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How to solve nonlinear equation?

2 views (last 30 days)
Semiha on 11 May 2024
Edited: Torsten on 11 May 2024
I wrote the following code to derive an analytical solution to nonlinear equation but it gives an error. Could you please help me to fix it? Or any suggestion to solve in an analytical way. Thanks
syms x(t);
ode = diff(x,t) == -1*(1-abs(x)^2*x-(1-0.5)*x);
cond = x(0) == 1;
xSol(t) = dsolve(ode,cond);
Warning: Unable to find symbolic solution.
t = 0:1:100;
xSols = xSol(t);
Error using plot
Invalid data argument.
  1 Comment
Torsten on 11 May 2024
If it helps: You can get t as an analytical function of x, but I think it's not possible to solve for x.

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Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 11 May 2024
Edited: Sam Chak on 11 May 2024
I'm afraid that the nonlinear differential equation may not have an analytical solution. In such cases, you can utilize the 'ode45' solver to obtain a numerical solution.
ode = @(t, x) 1*(1 - abs(x)^2*x - (1 - 0.5)*x);
tspan = [0 10]; % simulation time
x0 = 1; % initial value
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-4, 'AbsTol', 1e-6);
[t, x] = ode45(ode, tspan, x0, options);
plot(t, x), grid on, xlabel('t'), ylabel('x(t)')
Semiha on 11 May 2024
I mean diff(x,t) == i(1 - x^3 - 0.5*x) and x(0)=0
Torsten on 11 May 2024
Edited: Torsten on 11 May 2024
I don't know why for the symbolic solution, not for all t-values solutions for x are returned.
ode = @(t, x) 1i*(1 - x^3 - 0.5*x);
tspan = [0 10]; % simulation time
x0 = 0; % initial value
[t, x] = ode45(ode, tspan, x0);
plot(t, real(x)), grid on, xlabel('t'), ylabel('real(x(t))')
plot(t, imag(x)), grid on, xlabel('t'), ylabel('imag(x(t))')
syms x(t) u
ode = diff(x,t) == 1i*(1 - x^3 - 0.5*x);
cond = x(0) == 0;
xSol = dsolve(ode, cond, 'Implicit', true);
xSol = subs(xSol,x,u);
ans = 

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