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How to divide a column in equal density bins.

11 views (last 30 days)
I have a column of values of which some are missing (nan). I want to implement a function that discretizes them into 10 equal density bins (not equal width). So, each bin will have approximately the same number of samples and that function returns me original index of all values in each bin. Note: Nan must be ignored. I tried quantile but the values in each bin are different. Any help?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Sep 2015
sortvals = sort(YourData(~isnan(YourData)));
binwidth = floor(length(sortvals)/10);
leftover = length(sortvals) - binwidth*10;
bincontents = cell2mat(sortvals(:), [binwidth*ones(1,9), leftover], 1);
The extras that do not fit within equal-width bins are allocated arbitrarily to the last bin.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Sep 2015
For lack of other instructions, I will distribute them evenly over the interior.
sortvals = sort(YourData(~isnan(YourData)));
binwidth = floor(length(sortvals)/10);
cellwidths = binwidth*ones(1,10);
%distribute leftovers evenly in interior
leftover = length(sortvals) - binwidth*10;
leftovers_at = floor(linspace(0,11,leftover+2)); %not linspace(1,10) !!
leftovers_at = leftovers_at(2:end-1); %trim 0, 11
cellwidths(leftovers_at) = cellwidths(leftovers_at) + 1;
bincontents = cell2mat(sortvals(:), cellwidths, 1);
Note: this code to distribute over the interior will not necessarily work correctly if the number of bins is not 10. In particular, when there are a lot of leftovers relative to the number of bins, I do not promise that floor() will not create a duplicate. I don't think it would, but I have not proven that it cannot, such as due to round-off error.

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Sep 2015
Perhaps compute CDF and scan along putting 10% of the total into each new, variable-width bin:
% Make random data of "density" so I assume it's a histogram.
myHistogram = randi(20, 1, 1234);
% Randomly make some of them nan's
% Not sure how this would happen with a histogram, but whatever....
nanLocations = randi(length(myHistogram), 1, 33);
myHistogram(nanLocations) = NaN
% Now we can start
% First make NaNs zero.
myHistogram(isnan(myHistogram)) = 0
% Now compute CDF
myCDF = cumsum(myHistogram);
myCDF = myCDF / myCDF(end);
% plot(myCDF);
% grid on;
% Find out how many bins to sum together
% so that we get 10 new bins.
binsToUse = round(length(myHistogram)/10);
% Rebin into 10 bins
edges(1) = 1; % Location of first bin.
for b = 1 : 9
% Find out bin that will give CDFs of 10%, 20%, 30%,...100%
endingBin = find(myCDF < b*0.1, 1, 'last')
edges(b+1) = endingBin;
% Sum those bins to form new histogram
newHist(b) = sum(myHistogram(edges(b):edges(b+1)));
% Finish up with last bin.
newHist(10) = sum(myHistogram(edges(9) + 1:end));
% Print to command line


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