data extract

1 view (last 30 days)
Baba on 9 Nov 2011
I have data in a single column in the following format:
I would like to extract 123456 between - and .

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 9 Nov 2011
d =
200000 200001 200002
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 9 Nov 2011
By the way, when I say valid data in MATLAB, I mean you write down something in your question so others can copy and paste to test it in the code. The three lines in your comment are not really valid data in MATLAB. You could provide it as str={'123456-200000.123.bin';'123456-200001.153.bin';'123456-200002.126.bin'}. So when others copy it, they have the data right away in MATLAB to work with.
Baba on 9 Nov 2011
Alright, no problem.

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Nov 2011
t = regexp(str, '-(\d+)', 'tokens');
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Nov 2011
It is not very different from Fangjun's version, but involves fewer operations. regexp looks through each of the input strings, looking for a pattern of interest. The pattern of interest starts with a "-" and ends just before the first non-digit after that. The () indicate that whatever pattern inside the () is matched is to be recorded separately, so since the pattern is "one or more digits", those digits are recorded separately (i.e., without the leading "-" that was part of the matching pattern.) The 'tokens' parameter says to return the parts that were recorded separately (the "tokens" that the pattern marked as being of interest.)
The list of tokens is returned all in one cell array, and inside the cell array is a list of cell arrays, one per input string; inside there is the character array. The cellfun iterates over all of individual outputs (one per input line) and unwraps a cell array level from what is there and converts the result from text to a double precision number.
Baba on 9 Nov 2011
Thanks for the explanation.

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