Out of memory error
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I'm trying to run the code below, it works well and does its job. The problem is that it is not capable of running all iterations continuously, the out of memory error always appears and I end up having to restart it or start it running from where it left off. I've already made some changes, but the error still persists. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how I can get around it?
The algorithm saves one image from each cycle, with each iteration almost 1800 images are generated, I don't know if this is what is causing the error to occur. But using the close(figh) command it closes the image that is used to save...
clear all; close all; clc; warning off;
baseDir = 'C:\Users\Lucas\Documents\Mestrado\wsst';
caso = 2; % Selecionando o caso 2 para simulação
N = 32;
ciclo = 128;
tipos_de_falta = ["A", "B", "C", "AB", "BC", "CA", "ABC"];
hs = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100];
runs = 1:9;
for idx_tipo = 1:length(tipos_de_falta)
for idx_h = 1:length(hs)
for idx_run = 1:length(runs)
clearvars -except baseDir caso N ciclo hs tipos_de_falta runs idx_tipo idx_h idx_run
tipo_falta = tipos_de_falta(idx_tipo);
h = hs(idx_h);
run = runs(idx_run);
if caso == 2
[Ip_faseA, Ip_faseB, Ip_faseC, Is_faseA, Is_faseB, Is_faseC, If_faseA, If_faseB, If_faseC, t, instanteChaveamento, prefixo_arquivo, tipo_falta_descricao] = PSCAD_2(h, N, tipo_falta, run);
disp('Opção inválida. Por favor, escolha 1, 2 ou 3.');
pastaCaso = ['Falta_', prefixo_arquivo, '_em_', num2str(h),'_da_LT'];
casoPath = fullfile(baseDir, pastaCaso);
if ~exist(casoPath, 'dir')
chaveamentoFolderName = sprintf('Chaveamento_%0.6f_s', instanteChaveamento);
chaveamentoFolderName = regexprep(chaveamentoFolderName, '[\s\.]', '');
chaveamentoPath = fullfile(casoPath, chaveamentoFolderName);
if ~exist(chaveamentoPath, 'dir')
subFolders = {'pre_falta', 'chaveamento', 'falta'};
phases = {'Fase A', 'Fase B', 'Fase C'};
for i = 1:length(subFolders)
subFolderPath = fullfile(chaveamentoPath, subFolders{i});
if ~exist(subFolderPath, 'dir')
for j = 1:length(phases)
phaseFolderPath = fullfile(subFolderPath, phases{j});
if ~exist(phaseFolderPath, 'dir')
Ida = If_faseA;
Idb = If_faseB;
Idc = If_faseC;
Ida = normalize(Ida);
Idb = normalize(Idb);
Idc = normalize(Idc);
total_a = length(t);
total_d = t(end) - t(1);
fs = total_a / total_d;
for i = 1:(total_a - ciclo + 1)
i_limite = min(i + ciclo, total_a);
tmin = t(i);
tmax = t(i_limite);
if tmin >= 1
if tmax < instanteChaveamento
pasta_destino = 'pre_falta';
elseif tmin >= instanteChaveamento
pasta_destino = 'falta';
pasta_destino = 'chaveamento';
for fase = ['a', 'b', 'c']
[sst, f] = wsst(eval(['Id' fase '(i:i_limite)']), fs, 'ExtendSignal', true);
figh = figure('Visible', 'off');
pcolor(t(i:i_limite), f, abs(sst));
shading interp;
set(figh, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
set(gca, 'Visible', 'off');
caminho_do_arquivo = sprintf('%s\\%s\\Fase %s\\TF_Ridges_Fase_%s_%s_em_%d_LT_%d.jpg', ...
chaveamentoPath, pasta_destino, upper(fase), upper(fase), prefixo_arquivo, h, i);
exportgraphics(gca, caminho_do_arquivo);
close(figh); % Fechar a figura atual para economizar memória
Walter Roberson
on 30 Jul 2024
It would be more robust to be explicit which axes you are working with
figh = figure('Visible', 'off');
ax = axes('parent', figh);
pcolor(ax, t(i:i_limite), f, abs(sst));
shading(ax, 'interp');
set(figh, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
set(ax, 'Visible', 'off');
colorbar(ax, 'off');
caminho_do_arquivo = sprintf('%s\\%s\\Fase %s\\TF_Ridges_Fase_%s_%s_em_%d_LT_%d.jpg', ...
chaveamentoPath, pasta_destino, upper(fase), upper(fase), prefixo_arquivo, h, i);
exportgraphics(ax, caminho_do_arquivo);
close(figh); % Fechar a figura atual para economizar memória
Answers (1)
Ashutosh Thakur
on 23 Jul 2024
Hello Luccas,
The approach of splitting the codebase into the calculation part and the graphics part can be done, and then both sections can be profiled for benchmarking. You can use the memory function in MATLAB to identify memory usage and calculate the memory usage of different operations, thereby identifying the operations that are causing memory issues. You can refer to the following documentation links:
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/performance-and-memory.html.
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/memory.html.
To resolve Out of Memory issues, you can follow the following link on the strategies and methods described in the following link:
I hope this helps you!
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