Latex Failing for Big Linear System
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Koustubh Gohad
on 31 May 2023
Edited: Koustubh Gohad
on 1 Jun 2023
I'm trying to dynamically update an equation in a figure window, but latex seems to be failing for bigger matrices.
n = 20;
m = 1;
A = m*rand(n, n);
B = m*rand(n, 1);
C = A*B;
l = zeros(size(C));
figure; set(gca, 'visible', 'off')
f = gcf; f.Position = [185.8, 423.4, 1089.6, 420];
for i = 1:numel(B)
A_str = latex(sym(A(1:i, :), 'd'));
B_str = latex(sym(B, 'd'));
C_str = latex(sym(C(1:i), 'd'));
myEquation = strcat('$', A_str, B_str, ' = ', C_str, '$');
if i == 1
TT = text(0, 0.5, myEquation, 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 10);
TT.String = myEquation;
l(i) = strlength(myEquation);
It works fine till n = 8, starts failing for the last iteration at n = 9. Any pointers to make it work for n = 20 would be greatly apprecaited. For n = 20, the number of characters in the equation string exceeds 1200 at i = 7, but the equation stops dislpaying at i = 3.
If copy the eqation string after the last iteration at n = 20 (i.e, n = 20, i = 20), and then insert -> equation -> latex equation and paste it (in a live script), it works as expected.
Walter Roberson
on 31 May 2023
probes = 1139:1:1140;
for K = 1:length(probes)
msg = "$" + repmat('x', 1, probes(K)-2) + "$";
text(.1, K*0.1, msg, 'interpreter', 'latex');
hold on
So 1139 characters works, 1140 characters fails. At least for that set of characters.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 31 May 2023
Moved: Walter Roberson
on 1 Jun 2023
probes = 1:10;
base = repmat('\pi', 1, 300); %900 characters
for K = 1:length(probes)
msg = "$" + base + repmat('x', 1, probes(K)-2) + "$";
text(.1, K*0.1, msg, 'interpreter', 'latex');
hold on
3 character per \pi and repeat that 300 times and add in leading and trailing $ gives us 902+1 and 902+2 working but 902+3 = 905 failing. But when I used repetitions of '. ' or 'x' then failure is at 1139 / 1140. Therefore the buffer size is not strictly by characters: something related to the content being rendered can trigger failure earlier.
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