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Process .dat file, plot, scale, and put back into similar format
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Have looked at fopen, textscan, importdata, running into issues, could use support...
looking to open, ignore the headers, then import this file's tabular data, read from left to right, then down: It's all Y axis data, with x starting from 0 in increments of 0.005 sec, plot the time history, resample and recale at 0.02 seconds and output the tabular x,y data and generate a similar .dat file placed in 8 columns without the x values.
Having issues with which is the best option for file importing, delimiting and data type issues and have gone thru all the examples and can't pin it down.
Any help or insight appreciated.
Michael :)
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 27 May 2023
It would help to have the file rather than an image.
I would do something like this:
fidi = fopen('Hled.dat','rt');
C = textscan(fidi, repmat('%f',1,8), 'HeaderLines',16, 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',1);
EarthQuake = cell2mat(C);
michael roberts
on 30 May 2023
Thanks for addressing:
Forum wouldn't allow for a .dat file to be uploaded, so resaved at .txt to attach.
The textscan approach appears to grab 4 columns of numbers and add a NaN column: changed the Delmiiter ' ' to '/t' and same result.
Star Strider
on 31 May 2023
Add 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1 to the textscan argument list —
type('H1 - Copy.txt') % Check File
0080512142804 08-05-12 14-28-04 BTM
EPICENTER 31.000N 103.400E DEPTH 14 KM
PEAK VALUE: 957.700 AT 33.01 SEC DURATION: 180 SEC
3.230996E-001 2.772574E-001 2.590141E-001 3.081307E-001 2.290764E-001 3.193574E-001 2.220597E-001 2.566752E-001
2.959685E-001 1.921220E-001 3.291807E-001 2.276730E-001 3.048563E-001 3.151474E-001 2.688374E-001 3.273096E-001
2.697730E-001 2.880163E-001 2.590141E-001 2.763219E-001 2.454486E-001 2.482552E-001 2.571430E-001 2.510619E-001
2.543363E-001 3.025174E-001 2.664985E-001 2.781930E-001 3.338585E-001 2.440452E-001 3.413429E-001 2.552719E-001
2.622885E-001 2.940974E-001 2.066231E-001 3.151474E-001 2.267375E-001 2.903552E-001 3.011141E-001 2.407708E-001
3.114052E-001 2.758541E-001 2.955007E-001 2.777252E-001 3.015818E-001 2.496586E-001 2.926941E-001 2.571430E-001
2.449808E-001 3.034529E-001 2.145753E-001 3.427462E-001 2.211242E-001 2.828707E-001 2.819352E-001 2.131719E-001
3.357296E-001 2.094297E-001 3.230996E-001 2.730474E-001 2.702408E-001 3.413429E-001 2.618208E-001 3.287129E-001
2.781930E-001 2.524652E-001 2.786607E-001 2.314153E-001 2.580785E-001 2.519974E-001 2.449808E-001 2.735152E-001
2.412386E-001 2.926941E-001 2.959685E-001 2.744507E-001 3.025174E-001 2.842741E-001 2.594819E-001 2.842741E-001
2.435775E-001 2.622885E-001 2.599497E-001 2.346897E-001 3.114052E-001 2.482552E-001 3.179540E-001 2.903552E-001
2.664985E-001 3.230996E-001 2.538686E-001 2.898874E-001 2.562074E-001 2.435775E-001 2.669663E-001 2.426419E-001
2.646274E-001 2.753863E-001 2.557397E-001 3.109374E-001 2.763219E-001 2.973718E-001 3.025174E-001 2.608852E-001
3.235674E-001 2.407708E-001 2.683696E-001 2.739830E-001 2.632241E-001 2.716441E-001 2.608852E-001 2.880163E-001
2.412386E-001 2.767896E-001 2.805319E-001 2.950329E-001 2.931618E-001 2.819352E-001 2.660308E-001 2.772574E-001
2.800641E-001 2.646274E-001 2.805319E-001 2.491908E-001 3.025174E-001 2.243986E-001 2.758541E-001 3.029852E-001
2.328186E-001 3.245029E-001 2.707085E-001 2.636919E-001 3.015818E-001 2.725796E-001 2.973718E-001 2.880163E-001
2.356253E-001 2.922263E-001 2.346897E-001 2.814674E-001 2.772574E-001 2.482552E-001 3.301162E-001 2.384319E-001
3.287129E-001 2.501263E-001 2.800641E-001 3.057918E-001 2.286086E-001 2.898874E-001 2.309475E-001 2.898874E-001
2.454486E-001 2.739830E-001 3.015818E-001 2.580785E-001 3.025174E-001 2.884841E-001 2.767896E-001 3.015818E-001
2.786607E-001 2.632241E-001 2.833385E-001 2.417064E-001 2.711763E-001 2.487230E-001 2.744507E-001 2.683696E-001
2.529330E-001 3.043885E-001 2.632241E-001 2.983074E-001 2.660308E-001 2.767896E-001 2.800641E-001 2.622885E-001
2.795963E-001 2.318830E-001 2.725796E-001 2.697730E-001 2.632241E-001 2.674341E-001 2.870807E-001 2.959685E-001
2.781930E-001 3.081307E-001 2.870807E-001 2.936296E-001 2.950329E-001 2.557397E-001 2.758541E-001 2.716441E-001
2.272053E-001 2.744507E-001 2.543363E-001 2.580785E-001 2.763219E-001 2.318830E-001 3.259062E-001 2.576108E-001
2.814674E-001 3.170185E-001 2.304797E-001 3.235674E-001 2.505941E-001 2.852096E-001 2.922263E-001 2.674341E-001
3.076629E-001 2.650952E-001 2.894196E-001 2.548041E-001 3.039207E-001 2.473197E-001 2.627563E-001 2.501263E-001
2.496586E-001 2.721119E-001 2.463841E-001 3.029852E-001 2.505941E-001 3.212285E-001 2.622885E-001 3.067274E-001
2.917585E-001 2.856774E-001 3.048563E-001 2.487230E-001 2.875485E-001 2.379641E-001 2.917585E-001 2.155108E-001
3.039207E-001 2.417064E-001 2.711763E-001 3.001785E-001 2.519974E-001 3.230996E-001 2.342219E-001 3.549084E-001
2.239308E-001 3.296485E-001 2.421741E-001 2.459164E-001 3.268418E-001 1.818309E-001 3.703451E-001 1.883797E-001
3.085985E-001 2.833385E-001 2.510619E-001 3.329229E-001 2.445130E-001 3.249707E-001 2.711763E-001 2.926941E-001
2.477875E-001 3.029852E-001 2.613530E-001 2.856774E-001 2.618208E-001 2.463841E-001 3.081307E-001 2.136397E-001
3.170185E-001 2.477875E-001 2.824030E-001 2.767896E-001 2.379641E-001 3.118729E-001 2.272053E-001 2.852096E-001
