Failed Internal Error: Could not connect the blocks in the model during HDL Code generation

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to generate the code for the Subsystem but when i use workflow advisor to generate this error exist:
Failed Internal Error: Could not connect the blocks in the model 'Sim_EmulatedMechanics_Test'. Look for unconnected blocks or other warnings or errors and correct them to continue.
Attached ist the Model

Answers (1)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali on 7 Oct 2023
This usually indicates the model cannot be put in a compiled state prior to HDL Code generation.
You should consider restart MATLAB, cd to the directory where the model exists, make sure it is writable, press ctrl-d or compile the model, address any compilation issues (missing models on the path, missing setup for variables in the workspace visible to the model etc.,) prior to generating HDL from the model.




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