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Applying Colormaps to Scatter3 Plots

14 views (last 30 days)
Paul on 6 Mar 2024
Commented: Voss on 7 Mar 2024
I'm trying to plot using scatter3, along with colormaps to understand correlations in my data. Currently, this is what I've developed
At first glance, this might look ok, but if you take a closer look (especially as time increases,) you can see that the control action data points don't follow the colorbar colors as you would expect it to. To help, here's the code I wrote to make the plot.
% Here, variable{xAxisChoice} and its similiar calls are 500 x 3001
% matrices.
c = parula(height(variable{zAxisChoice}));
hold on; grid on; grid minor; box on;
scatter3(variable{xAxisChoice}, variable{yAxisChoice}, variable{zAxisChoice}, 0.75, c)
title(['Scenario ' num2str(scenarioChoice)])
cb = colorbar('colormap', c);
clim([min(variable{4}, [], 'all'), max(variable{4}, [], 'all')])
ylabel(cb, 'Control Action, u [1/m]','FontSize', 12);
I'd be willing to switch to surf or scatteredInterpolant if that makes it easier to represent. The essential points are that each point can be seen, and that the colormap can be applied.
Paul on 6 Mar 2024
Thanks for this contribution @Walter Roberson! Do you have any idea how I could correlate the color of the point to the z-axis?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 6 Mar 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 6 Mar 2024
variable = {rand(500,3001),rand(500,3001),rand(500,3001)};
xAxisChoice = 1;
yAxisChoice = 2;
zAxisChoice = 3;
c = variable{zAxisChoice}(:);
hold on; grid on; grid minor; box on;
scatter3(variable{xAxisChoice}(:), variable{yAxisChoice}(:), variable{zAxisChoice}(:), 0.75, c)

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Accepted Answer

Voss on 6 Mar 2024
"Do you have any idea how I could correlate the color of the point to the z-axis?"
If that's what you want to do, the easy way is to set the figure or axes colormap, and use the Z-variable as the color input to scatter3:
variable = {25+15*rand(500,3001),300*rand(500,3001),-2.5e-4*rand(500,3001)};
xAxisChoice = 1;
yAxisChoice = 2;
zAxisChoice = 3;
name = {'Density \rho [cars/km]','Time t[s]','Control Action, u [1/m]'};
c = parula(height(variable{zAxisChoice}));
hold on; grid on; grid minor; box on;
scatter3(variable{xAxisChoice}(:), variable{yAxisChoice}(:), variable{zAxisChoice}(:), 0.75, variable{zAxisChoice}(:))
cb = colorbar();
clim([min(variable{zAxisChoice}, [], 'all'), max(variable{zAxisChoice}, [], 'all')])
ylabel(cb, name{zAxisChoice},'FontSize', 12);
Paul on 7 Mar 2024
Great! I got this to work with my data. I've accepted the answer because it answers exactly what I asked, but I have one more question - if length(variable{yAxisChoice}(:)) ~= length(variable{xAxisChoice}(:)) or length(variable{zAxisChoice}(:)), how could I change the code to help it handle that case?
Voss on 7 Mar 2024
You're welcome!
In case variable{xAxisChoice} et al are not all the same size, I would go by the smallest one and truncate the others for plotting. Something like this:
[mx,nx] = size(variable{xAxisChoice});
[my,ny] = size(variable{yAxisChoice});
[mz,nz] = size(variable{zAxisChoice});
m = min([mx,my,mz]);
n = min([nx,ny,nz]);
X = variable{xAxisChoice}(1:m,1:n);
Y = variable{yAxisChoice}(1:m,1:n);
Z = variable{zAxisChoice}(1:m,1:n);
scatter3(X(:), Y(:), Z(:), 0.75, Z(:))

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