2.861452E-001 2.342219E-001 3.114052E-001 2.711763E-001 2.557397E-001 3.366651E-001 2.342219E-001 2.964363E-001
2.772574E-001 2.351575E-001 3.357296E-001 2.155108E-001 3.240351E-001 2.403030E-001 2.421741E-001 3.441496E-001
1.949286E-001 3.418107E-001 2.566752E-001 2.721119E-001 2.983074E-001 2.131719E-001 2.959685E-001 2.108331E-001
2.627563E-001 2.440452E-001 2.613530E-001 2.875485E-001 2.590141E-001 3.301162E-001 2.955007E-001 3.132763E-001
3.057918E-001 3.095340E-001 2.688374E-001 2.767896E-001 2.889518E-001 2.141075E-001 2.716441E-001 2.215919E-001
2.337541E-001 2.763219E-001 2.566752E-001 3.001785E-001 2.955007E-001 2.969041E-001 3.100018E-001 3.001785E-001
3.048563E-001 2.852096E-001 2.650952E-001 2.866130E-001 2.365608E-001 2.997107E-001 2.641596E-001 2.622885E-001
2.828707E-001 2.351575E-001 3.137440E-001 2.197208E-001 2.983074E-001 2.660308E-001 2.534008E-001 3.001785E-001
2.332864E-001 3.156151E-001 2.524652E-001 2.940974E-001 2.725796E-001 2.669663E-001 3.100018E-001 2.622885E-001
2.978396E-001 2.515297E-001 2.608852E-001 2.599497E-001 2.599497E-001 2.922263E-001 2.660308E-001 2.997107E-001
2.529330E-001 3.048563E-001 2.880163E-001 2.468519E-001 3.282451E-001 2.201886E-001 3.025174E-001 2.510619E-001
2.491908E-001 3.081307E-001 2.169142E-001 3.315196E-001 2.585463E-001 2.833385E-001 3.011141E-001 2.482552E-001
3.071952E-001 2.744507E-001 2.510619E-001 2.880163E-001 2.674341E-001 2.693052E-001 3.053240E-001 2.197208E-001
3.048563E-001 2.519974E-001 2.650952E-001 2.936296E-001 2.267375E-001 3.273096E-001 2.258019E-001 3.268418E-001
2.650952E-001 2.664985E-001 3.263740E-001 2.370286E-001 3.011141E-001 2.314153E-001 2.875485E-001 2.384319E-001
2.866130E-001 2.534008E-001 2.735152E-001 2.945652E-001 2.707085E-001 3.343262E-001 2.650952E-001 3.455529E-001
2.346897E-001 3.263740E-001 2.449808E-001 2.552719E-001 2.809996E-001 1.911864E-001 3.338585E-001 2.075586E-001
3.114052E-001 2.847418E-001 2.824030E-001 3.282451E-001 2.824030E-001 2.866130E-001 2.725796E-001 2.669663E-001
2.454486E-001 2.767896E-001 2.304797E-001 2.777252E-001 2.604174E-001 2.884841E-001 2.814674E-001 2.814674E-001
3.160829E-001 2.622885E-001 2.978396E-001 2.580785E-001 2.388997E-001 2.693052E-001 2.318830E-001 2.463841E-001
2.707085E-001 2.585463E-001 3.067274E-001 2.683696E-001 2.936296E-001 2.997107E-001 2.767896E-001 2.931618E-001
2.791285E-001 2.683696E-001 2.557397E-001 2.875485E-001 2.426419E-001 2.861452E-001 2.697730E-001 2.814674E-001
2.870807E-001 2.772574E-001 3.053240E-001 2.426419E-001 3.067274E-001 2.360930E-001 2.594819E-001 2.636919E-001
2.155108E-001 3.198251E-001 2.604174E-001 2.702408E-001 2.828707E-001 2.688374E-001 3.170185E-001 2.749185E-001
3.100018E-001 2.912907E-001 2.332864E-001 3.071952E-001 2.393675E-001 2.795963E-001 2.847418E-001 2.660308E-001
3.062596E-001 2.337541E-001 2.950329E-001 2.445130E-001 2.955007E-001 2.496586E-001 2.632241E-001 2.693052E-001
2.332864E-001 3.422785E-001 2.267375E-001 3.492951E-001 2.608852E-001 2.978396E-001 3.025174E-001 2.393675E-001
3.376007E-001 2.131719E-001 3.100018E-001 2.164464E-001 2.599497E-001 2.459164E-001 2.496586E-001 3.034529E-001
2.435775E-001 3.128085E-001 2.763219E-001 3.123407E-001 2.866130E-001 3.170185E-001 2.346897E-001 3.048563E-001
2.505941E-001 2.435775E-001 2.983074E-001 2.201886E-001 3.081307E-001 2.024131E-001 3.245029E-001 2.323508E-001
3.001785E-001 2.997107E-001 2.440452E-001 3.324551E-001 2.094297E-001 3.273096E-001 2.346897E-001 3.029852E-001
2.669663E-001 2.917585E-001 2.833385E-001 2.739830E-001 3.202929E-001 2.005420E-001 3.544407E-001 1.841698E-001
2.814674E-001 2.608852E-001 2.084942E-001 3.151474E-001 2.286086E-001 3.212285E-001 2.552719E-001 3.202929E-001
2.917585E-001 3.039207E-001 3.029852E-001 2.618208E-001 2.800641E-001 2.566752E-001 2.683696E-001 2.304797E-001
3.015818E-001 2.178497E-001 2.894196E-001 2.781930E-001 2.730474E-001 3.249707E-001 2.487230E-001 3.025174E-001
2.253342E-001 2.664985E-001 2.487230E-001 2.641596E-001 2.604174E-001 2.440452E-001 3.029852E-001 2.730474E-001
3.123407E-001 2.833385E-001 3.104696E-001 2.753863E-001 3.001785E-001 2.838063E-001 2.393675E-001 3.029852E-001
2.417064E-001 2.763219E-001 2.379641E-001 2.505941E-001 2.931618E-001 2.211242E-001 3.062596E-001 2.650952E-001
2.641596E-001 3.039207E-001 2.482552E-001 3.156151E-001 2.618208E-001 2.781930E-001 2.744507E-001 2.515297E-001
2.997107E-001 2.332864E-001 3.043885E-001 2.861452E-001 2.482552E-001 3.202929E-001 2.463841E-001 2.847418E-001
3.043885E-001 2.183175E-001 3.282451E-001 2.636919E-001 2.730474E-001 3.184218E-001 2.328186E-001 3.170185E-001
2.519974E-001 2.725796E-001 2.702408E-001 2.580785E-001 2.847418E-001 2.445130E-001 2.856774E-001 2.781930E-001
2.707085E-001 2.716441E-001 2.898874E-001 2.496586E-001 3.085985E-001 2.852096E-001 2.838063E-001 3.076629E-001
2.379641E-001 3.034529E-001 2.524652E-001 2.618208E-001 2.735152E-001 2.449808E-001 2.838063E-001 2.627563E-001
2.534008E-001 3.039207E-001 2.534008E-001 2.922263E-001 2.744507E-001 2.473197E-001 3.100018E-001 2.300119E-001
3.408751E-001 2.374964E-001 2.940974E-001 2.997107E-001 2.431097E-001 3.338585E-001 2.229953E-001 3.497629E-001
2.445130E-001 2.884841E-001 2.833385E-001 2.510619E-001 3.053240E-001 2.342219E-001 3.034529E-001 2.131719E-001
2.987752E-001 2.295441E-001 2.739830E-001 2.983074E-001 2.440452E-001 3.380685E-001 2.309475E-001 3.188896E-001
