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lookup table(interp)command

2 views (last 30 days)
Leotsing on 31 Jul 2016
Edited: Leotsing on 31 Jul 2016
Be brief:
I input x1=2.3 and I want to get output y1 (Linear correspondence of 2-x1-3 TO 2.3-y1-3.1)
what command can I use?
Tanks to everyone view and review this quesition!

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 31 Jul 2016
y1 = interp1(x, y, x1);
  1 Comment
Leotsing on 31 Jul 2016
Edited: Leotsing on 31 Jul 2016
Thank you very much!

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