How do I fix this error in dicomread? It will not read in my .dcm file.

5 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to read in multiple images. However I keep getting an error. My code is the following
clear all close all
% Preallocate the 1000-by-2304-by-1-by-41 image array.
X = repmat(uint16(0), [1000 2304 1 num_images]);
% Read the series of images.
for p=1:num_images
filename = sprintf('12003_LCC_03Mar2016_145302_%03d_SART_It01.dcm', p);
X(:,:,1,p) = dicomread(filename);
% Display the image stack.
I keep getting the following error
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in dicomread>getOverlays (line 1172)
overlays(:,:,1,p) = bitget(X(:,:,1,1), ...
Error in dicomread>newDicomread (line 257)
[overlays, X] = getOverlays(X, metadata);
Error in dicomread (line 79)
[X, map, alpha, overlays] = newDicomread(msgname, frames);
Any ideas on how to fix this?

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Apr 2016
You could get that error if you dicom images were not all the same size. You should read into a variable and check the size of the result before attempting to store into your array of results.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Nov 2017
Rotha Uy:
Can you post a copy of a dicom image this is happening on? You will probably need to zip the .dcm and attach the .zip version.

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