2.370286E-001 2.749185E-001 2.622885E-001 2.155108E-001 3.193574E-001 2.370286E-001 2.992429E-001 2.772574E-001
3.067274E-001 2.926941E-001 3.081307E-001 2.777252E-001 2.786607E-001 2.955007E-001 2.445130E-001 2.917585E-001
2.314153E-001 2.987752E-001 2.267375E-001 2.702408E-001 2.608852E-001 2.618208E-001 2.936296E-001 2.534008E-001
3.179540E-001 2.487230E-001 3.263740E-001 2.519974E-001 3.048563E-001 2.833385E-001 2.627563E-001 3.071952E-001
2.192530E-001 3.001785E-001 2.538686E-001 2.912907E-001 2.632241E-001 2.814674E-001 2.973718E-001 2.290764E-001
3.137440E-001 2.477875E-001 2.431097E-001 3.109374E-001 2.262697E-001 3.039207E-001 2.622885E-001 2.758541E-001
3.226318E-001 2.173819E-001 3.698773E-001 2.496586E-001 2.955007E-001 3.245029E-001 2.412386E-001 3.352618E-001
2.328186E-001 2.800641E-001 2.777252E-001 2.351575E-001 2.632241E-001 2.674341E-001 2.290764E-001 3.029852E-001
2.169142E-001 2.978396E-001 3.043885E-001 2.281408E-001 3.656673E-001 2.089619E-001 3.890562E-001 2.309475E-001
3.039207E-001 3.296485E-001 1.565709E-001 3.750229E-001 1.444087E-001 3.315196E-001 2.421741E-001 2.323508E-001
3.338585E-001 2.028808E-001 3.376007E-001 2.636919E-001 3.240351E-001 2.608852E-001 3.202929E-001 2.510619E-001
2.679019E-001 3.156151E-001 1.982031E-001 3.273096E-001 1.851053E-001 3.057918E-001 2.604174E-001 2.388997E-001
3.287129E-001 2.075586E-001 3.399396E-001 2.234630E-001 3.011141E-001 3.193574E-001 2.407708E-001 3.446173E-001
2.407708E-001 2.969041E-001 2.739830E-001 2.398352E-001 2.987752E-001 2.346897E-001 2.964363E-001 2.576108E-001
2.552719E-001 3.160829E-001 2.351575E-001 3.179540E-001 2.646274E-001 2.955007E-001 2.973718E-001 2.356253E-001
3.343262E-001 2.108331E-001 2.922263E-001 2.538686E-001 2.515297E-001 3.268418E-001 2.374964E-001 3.235674E-001
2.940974E-001 3.100018E-001 3.006463E-001 2.763219E-001 2.922263E-001 2.501263E-001 2.515297E-001 2.346897E-001
2.173819E-001 2.679019E-001 2.459164E-001 2.889518E-001 3.128085E-001 2.580785E-001 3.399396E-001 2.641596E-001
3.165507E-001 2.819352E-001 2.534008E-001 3.076629E-001 2.159786E-001 3.249707E-001 2.314153E-001 2.711763E-001
2.973718E-001 2.206564E-001 3.464884E-001 2.314153E-001 2.702408E-001 2.978396E-001 2.220597E-001 2.693052E-001
2.477875E-001 2.655630E-001 2.576108E-001 2.926941E-001 2.627563E-001 2.992429E-001 3.179540E-001 2.650952E-001
3.202929E-001 2.688374E-001 3.020496E-001 2.608852E-001 2.604174E-001 2.791285E-001 2.566752E-001 2.884841E-001
2.571430E-001 2.693052E-001 2.702408E-001 2.809996E-001 2.576108E-001 2.959685E-001 2.636919E-001 2.898874E-001
2.730474E-001 2.861452E-001 3.011141E-001 2.360930E-001 3.151474E-001 2.253342E-001 3.137440E-001 2.435775E-001
2.552719E-001 2.791285E-001 2.272053E-001 3.104696E-001 2.127042E-001 3.361973E-001 2.463841E-001 3.011141E-001
3.184218E-001 2.580785E-001 3.207607E-001 2.463841E-001 2.861452E-001 2.398352E-001 2.646274E-001 2.332864E-001
2.599497E-001 2.739830E-001 3.062596E-001 3.048563E-001 3.001785E-001 3.296485E-001 2.744507E-001 3.230996E-001
2.417064E-001 2.781930E-001 2.412386E-001 2.374964E-001 2.618208E-001 2.403030E-001 2.847418E-001 2.650952E-001
3.137440E-001 2.814674E-001 3.249707E-001 2.828707E-001 2.978396E-001 2.557397E-001 2.360930E-001 2.922263E-001
2.014775E-001 2.987752E-001 2.080264E-001 2.828707E-001 3.109374E-001 2.482552E-001 3.717484E-001 2.576108E-001
3.460207E-001 3.006463E-001 2.482552E-001 3.029852E-001 2.229953E-001 2.795963E-001 2.482552E-001 2.758541E-001
2.772574E-001 2.725796E-001 2.908230E-001 2.926941E-001 2.959685E-001 2.716441E-001 3.020496E-001 2.183175E-001
2.903552E-001 2.426419E-001 2.501263E-001 3.193574E-001 2.155108E-001 3.277774E-001 2.496586E-001 2.898874E-001
2.997107E-001 2.538686E-001 3.535051E-001 2.412386E-001 2.926941E-001 2.955007E-001 2.524652E-001 2.978396E-001
2.599497E-001 2.627563E-001 2.739830E-001 2.650952E-001 2.622885E-001 2.711763E-001 2.870807E-001 2.646274E-001
2.613530E-001 2.898874E-001 2.491908E-001 2.795963E-001 3.020496E-001 2.529330E-001 3.170185E-001 2.824030E-001
2.749185E-001 3.221640E-001 2.534008E-001 3.076629E-001 2.412386E-001 2.674341E-001 2.852096E-001 2.211242E-001
3.212285E-001 2.393675E-001 2.870807E-001 2.538686E-001 2.744507E-001 2.749185E-001 2.370286E-001 2.978396E-001
1.963320E-001 3.287129E-001 2.426419E-001 3.090663E-001 3.029852E-001 2.772574E-001 3.469562E-001 2.178497E-001
3.764262E-001 2.225275E-001 2.917585E-001 2.534008E-001 2.145753E-001 2.936296E-001 1.827664E-001 3.179540E-001
2.103653E-001 2.940974E-001 2.725796E-001 2.721119E-001 3.245029E-001 2.847418E-001 3.128085E-001 2.454486E-001
3.025174E-001 2.337541E-001 2.679019E-001 2.393675E-001 2.571430E-001 2.716441E-001 2.445130E-001 3.179540E-001
2.403030E-001 3.296485E-001 2.795963E-001 2.580785E-001 3.310518E-001 2.328186E-001 2.987752E-001 2.926941E-001
2.482552E-001 2.997107E-001 2.548041E-001 2.660308E-001 2.847418E-001 2.548041E-001 2.749185E-001 2.660308E-001
2.529330E-001 2.940974E-001 2.688374E-001 2.781930E-001 2.772574E-001 2.454486E-001 3.048563E-001 2.398352E-001
3.128085E-001 2.707085E-001 2.650952E-001 3.254385E-001 2.150431E-001 3.310518E-001 2.407708E-001 2.861452E-001
2.707085E-001 2.346897E-001 3.151474E-001 2.519974E-001 2.945652E-001 2.613530E-001 3.132763E-001 2.356253E-001
3.029852E-001 2.646274E-001 2.491908E-001 3.034529E-001 2.201886E-001 3.132763E-001 2.117686E-001 2.973718E-001
2.580785E-001 2.562074E-001 3.207607E-001 2.604174E-001 3.128085E-001 2.922263E-001 3.029852E-001 2.739830E-001
