code with the expression you gave.
My expression originally involved some positional computations, but in mentally reviewing, I think that you are correct that the 'all' is not actually necessary, but it should not hurt.
See Also
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