Error with parpool (Error using parpool (line 103) Not enough input arguments.)

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since today I've got a problem with starting the parallel pool. I've used it very often in the past to train neural networks (the last time was yesterday) and it worked without any problems. Today I wanted to test some new parameters with my neural network and tried to train it but everytime when I try to start the parallel pool (for example from the command line) there is the error:
>> parpool
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... Error using parpool (line 103)
Not enough input arguments.
Error using parpool (line 94)
Not enough input arguments.
I've nothing changed in my 'local' profile. The same error happens when I try to 'Validate' in the 'Cluster Profile Manager'. Here are the validation results:
Profile: local
Scheduler Type: Local
Stage: Cluster connection test (parcluster)
Status: Failed
Description:The validation stage encountered a MATLAB exception.
Command Line Output:(none)
Error Report:
Not enough input arguments.
Debug Log:(none)
Can someone help me?
Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis on 13 Nov 2015
This sounds like an installation problem somewhere, I suggest that you contact MathWorks support to resolve this.
Tyler Warner
Tyler Warner on 19 Jul 2017
Edited: Tyler Warner on 19 Jul 2017
Thanks for the assistance. I ran "restoredefaultpath" and the parpool runs on my PC! However, it doesn't work with my server on Windows server 2012. The following error occurs:
>> restoredefaultpath
Warning: Duplicate directory name: C:\Program
> In restoredefaultpath (line 52)

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Answers (5)

Kanikesh Yedla
Kanikesh Yedla on 12 Nov 2015
I faced same problem, but finally find the solotuion
--> Enter matlab command window 'prefdir' --> You can see C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2015a --> Delete local_cluster_jobs and restart matlab --> I hope this will fix the issue.
-- Kanikesh Yedla
Suvidha Tripathi
Suvidha Tripathi on 23 Aug 2018
I found the file and deleted it after which I could successfuly start my parallel pool. I also did cluster validation and found everything ok. However, One problem still remains that I am unable to use my all GPUs for multi-gpu processing. I am going to raise a separate question for this.

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nikos skordilis
nikos skordilis on 27 Aug 2016
Hi I have the same problem but local_cluster_jobs folder doesn't exist. Can anyone help me?

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Kanikesh Yedla
Kanikesh Yedla on 14 Dec 2015
Usually it will fix if u delete "local_cluster_jobs" folder at C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\

Christoph Schöne
Christoph Schöne on 12 Nov 2015
Hello Kanikesh Yedla,
thank you very much for this solution but I haven't got a file called "local_cluster_jobs". I've got a file called "parallel.settings" and deleted this one. But this does not fix the problem.
I think it's not a pure Matlab problem. I've reinstalled Matlab now two times and the error is still there. I've also updated the GPU Drivers (NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX960). but this doesn't solve the problem, too.

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muhammad irfan
muhammad irfan on 24 Feb 2019
function dimg = mipbackwarddiff(img,direction)
% MIPFORWARDDIFF Finite difference calculations
% Calculates the central-difference for a given direction
% IMG : input image
% DIRECTION : 'dx' or 'dy'
% DIMG : resultant image
% Omer Demirkaya, Musa Asyali, Prasana Shaoo, ... 9/1/06
% Medical Image Processing Toolbox
img = padarray(img,[1 1],'symmetric','both');
dimg = zeros(row,col);
switch (direction)
case 'dx',
dimg(:,2:col) = img(:,2:col)-img(:,1:col-1);
case 'dy',
dimg(2:row,:) = img(2:row,:)-img(1:row-1,:);
otherwise, disp('Direction is unknown');
dimg = dimg(2:end-1,2:end-1);
when i will run this program i face the error like this
(Error using mipbackwarddiff (line 17)
Not enough input arguments.)
kindly someone help me to solve this
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Feb 2019
You cannot run that code just be clicking the green Run triangle. You need either call it from other code or else go down to the command window, set up whatever variables you need, and then invoke it at the command window. For example,
img = imread('cameraman.tif');
dimg = mipbackwarddiff(img, 'dx');

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