3.137440E-001 2.519974E-001 2.809996E-001 2.529330E-001 2.300119E-001 2.795963E-001 2.337541E-001 2.950329E-001
2.412386E-001 2.997107E-001 2.758541E-001 2.969041E-001 2.814674E-001 2.538686E-001 3.001785E-001 2.253342E-001
3.085985E-001 2.332864E-001 2.749185E-001 2.800641E-001 2.604174E-001 3.174863E-001 2.697730E-001 3.221640E-001
2.739830E-001 3.043885E-001 2.856774E-001 2.585463E-001 2.898874E-001 2.304797E-001 2.417064E-001 2.407708E-001
2.206564E-001 2.735152E-001 2.463841E-001 2.908230E-001 3.146796E-001 2.828707E-001 3.245029E-001 2.894196E-001
2.983074E-001 2.655630E-001 2.912907E-001 2.028808E-001 2.926941E-001 2.608852E-001 2.262697E-001 3.483596E-001
1.879120E-001 3.530373E-001 2.417064E-001 2.894196E-001 3.048563E-001 2.332864E-001 3.394718E-001 2.094297E-001
3.226318E-001 2.412386E-001 2.683696E-001 2.884841E-001 2.473197E-001 2.852096E-001 2.767896E-001 2.716441E-001
2.669663E-001 2.894196E-001 2.454486E-001 3.076629E-001 2.421741E-001 2.931618E-001 2.964363E-001 2.646274E-001
3.118729E-001 2.688374E-001 2.889518E-001 2.655630E-001 2.889518E-001 2.548041E-001 2.800641E-001 2.431097E-001
2.529330E-001 2.987752E-001 2.220597E-001 3.268418E-001 2.407708E-001 2.786607E-001 3.179540E-001 2.117686E-001
3.521018E-001 2.501263E-001 2.683696E-001 2.983074E-001 2.239308E-001 3.240351E-001 2.491908E-001 3.053240E-001
2.870807E-001 2.721119E-001 3.118729E-001 2.262697E-001 3.053240E-001 2.365608E-001 2.585463E-001 2.660308E-001
2.318830E-001 3.259062E-001 2.417064E-001 3.156151E-001 3.006463E-001 2.393675E-001 3.085985E-001 2.627563E-001
2.870807E-001 2.763219E-001 2.557397E-001 2.842741E-001 2.627563E-001 2.828707E-001 3.188896E-001 2.552719E-001
3.254385E-001 2.908230E-001 2.735152E-001 3.366651E-001 1.813631E-001 3.146796E-001 2.164464E-001 2.421741E-001
3.207607E-001 1.692009E-001 3.385362E-001 2.370286E-001 2.721119E-001 2.912907E-001 2.650952E-001 3.034529E-001
2.599497E-001 2.926941E-001 2.697730E-001 2.983074E-001 2.711763E-001 3.184218E-001 2.449808E-001 3.048563E-001
2.739830E-001 2.314153E-001 3.170185E-001 1.935253E-001 2.987752E-001 2.052197E-001 2.819352E-001 3.174863E-001
2.290764E-001 3.642640E-001 2.557397E-001 3.539729E-001 2.978396E-001 2.679019E-001 3.095340E-001 2.183175E-001
2.697730E-001 2.239308E-001 2.622885E-001 2.388997E-001 2.884841E-001 2.805319E-001 3.100018E-001 3.287129E-001
2.791285E-001 3.436818E-001 2.473197E-001 3.282451E-001 2.178497E-001 2.669663E-001 2.679019E-001 1.818309E-001
3.329229E-001 1.939931E-001 3.128085E-001 2.959685E-001 2.552719E-001 3.114052E-001 2.622885E-001 2.866130E-001
2.693052E-001 2.604174E-001 2.566752E-001 3.015818E-001 2.431097E-001 3.282451E-001 3.034529E-001 2.959685E-001
3.142118E-001 2.529330E-001 2.945652E-001 2.169142E-001 2.599497E-001 2.080264E-001 2.286086E-001 2.487230E-001
2.407708E-001 3.062596E-001 2.800641E-001 3.418107E-001 2.987752E-001 3.015818E-001 3.324551E-001 2.697730E-001
2.669663E-001 2.501263E-001 2.187853E-001 2.398352E-001 2.314153E-001 2.650952E-001 2.735152E-001 2.959685E-001
2.987752E-001 3.104696E-001 3.207607E-001 2.636919E-001 3.212285E-001 2.276730E-001 2.936296E-001 2.229953E-001
2.403030E-001 3.020496E-001 1.874442E-001 3.815717E-001 2.127042E-001 3.202929E-001 3.001785E-001 2.431097E-001
3.553762E-001 1.710720E-001 3.497629E-001 2.248664E-001 2.744507E-001 3.128085E-001 2.417064E-001 3.170185E-001
2.253342E-001 2.987752E-001 2.482552E-001 2.983074E-001 2.641596E-001 2.894196E-001 2.716441E-001 2.604174E-001
3.057918E-001 2.253342E-001 3.160829E-001 2.286086E-001 3.029852E-001 2.795963E-001 2.674341E-001 2.838063E-001
2.599497E-001 3.184218E-001 2.328186E-001 3.123407E-001 2.622885E-001 2.842741E-001 2.833385E-001 2.931618E-001
2.613530E-001 2.814674E-001 2.866130E-001 2.094297E-001 3.478918E-001 1.804275E-001 3.305840E-001 2.538686E-001
2.590141E-001 3.661351E-001 1.715398E-001 4.058962E-001 1.930575E-001 2.922263E-001 2.894196E-001 1.738787E-001
3.390040E-001 1.925897E-001 3.137440E-001 2.524652E-001 3.015818E-001 3.015818E-001 2.828707E-001 3.039207E-001
2.786607E-001 3.039207E-001 2.435775E-001 3.301162E-001 1.776209E-001 3.207607E-001 2.505941E-001 2.552719E-001
3.637962E-001 1.804275E-001 3.675384E-001 2.314153E-001 2.917585E-001 3.029852E-001 2.407708E-001 3.441496E-001
2.440452E-001 2.894196E-001 2.997107E-001 2.562074E-001 2.585463E-001 2.688374E-001 2.229953E-001 2.992429E-001
2.431097E-001 2.945652E-001 3.100018E-001 2.613530E-001 3.277774E-001 2.650952E-001 3.315196E-001 2.417064E-001
2.955007E-001 2.749185E-001 2.501263E-001 2.781930E-001 1.991386E-001 2.753863E-001 2.594819E-001 2.669663E-001
2.758541E-001 3.020496E-001 2.590141E-001 3.226318E-001 2.800641E-001 2.889518E-001 3.193574E-001 2.337541E-001
3.179540E-001 2.304797E-001 2.650952E-001 2.627563E-001 2.407708E-001 2.772574E-001 2.622885E-001 2.585463E-001
2.908230E-001 2.847418E-001 2.571430E-001 3.184218E-001 2.393675E-001 3.025174E-001 2.468519E-001 2.763219E-001
3.137440E-001 2.262697E-001 3.511662E-001 2.267375E-001 3.132763E-001 3.076629E-001 2.248664E-001 3.333907E-001
1.907186E-001 2.922263E-001 2.679019E-001 2.201886E-001 3.062596E-001 2.286086E-001 2.809996E-001 2.707085E-001
2.730474E-001 2.739830E-001 2.922263E-001 2.922263E-001 2.814674E-001 2.870807E-001 2.459164E-001 2.889518E-001
2.473197E-001 2.955007E-001 2.679019E-001 2.627563E-001 2.922263E-001 2.622885E-001 3.062596E-001 2.473197E-001
2.847418E-001 2.534008E-001 2.730474E-001 2.964363E-001 2.566752E-001 2.758541E-001 2.636919E-001 2.749185E-001
