Periodic result using ode45 while simulating a parachute decent with 6DOF dynamics
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So I've been trying to simulate a parachute descent (very basic model, almost a mass body with a coefficient of drag), from a height. While simulating only in the axial direction(z axis), the results coincide with kinematics equations. However, when I give a non-zero initial condition, the outputs go crazy (definitely not correct) with periodic solutions to related terms. I seem to have checked my equations, they seem to be right. Is there anything with 'odeset' I can work this out around.
Zero non-axial initial condition:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
Non-zero IC:
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
this is the code i've used for these plots. Please feel free to ask any clarifications
%% 6DOF fucntion definition
function [dxdt, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x)
M_para = 5; %mass of the parachute in Kgs
g = 9.81; %gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
I_x = 1; I_y = 1; I_z = 3; %Inertia matrix diagonal principal of the parachute in kg-m^2
CD_para = 0.9; %coefficient of drag of parachute
CL_para = 0; %coefficient of lift of parachute
rho = 1; %density of the atmosphere in Kg/m^3
x_com = 0; y_com = 0; z_com = -5; %position of COM of the paarchute from the integrated system's COM(body axis origin) in m
A = 10; %parachute area in m^2
%state variables defining
x_pos = x(1); y_pos = x(2); z_pos = x(3); %postion variables
u = x(4); v = x(5); w = x(6); %velocity variables
phi = x(7); theta = x(8); psi = x(9); %attitude/euler angles variables
p = x(10); q = x(11); r = x(12); %euler angular rate variables
%rate of change of postion -> velocity
dx_pos = u;
dy_pos = v;
dz_pos = w;
%Gravity moment of the parachute along x,y and z components
GravityMoment_para_x = M_para*g*cos(theta)*(y_com*cos(phi) - z_com*sin(phi));
GravityMoment_para_y = M_para*g*(z_com*sin(theta) - x_com*cos(theta)*cos(phi));
GravityMoment_para_z = M_para*g*(x_com*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + y_com*sin(theta));
V_total = sqrt(u^2 + v^2 + w^2); %net speed
persistent angle_of_attack %defining this variable to take it as a output outside ode45
alpha = acos(w/V_total); %angle of attack calculated in radians
angle_of_attack = [angle_of_attack; alpha]; %concatinating current iterated angle of attack in global variable
%Componetize CD and CL into tangential and normal force coefficients
CT = CD_para*cos(alpha) - CL_para*sin(alpha);
CN = CL_para*cos(alpha) + CD_para*sin(alpha);
% Aerodynamic force along x,y,z axes F = 0.5*rho*v^2*A
if (u == 0 & v == 0)
Aerodynamic_force_x = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_y = 0;
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
Aerodynamic_force_x = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(u/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_y = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(v/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Aerodynamic_force_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
%Moment caused by aerodynamic force along x,y,x
Aerodynamic_moment_x = y_com*Aerodynamic_force_z - z_com*Aerodynamic_force_y;
Aerodynamic_moment_y = z_com*Aerodynamic_force_x - x_com*Aerodynamic_force_z;
Aerodynamic_moment_z = x_com*Aerodynamic_force_y - y_com*Aerodynamic_force_x;
%rate change of velocity definition
du = v*r - w*q + g*sin(theta) + Aerodynamic_force_x/M_para;
dv = -u*r + w*p + g*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_y/M_para;
dw = u*q - v*p + g*cos(theta)*cos(phi) + Aerodynamic_force_z/M_para;
%rate change of euler angles definition
dphi = p + (r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi))*tan(theta);
dtheta = q*cos(phi) - r*sin(phi);
dpsi = (cos(theta)^-1)*(r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi));
%rate change of angular rates definition
dp = (1/I_x)*(Aerodynamic_moment_x + GravityMoment_para_x);
dq = (1/I_y)*(Aerodynamic_moment_y + GravityMoment_para_y);
dr = (1/I_z)*(Aerodynamic_moment_z + GravityMoment_para_z);
dxdt = [dx_pos; dy_pos; dz_pos; du; dv; dw; dphi; dtheta; dpsi; dp; dq; dr];
%block to output angle of attack
if nargout>1
aoa_series = angle_of_attack;
tspan = [0 3];
x0 = [0; 0; -100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
[t, x] = ode45(@six_DOF_dynamics, tspan, x0);
[~, aoa_series] = six_DOF_dynamics(t,x);
%adding alpha as a part of x
% Plot results
plot(t, x(:,1:3));
legend('x', 'y', 'z');
plot(t, x(:,4:6));
legend('u', 'v', 'w');
plot(t, x(:,7:9));
title('Euler Angles');
legend('phi', 'theta', 'psi');
plot(t, x(:,10:12));
title('Euler Rates');
legend('p', 'q', 'r');
Answers (1)
Sam Chak
on 11 Sep 2024
Hi @mekg_10
At first, I thought you were trying to duplicate the results of the paper by attaching a parachute to the Mars EDL. However, after looking at the simulation parameters, it seems that you’re actually conducting a parachute simulation study on Earth. I’m not sure if the following simulation is correct or not from a purely mathematical perspective.
