Need to open matrix data from IR Camera recording. Wanting to get data translated into excel format for running a python script for analysis.

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We recorded a 10 minute period using MatLab Image Acquisition Tool through an IR camera watching for natural convection in a steady state object. We're needing to translate temperature data from each frame into a form of storing that data in which we can implement code to look for signs of natural convection. Currently, matlab says the file is too large to open in a matrix view. However, manually getting pixel information for each pixel needed over each slide is just not possible
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Jul 2024
Currently, matlab says the file is too large to open in a matrix view.
That sounds like you are trying to openvar to view the entire contents of the matrix. If so... don't do that! Use indexing to extract portions of the data.

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Answers (1)

Rahul on 8 Aug 2024
I understand that you have a large file which is created as a result of a recording of 10 minutes time period.
This MATLAB Answer explains using 'matfile' function can be helpful in accessing and changing variables in .mat-file without loading file into memory:
Another option can be, indexing through the matrix obtained from the .mat file using a loop and then using the 'csvwrite' function to create a .csv file which can be used to access data in python as required in this case.
You can refer to the following Mathworks documentations to know more about these functions:
Hope this helps! Thanks.




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