2.795963E-001 2.912907E-001 2.711763E-001 3.137440E-001 2.548041E-001 3.001785E-001 2.763219E-001 2.393675E-001
3.109374E-001 2.318830E-001 3.095340E-001 2.351575E-001 2.870807E-001 2.931618E-001 2.496586E-001 3.352618E-001
2.566752E-001 3.165507E-001 2.618208E-001 2.791285E-001 2.749185E-001 2.679019E-001 2.735152E-001 2.342219E-001
3.001785E-001 2.445130E-001 2.805319E-001 2.468519E-001 2.903552E-001 2.992429E-001 2.693052E-001 2.903552E-001
2.445130E-001 2.735152E-001 2.482552E-001 2.983074E-001 2.510619E-001 2.889518E-001 2.936296E-001 2.552719E-001
3.132763E-001 2.627563E-001 2.973718E-001 2.809996E-001 2.636919E-001 2.744507E-001 2.688374E-001 2.660308E-001
2.679019E-001 2.739830E-001 2.688374E-001 2.679019E-001 2.543363E-001 2.721119E-001 2.894196E-001 2.552719E-001
3.006463E-001 2.664985E-001 2.515297E-001 3.273096E-001 2.398352E-001 3.043885E-001 2.693052E-001 2.777252E-001
2.997107E-001 2.431097E-001 3.202929E-001 2.356253E-001 2.730474E-001 2.744507E-001 2.445130E-001 2.800641E-001
2.693052E-001 2.627563E-001 2.912907E-001 2.646274E-001 2.655630E-001 2.875485E-001 2.491908E-001 3.184218E-001
2.454486E-001 3.156151E-001 3.015818E-001 2.707085E-001 3.319874E-001 2.403030E-001 3.390040E-001 2.590141E-001
2.683696E-001 2.987752E-001 2.262697E-001 2.870807E-001 2.473197E-001 2.576108E-001 2.548041E-001 2.604174E-001
2.697730E-001 2.763219E-001 2.940974E-001 3.123407E-001 2.889518E-001 2.805319E-001 3.277774E-001 2.449808E-001
2.922263E-001 2.697730E-001 2.155108E-001 2.898874E-001 2.356253E-001 2.819352E-001 2.973718E-001 2.627563E-001
3.109374E-001 2.767896E-001 2.875485E-001 2.983074E-001 2.421741E-001 2.828707E-001 2.604174E-001 2.529330E-001
2.908230E-001 2.398352E-001 3.053240E-001 3.001785E-001 2.477875E-001 3.240351E-001 2.510619E-001 2.926941E-001
3.165507E-001 2.136397E-001 3.128085E-001 2.075586E-001 2.585463E-001 2.875485E-001 2.351575E-001 3.347940E-001
2.332864E-001 3.245029E-001 2.763219E-001 2.912907E-001 2.936296E-001 2.519974E-001 3.076629E-001 2.220597E-001
3.020496E-001 2.337541E-001 2.618208E-001 2.870807E-001 2.664985E-001 2.898874E-001 2.908230E-001 2.908230E-001
2.604174E-001 3.188896E-001 2.342219E-001 2.725796E-001 2.730474E-001 2.814674E-001 2.875485E-001 2.711763E-001
3.230996E-001 2.594819E-001 3.011141E-001 2.618208E-001 2.978396E-001 2.674341E-001 2.505941E-001 2.838063E-001
2.281408E-001 2.852096E-001 2.417064E-001 2.912907E-001 2.562074E-001 2.969041E-001 2.795963E-001 2.534008E-001
3.324551E-001 2.300119E-001 3.287129E-001 2.580785E-001 2.978396E-001 3.057918E-001 2.613530E-001 3.245029E-001
2.384319E-001 2.880163E-001 2.417064E-001 2.650952E-001 2.384319E-001 2.847418E-001 2.421741E-001 2.501263E-001
3.057918E-001 2.332864E-001 3.478918E-001 2.487230E-001 3.347940E-001 2.496586E-001 2.711763E-001 3.085985E-001
2.061553E-001 3.469562E-001 2.098975E-001 2.983074E-001 2.548041E-001 2.875485E-001 3.146796E-001 2.613530E-001
3.432140E-001 2.178497E-001 3.240351E-001 2.459164E-001 2.515297E-001 2.814674E-001 2.253342E-001 2.552719E-001
2.482552E-001 2.809996E-001 2.571430E-001 3.245029E-001 2.576108E-001 3.291807E-001 2.562074E-001 2.884841E-001
3.132763E-001 2.000742E-001 3.352618E-001 1.837020E-001 2.945652E-001 2.491908E-001 2.576108E-001 3.315196E-001
2.519974E-001 3.343262E-001 2.608852E-001 3.184218E-001 2.468519E-001 2.777252E-001 2.421741E-001 2.477875E-001
2.627563E-001 2.473197E-001 3.048563E-001 2.403030E-001 3.455529E-001 2.491908E-001 3.104696E-001 3.146796E-001
2.468519E-001 2.875485E-001 2.585463E-001 2.482552E-001 2.477875E-001 2.875485E-001 2.178497E-001 2.940974E-001
2.669663E-001 2.950329E-001 3.048563E-001 2.814674E-001 3.137440E-001 2.674341E-001 2.950329E-001 2.393675E-001
3.006463E-001 2.627563E-001 2.534008E-001 2.852096E-001 2.534008E-001 2.749185E-001 2.702408E-001 2.880163E-001
2.679019E-001 3.053240E-001 2.660308E-001 2.454486E-001 3.001785E-001 2.707085E-001 2.636919E-001 2.964363E-001
2.898874E-001 2.838063E-001 2.992429E-001 2.674341E-001 2.842741E-001 3.034529E-001 2.290764E-001 2.936296E-001
2.566752E-001 2.496586E-001 3.095340E-001 2.370286E-001 3.202929E-001 2.440452E-001 2.861452E-001 2.824030E-001
2.744507E-001 2.978396E-001 2.618208E-001 3.085985E-001 2.169142E-001 3.287129E-001 2.234630E-001 3.025174E-001
2.786607E-001 2.608852E-001 3.230996E-001 2.229953E-001 3.478918E-001 1.991386E-001 3.390040E-001 2.042842E-001
2.627563E-001 2.987752E-001 1.799598E-001 3.567795E-001 1.584420E-001 3.418107E-001 2.632241E-001 2.987752E-001
3.441496E-001 2.557397E-001 3.549084E-001 2.286086E-001 3.053240E-001 2.529330E-001 2.501263E-001 2.524652E-001
2.604174E-001 2.393675E-001 2.608852E-001 2.730474E-001 2.529330E-001 3.198251E-001 2.538686E-001 3.202929E-001
2.604174E-001 2.936296E-001 2.683696E-001 2.501263E-001 2.786607E-001 2.239308E-001 2.936296E-001 2.304797E-001
3.039207E-001 2.861452E-001 2.880163E-001 3.114052E-001 2.781930E-001 3.422785E-001 2.711763E-001 2.898874E-001
2.683696E-001 2.234630E-001 2.566752E-001 2.173819E-001 2.515297E-001 2.693052E-001 2.562074E-001 2.978396E-001
2.702408E-001 3.137440E-001 3.128085E-001 2.926941E-001 3.146796E-001 2.679019E-001 2.824030E-001 2.337541E-001
2.707085E-001 2.281408E-001 2.314153E-001 2.819352E-001 2.010097E-001 3.249707E-001 2.646274E-001 3.053240E-001
3.432140E-001 2.618208E-001 3.338585E-001 2.716441E-001 2.856774E-001 2.576108E-001 2.388997E-001 2.243986E-001
