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Store only numbers from user input

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi guys
Is there a way to store only the numbers from lets say an input of the type S^2+67*s+98

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Dec 2011
numstrs = regexp(TheString, '-?\d+', 'match');
then convert each of the cell strings returned in numstrs to numeric form. The -? part is to recognize an optional negative sign.
If you want to be able to accept floating point numbers, or if you want to recognize fractions as being numbers, or if you want to recognize pi as being a number, then the task gets more difficult.
  1 Comment
Raldi on 1 Dec 2011
No i think this will do, thank you Walter.

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More Answers (1)

Jan on 1 Dec 2011
Another approach from the times of Matlab 5.3 without REGEXP:
S = 'S^2+67*s+98';
S((S < '0' | S > '9') & S ~= '.') = ' ';
N = sscanf(S, '%g');
Raldi on 1 Dec 2011
Seems that i have another problem now. What if i only need the numbers that are lets say just before the letter S. I tried to figure it out from the matlab's help but with no luck.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Dec 2011
Answered in your newer question.

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