Plot rectangular pulse as a function of 2 variables

2 views (last 30 days)
T_b or the symbol period is not given, f is the frequency, this is supposed to be a fourier transform. How do I plot the rectangular pulse of (f*T_b), I get errors saying rectangularPulse funciton only accepts inputs of a single variable.

Answers (1)

Pooja Kumari
Pooja Kumari on 27 Sep 2023
Dear Grant,
It is my understanding that you are facing issue with plotting rectangular pulse as a function of two variables i.e.T_b” and “f”.T_b” is the symbol period, and “f” is the frequency.
The rectangular Pulse function is used to generate a rectangular pulse with a duration of T_b and an amplitude of 1. The function is applied to the time vector t, resulting in the rectangular pulse waveform. You can take Fourier transform of rectangular pulse using “fft function. You can refer to the documentation of Fourier transform:
You can refer to the below documentation for more information on “rectpulse” function:
Pooja Kumari

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