2.594819E-001 2.459164E-001 2.346897E-001 3.067274E-001 2.360930E-001 3.207607E-001 2.772574E-001 3.198251E-001
3.160829E-001 2.781930E-001 3.235674E-001 2.356253E-001 3.057918E-001 2.248664E-001 2.697730E-001 2.491908E-001
2.632241E-001 2.922263E-001 2.538686E-001 3.291807E-001 2.468519E-001 3.245029E-001 2.505941E-001 2.898874E-001
2.566752E-001 2.426419E-001 2.884841E-001 2.187853E-001 3.053240E-001 2.014775E-001 3.076629E-001 2.501263E-001
2.894196E-001 2.997107E-001 2.543363E-001 3.516340E-001 2.379641E-001 3.464884E-001 2.543363E-001 2.903552E-001
2.763219E-001 2.491908E-001 3.048563E-001 2.173819E-001 2.964363E-001 2.562074E-001 2.833385E-001 2.552719E-001
2.767896E-001 2.884841E-001 2.660308E-001 2.931618E-001 2.664985E-001 2.819352E-001 2.758541E-001 2.735152E-001
2.646274E-001 2.763219E-001 2.491908E-001 2.861452E-001 2.515297E-001 2.908230E-001 2.585463E-001 2.519974E-001
3.151474E-001 2.440452E-001 3.305840E-001 2.730474E-001 2.936296E-001 2.847418E-001 2.585463E-001 2.683696E-001
2.477875E-001 2.585463E-001 2.538686E-001 2.650952E-001 2.463841E-001 2.950329E-001 2.412386E-001 3.347940E-001
2.487230E-001 2.997107E-001 2.908230E-001 2.323508E-001 3.315196E-001 1.949286E-001 3.324551E-001 2.286086E-001
2.824030E-001 2.674341E-001 2.519974E-001 3.188896E-001 2.426419E-001 3.418107E-001 2.585463E-001 2.880163E-001
2.599497E-001 3.025174E-001 2.131719E-001 2.889518E-001 2.403030E-001 2.318830E-001 3.333907E-001 2.113008E-001
3.708129E-001 2.300119E-001 3.450851E-001 2.735152E-001 2.791285E-001 3.287129E-001 2.225275E-001 3.277774E-001
2.169142E-001 2.880163E-001 2.215919E-001 2.833385E-001 2.356253E-001 2.697730E-001 2.870807E-001 2.421741E-001
3.128085E-001 2.496586E-001 3.441496E-001 2.477875E-001 3.380685E-001 2.781930E-001 2.510619E-001 3.212285E-001
2.197208E-001 2.861452E-001 2.393675E-001 2.445130E-001 2.660308E-001 2.501263E-001 2.814674E-001 2.950329E-001
2.716441E-001 3.226318E-001 2.917585E-001 2.660308E-001 2.931618E-001 2.398352E-001 2.824030E-001 2.388997E-001
2.505941E-001 2.922263E-001 2.262697E-001 3.109374E-001 2.833385E-001 2.739830E-001 3.455529E-001 2.501263E-001
3.011141E-001 2.534008E-001 2.650952E-001 2.707085E-001 2.127042E-001 3.062596E-001 2.309475E-001 2.964363E-001
2.889518E-001 2.809996E-001 2.936296E-001 2.870807E-001 2.894196E-001 2.398352E-001 2.833385E-001 2.201886E-001
2.515297E-001 2.426419E-001 2.599497E-001 2.435775E-001 2.800641E-001 2.978396E-001 2.866130E-001 3.530373E-001
2.646274E-001 3.511662E-001 2.809996E-001 2.548041E-001 3.123407E-001 2.159786E-001 2.777252E-001 2.646274E-001
2.431097E-001 3.207607E-001 2.276730E-001 2.875485E-001 2.997107E-001 2.159786E-001 3.324551E-001 1.982031E-001
2.945652E-001 2.674341E-001 2.127042E-001 3.483596E-001 2.323508E-001 3.146796E-001 3.090663E-001 2.693052E-001
3.011141E-001 2.791285E-001 2.459164E-001 2.908230E-001 2.286086E-001 2.585463E-001 2.791285E-001 2.379641E-001
3.291807E-001 2.524652E-001 3.418107E-001 3.025174E-001 2.884841E-001 2.842741E-001 2.590141E-001 2.482552E-001
2.435775E-001 2.856774E-001 2.145753E-001 3.170185E-001 2.379641E-001 3.090663E-001 2.903552E-001 2.936296E-001
3.170185E-001 2.388997E-001 3.160829E-001 2.024131E-001 2.758541E-001 2.519974E-001 2.440452E-001 2.838063E-001
2.786607E-001 2.814674E-001 3.422785E-001 2.978396E-001 2.997107E-001 3.563118E-001 2.038164E-001 3.324551E-001
1.907186E-001 2.403030E-001 2.388997E-001 1.958642E-001 3.081307E-001 1.963320E-001 3.464884E-001 2.824030E-001
3.301162E-001 3.399396E-001 3.020496E-001 2.997107E-001 2.688374E-001 2.711763E-001 2.473197E-001 2.538686E-001
2.047520E-001 2.908230E-001 2.239308E-001 2.964363E-001 2.912907E-001 2.847418E-001 3.287129E-001 2.833385E-001
3.090663E-001 2.562074E-001 2.833385E-001 2.426419E-001 2.515297E-001 2.272053E-001 2.529330E-001 2.604174E-001
2.730474E-001 3.146796E-001 2.884841E-001 2.898874E-001 3.006463E-001 3.090663E-001 2.632241E-001 3.085985E-001
2.398352E-001 2.632241E-001 2.510619E-001 2.524652E-001 2.711763E-001 2.566752E-001 3.011141E-001 2.309475E-001
3.216963E-001 2.627563E-001 2.870807E-001 2.833385E-001 2.636919E-001 2.908230E-001 2.328186E-001 2.889518E-001
2.318830E-001 3.081307E-001 2.412386E-001 2.884841E-001 3.240351E-001 2.384319E-001 3.502307E-001 2.636919E-001
2.814674E-001 2.856774E-001 2.463841E-001 2.828707E-001 2.407708E-001 2.529330E-001 2.655630E-001 2.445130E-001
3.137440E-001 2.917585E-001 2.758541E-001 3.198251E-001 2.604174E-001 2.861452E-001 2.721119E-001 2.636919E-001
2.819352E-001 2.445130E-001 2.884841E-001 2.679019E-001 2.538686E-001 3.165507E-001 2.417064E-001 3.146796E-001
2.786607E-001 2.599497E-001 3.142118E-001 2.323508E-001 3.081307E-001 2.346897E-001 2.627563E-001 2.449808E-001
2.632241E-001 2.725796E-001 2.730474E-001 2.940974E-001 2.590141E-001 3.160829E-001 2.618208E-001 3.165507E-001
2.534008E-001 3.095340E-001 2.548041E-001 2.805319E-001 3.062596E-001 2.328186E-001 2.926941E-001 2.421741E-001
2.735152E-001 2.445130E-001 2.931618E-001 2.304797E-001 2.894196E-001 2.552719E-001 2.800641E-001 2.908230E-001
2.739830E-001 3.240351E-001 2.482552E-001 3.455529E-001 2.187853E-001 3.011141E-001 2.557397E-001 2.431097E-001
2.674341E-001 2.505941E-001 2.912907E-001 2.351575E-001 3.240351E-001 2.571430E-001 2.997107E-001 2.646274E-001
2.950329E-001 2.566752E-001 2.884841E-001 2.627563E-001 2.365608E-001 3.216963E-001 2.038164E-001 2.983074E-001
2.435775E-001 2.795963E-001 2.800641E-001 2.847418E-001 2.721119E-001 2.683696E-001 2.814674E-001 2.496586E-001