%% Parachute descent dynamics
function [dstate, aoa_series] = Parachute_dynamics(t, state)
%% parameters
m = 5; % mass of the parachute in Kgs
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration in m/s^2
I_x = 1;
I_y = 1;
I_z = 3; % Inertia matrix diagonal principal of the parachute in kg-m^2
CD_para = 0.9; % coefficient of drag of parachute
CL_para = 0; % coefficient of lift of parachute
rho = 1; % density of the atmosphere in Kg/m^3
x_com = 0;
y_com = 0;
z_com = -5; % position of COM of the paarchute from the integrated system's COM(body axis origin) in m
A = 10; % parachute area in m^2
%% state variables defining
x = state(1);
y = state(2);
z =-state(3); % postion variables
u = state(4);
v = state(5);
w = state(6); % velocity variables
phi = state(7);
theta = state(8);
psi = state(9); % attitude/euler angles variables
p = state(10);
q = state(11);
r = state(12); % angular rate velocity components
%% Moments due to gravitational acceleration
Mg_x = m*g*cos(theta)*( y*cos(phi) - z*sin(phi)); % Mpx
Mg_y = m*g* (- z*sin(theta) - x*cos(theta)*cos(phi)); % Mpy (originally incorrect)
Mg_z = m*g* ( x*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + y*sin(theta)); % Mpz
V_total = sqrt(u^2 + v^2 + w^2); % net speed
persistent angle_of_attack %defining this variable to take it as a output outside ode45
alpha = acos(w/V_total); %angle of attack calculated in radians
angle_of_attack = [angle_of_attack; alpha]; %concatinating current iterated angle of attack in global variable
% Componetize CD and CL into tangential and normal force coefficients
CT = CD_para*cos(alpha) - CL_para*sin(alpha);
CN = CL_para*cos(alpha) + CD_para*sin(alpha);
%% Aerodynamic forces along x, y, z axes, F = 0.5*rho*v^2*A
if (u == 0 & v == 0)
Fa_x = 0;
Fa_y = 0;
Fa_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
Fa_x = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(u/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Fa_y = -0.5*rho*CN*V_total*V_total*A*(v/(u^2 + v^2)^0.5);
Fa_z = -0.5*rho*CT*V_total*V_total*A;
%% Aerodynamic moments
Ma_x = y*Fa_z - z*Fa_y;
Ma_y = z*Fa_x - x*Fa_z;
Ma_z = x*Fa_y - y*Fa_x;
%% Translational kinematics w.r.t. Earth
dx_pos = u*(cos(theta)*cos(psi)) + v*(sin(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi) - cos(phi)*sin(psi)) + w*(cos(phi)*sin(theta)*cos(psi) + sin(phi)*sin(psi));
dy_pos = u*(cos(theta)*sin(psi)) + v*(sin(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi) + cos(phi)*cos(psi)) + w*(cos(phi)*sin(theta)*sin(psi) - sin(phi)*cos(psi));
dh_pos = u* sin(theta) - v* sin(phi)*cos(theta) - w* cos(phi)*cos(theta);
%% Rotational kinematics
du = v*r - w*q + g*sin(theta) + Fa_x/m;
dv = - u*r + w*p + g*cos(theta)*sin(phi) + Fa_y/m;
dw = u*q - v*p + g*cos(theta)*cos(phi) + Fa_z/m;
%% Force equations
dphi = p + (r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi))*tan(theta);
dtheta = q*cos(phi) - r*sin(phi);
dpsi = (r*cos(phi) + q*sin(phi))/cos(theta);
%% Moment equations
dp = (1/I_x)*(Ma_x + Mg_x + (I_y - I_z)*q*r);
dq = (1/I_y)*(Ma_y + Mg_y + (I_z - I_x)*r*p);
dr = (1/I_z)*(Ma_z + Mg_z + (I_x - I_y)*p*q);
%% ODE vector
dstate = [dx_pos;
% block to output angle of attack
if nargout>1
aoa_series = angle_of_attack;
%% Touchdown Event: The moment at which the parachute make contact with the ground during descending
function [position, isterminal, direction] = touchdown(~, state)
position = state(3); % The height that we want to be zero
isterminal = 1; % Halt integration
direction = -1; % height is in decreasing direction
%% Call ode45 solver
tspan = [0 40];
x0 = [0; 0; 100; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-6, 'AbsTol', 1e-9, 'Events', @touchdown);
[t, x] = ode45(@Parachute_dynamics, tspan, x0, options);
%% Plot result
plot(t, x(:,3)), grid on
xlabel('Time (t) / s'), ylabel('Height (h) / m')
title('Parachute height');
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