3.118729E-001 2.304797E-001 3.109374E-001 2.435775E-001 3.193574E-001 2.861452E-001 2.702408E-001 3.287129E-001
2.309475E-001 3.259062E-001 2.505941E-001 2.697730E-001 2.529330E-001 2.370286E-001 2.435775E-001 2.627563E-001
2.454486E-001 2.781930E-001 2.697730E-001 2.730474E-001 3.268418E-001 2.431097E-001 3.553762E-001 2.351575E-001
3.254385E-001 2.772574E-001 2.314153E-001 3.333907E-001 2.084942E-001 3.100018E-001 2.445130E-001 2.730474E-001
2.866130E-001 2.777252E-001 2.697730E-001 2.969041E-001 2.594819E-001 2.786607E-001 2.940974E-001 2.056875E-001
3.319874E-001 2.056875E-001 2.959685E-001 2.679019E-001 2.365608E-001 3.216963E-001 2.342219E-001 3.291807E-001
2.571430E-001 3.071952E-001 2.894196E-001 2.524652E-001 3.207607E-001 2.529330E-001 2.969041E-001 2.894196E-001
2.594819E-001 2.884841E-001 2.646274E-001 2.524652E-001 2.562074E-001 2.403030E-001 2.473197E-001 2.379641E-001
2.505941E-001 2.753863E-001 2.674341E-001 3.137440E-001 3.160829E-001 2.781930E-001 3.221640E-001 2.992429E-001
2.838063E-001 3.020496E-001 2.393675E-001 2.735152E-001 2.304797E-001 2.571430E-001 2.716441E-001 2.571430E-001
3.357296E-001 2.505941E-001 3.404073E-001 2.725796E-001 2.795963E-001 3.020496E-001 2.178497E-001 2.590141E-001
2.056875E-001 2.772574E-001 2.122364E-001 3.100018E-001 2.622885E-001 3.048563E-001 3.315196E-001 2.669663E-001
3.698773E-001 2.211242E-001 3.427462E-001 2.192530E-001 2.814674E-001 2.580785E-001 2.286086E-001 3.235674E-001
1.986708E-001 3.586507E-001 2.150431E-001 3.432140E-001 2.749185E-001 2.702408E-001 3.315196E-001 2.000742E-001
3.390040E-001 1.977353E-001 2.866130E-001 2.524652E-001 2.417064E-001 3.025174E-001 2.604174E-001 3.188896E-001
2.716441E-001 2.870807E-001 2.838063E-001 2.753863E-001 2.847418E-001 2.992429E-001 2.608852E-001 2.912907E-001
2.763219E-001 2.950329E-001 3.081307E-001 2.440452E-001 3.240351E-001 2.417064E-001 2.590141E-001 2.833385E-001
2.281408E-001 2.898874E-001 2.328186E-001 2.978396E-001 2.585463E-001 2.655630E-001 3.156151E-001 2.290764E-001
3.371329E-001 2.468519E-001 3.015818E-001 2.650952E-001 2.543363E-001 3.347940E-001 2.010097E-001 3.577151E-001
2.534008E-001 3.029852E-001 3.230996E-001 2.571430E-001 3.039207E-001 2.566752E-001 2.618208E-001 2.108331E-001
2.950329E-001 1.883797E-001 2.978396E-001 2.356253E-001 2.931618E-001 3.193574E-001 2.384319E-001 4.058962E-001
2.267375E-001 3.815717E-001 2.370286E-001 2.903552E-001 2.950329E-001 1.780887E-001 3.053240E-001 1.813631E-001
2.800641E-001 2.215919E-001 2.936296E-001 2.772574E-001 2.964363E-001 2.847418E-001 2.800641E-001 2.889518E-001
2.707085E-001 2.889518E-001 2.431097E-001 3.128085E-001 2.084942E-001 3.408751E-001 2.417064E-001 2.973718E-001
2.955007E-001 2.632241E-001 3.034529E-001 2.239308E-001 3.170185E-001 2.136397E-001 3.352618E-001 2.239308E-001
3.273096E-001 2.566752E-001 2.767896E-001 3.287129E-001 2.127042E-001 3.801684E-001 1.663942E-001 3.418107E-001
2.412386E-001 2.417064E-001 2.917585E-001 1.939931E-001 3.011141E-001 2.239308E-001 2.940974E-001 2.763219E-001
3.184218E-001 2.721119E-001 3.347940E-001 2.576108E-001 2.838063E-001 3.085985E-001 2.131719E-001 3.488273E-001
2.192530E-001 3.114052E-001 2.739830E-001 2.697730E-001 3.043885E-001 2.524652E-001 3.001785E-001 2.304797E-001
2.819352E-001 2.403030E-001 2.763219E-001 2.529330E-001 2.716441E-001 2.908230E-001 2.669663E-001 3.043885E-001
2.707085E-001 3.188896E-001 2.781930E-001 2.908230E-001 2.538686E-001 2.721119E-001 2.594819E-001 2.529330E-001
2.870807E-001 2.431097E-001 3.081307E-001 2.417064E-001 2.805319E-001 3.020496E-001 2.697730E-001 2.809996E-001
2.809996E-001 2.791285E-001 2.735152E-001 2.800641E-001 2.417064E-001 2.805319E-001 2.641596E-001 2.660308E-001
2.763219E-001 2.945652E-001 2.917585E-001 2.931618E-001 3.006463E-001 2.898874E-001 2.800641E-001 2.459164E-001
2.562074E-001 2.225275E-001 2.819352E-001 2.113008E-001 2.693052E-001 2.950329E-001 2.225275E-001 3.698773E-001
2.636919E-001 3.464884E-001 3.216963E-001 2.660308E-001 3.637962E-001 2.374964E-001 2.908230E-001 2.398352E-001
2.393675E-001 2.594819E-001 2.258019E-001 2.819352E-001 2.445130E-001 2.945652E-001 3.029852E-001 2.795963E-001
3.156151E-001 2.945652E-001 2.884841E-001 2.852096E-001 2.440452E-001 2.819352E-001 2.370286E-001 2.407708E-001
2.880163E-001 2.351575E-001 3.193574E-001 2.922263E-001 2.809996E-001 3.114052E-001 2.604174E-001 2.959685E-001
2.660308E-001 2.693052E-001 2.711763E-001 2.463841E-001 2.852096E-001 2.786607E-001 2.679019E-001 2.955007E-001
2.814674E-001 2.917585E-001 3.319874E-001 2.576108E-001 2.992429E-001 2.898874E-001 2.239308E-001 2.880163E-001
2.323508E-001 2.711763E-001 2.641596E-001 2.482552E-001 3.100018E-001 2.590141E-001 2.838063E-001 3.015818E-001
2.660308E-001 3.118729E-001 2.833385E-001 2.496586E-001 3.249707E-001 2.304797E-001 3.011141E-001 2.599497E-001
2.220597E-001 3.366651E-001 1.925897E-001 3.202929E-001 2.580785E-001 2.529330E-001 3.188896E-001 2.304797E-001
3.670706E-001 2.613530E-001 3.006463E-001 3.226318E-001 2.304797E-001 3.268418E-001 2.468519E-001 2.304797E-001
2.922263E-001 2.047520E-001 2.697730E-001 2.622885E-001 2.501263E-001 3.427462E-001 2.487230E-001 3.651995E-001
2.753863E-001 2.697730E-001 3.436818E-001 1.874442E-001 3.315196E-001 2.131719E-001 2.487230E-001 2.449808E-001
1.958642E-001 3.114052E-001 2.084942E-001 3.418107E-001 2.842741E-001 3.025174E-001 3.623929E-001 2.805319E-001
3.160829E-001 2.641596E-001 2.604174E-001 2.393675E-001 2.562074E-001 2.431097E-001 2.664985E-001 2.674341E-001
2.608852E-001 3.062596E-001 2.608852E-001 3.333907E-001 2.749185E-001 2.655630E-001 3.212285E-001 2.010097E-001
2.866130E-001 2.328186E-001 2.056875E-001 3.142118E-001 2.056875E-001 3.151474E-001 2.809996E-001 2.641596E-001
3.675384E-001 2.243986E-001 3.544407E-001 2.875485E-001 2.576108E-001 3.483596E-001 1.766853E-001 2.922263E-001
2.449808E-001 2.164464E-001 2.978396E-001 2.187853E-001 2.814674E-001 2.809996E-001 2.786607E-001 3.048563E-001
2.997107E-001 3.011141E-001 3.090663E-001 2.800641E-001 2.781930E-001 2.622885E-001 2.426419E-001 2.758541E-001
2.286086E-001 2.735152E-001 2.548041E-001 2.566752E-001 3.118729E-001 2.767896E-001 3.109374E-001 3.001785E-001
2.739830E-001 2.870807E-001 2.683696E-001 2.496586E-001 2.660308E-001 2.524652E-001 2.753863E-001 2.599497E-001
2.908230E-001 3.085985E-001 2.674341E-001 3.291807E-001 2.622885E-001 2.866130E-001 2.828707E-001 2.267375E-001
2.861452E-001 2.393675E-001 2.538686E-001 2.735152E-001 2.534008E-001 3.025174E-001 2.772574E-001 2.889518E-001
3.245029E-001 2.510619E-001 3.006463E-001 2.805319E-001 2.576108E-001 2.828707E-001 2.220597E-001 2.487230E-001
2.548041E-001 2.473197E-001 2.674341E-001 2.866130E-001 2.491908E-001 3.114052E-001 2.688374E-001 3.034529E-001
3.427462E-001 2.262697E-001 3.750229E-001 2.374964E-001 2.833385E-001 3.095340E-001 1.953964E-001 3.502307E-001
1.986708E-001 2.777252E-001 2.590141E-001 1.921220E-001 2.964363E-001 2.150431E-001 2.880163E-001 2.950329E-001
2.875485E-001 3.230996E-001 2.824030E-001 2.922263E-001 2.997107E-001 2.337541E-001 3.062596E-001 2.524652E-001
2.276730E-001 3.221640E-001 1.762175E-001 3.245029E-001 2.697730E-001 2.421741E-001 3.319874E-001 2.155108E-001
3.160829E-001 2.487230E-001 2.814674E-001 2.650952E-001 2.753863E-001 2.880163E-001 2.515297E-001 3.020496E-001
2.576108E-001 2.805319E-001 2.833385E-001 3.057918E-001 2.491908E-001 3.034529E-001 2.314153E-001 2.936296E-001
2.702408E-001 2.314153E-001 3.277774E-001 2.056875E-001 3.680062E-001 2.421741E-001 3.404073E-001 3.380685E-001
2.487230E-001 3.539729E-001 2.155108E-001 2.828707E-001 2.173819E-001 2.534008E-001 2.262697E-001 2.482552E-001
2.548041E-001 2.660308E-001 2.983074E-001 2.576108E-001 3.586507E-001 2.613530E-001 3.352618E-001 3.062596E-001
2.693052E-001 3.212285E-001 2.445130E-001 2.636919E-001 2.608852E-001 2.431097E-001 2.669663E-001 2.674341E-001
2.884841E-001 3.071952E-001 2.697730E-001 3.240351E-001 2.557397E-001 3.062596E-001 2.664985E-001 2.365608E-001
3.071952E-001 1.893153E-001 2.940974E-001 2.211242E-001 2.515297E-001 2.884841E-001 2.618208E-001 3.132763E-001
2.618208E-001 3.282451E-001 2.693052E-001 3.142118E-001 2.894196E-001 2.838063E-001 2.912907E-001 2.519974E-001
2.828707E-001 2.328186E-001 2.959685E-001 2.487230E-001 2.758541E-001 2.969041E-001 2.674341E-001 3.053240E-001
2.866130E-001 2.650952E-001 2.866130E-001 2.973718E-001 2.286086E-001 2.814674E-001 2.473197E-001 2.552719E-001
2.599497E-001 2.487230E-001 3.001785E-001 2.529330E-001 3.226318E-001 2.795963E-001 2.926941E-001 3.160829E-001
2.730474E-001 3.160829E-001 2.824030E-001 2.828707E-001 2.702408E-001 2.669663E-001 2.702408E-001 2.496586E-001
2.613530E-001 2.693052E-001 2.529330E-001 2.809996E-001 2.627563E-001 2.571430E-001 2.721119E-001 2.510619E-001
2.898874E-001 2.889518E-001 2.884841E-001 2.894196E-001 3.095340E-001 2.978396E-001 3.090663E-001 2.847418E-001
2.749185E-001 2.632241E-001 2.262697E-001 2.519974E-001 2.047520E-001 2.781930E-001 2.356253E-001 2.702408E-001
2.973718E-001 2.693052E-001 3.404073E-001 2.880163E-001 3.301162E-001 2.861452E-001 2.898874E-001 2.688374E-001
2.323508E-001 2.711763E-001 2.571430E-001 2.431097E-001 2.618208E-001 2.767896E-001 2.571430E-001 3.146796E-001
2.417064E-001 3.071952E-001 3.085985E-001 2.519974E-001 3.338585E-001 2.258019E-001 2.931618E-001 2.753863E-001
2.604174E-001 3.048563E-001 2.290764E-001 2.997107E-001 2.576108E-001 2.819352E-001 2.664985E-001 2.604174E-001
2.969041E-001 2.496586E-001 2.758541E-001 2.496586E-001 3.001785E-001 2.884841E-001 2.997107E-001 2.922263E-001
2.917585E-001 3.039207E-001 2.800641E-001 2.978396E-001 2.552719E-001 2.819352E-001 2.454486E-001 2.580785E-001
2.487230E-001 2.660308E-001 2.552719E-001 2.491908E-001 2.791285E-001 2.482552E-001 2.992429E-001 2.459164E-001
3.001785E-001 2.613530E-001 2.912907E-001 2.973718E-001 2.655630E-001 3.404073E-001 2.576108E-001 3.352618E-001
2.683696E-001 2.880163E-001 2.646274E-001 2.454486E-001 2.908230E-001 2.159786E-001 2.870807E-001 2.192530E-001
3.076629E-001 2.468519E-001 2.931618E-001 3.202929E-001 2.482552E-001 3.581829E-001 2.286086E-001 3.492951E-001
2.510619E-001 2.487230E-001 2.969041E-001 1.907186E-001 3.207607E-001 2.454486E-001 2.997107E-001 2.866130E-001
2.969041E-001 3.174863E-001 2.950329E-001 3.287129E-001 2.622885E-001 3.057918E-001 2.403030E-001 2.487230E-001
2.515297E-001 2.379641E-001 2.650952E-001 2.632241E-001 2.908230E-001 2.697730E-001 3.235674E-001 2.763219E-001
3.123407E-001 2.880163E-001 2.655630E-001 2.875485E-001 2.220597E-001 2.959685E-001 2.239308E-001 2.711763E-001
2.548041E-001 2.585463E-001 3.085985E-001 2.618208E-001 3.268418E-001 2.697730E-001 3.347940E-001 2.772574E-001
2.767896E-001 2.922263E-001 2.445130E-001 2.805319E-001 2.473197E-001 2.926941E-001 2.356253E-001 2.922263E-001
2.585463E-001 2.772574E-001 3.067274E-001 2.412386E-001 3.235674E-001 2.594819E-001 3.029852E-001 2.917585E-001
2.534008E-001 2.945652E-001 2.454486E-001 2.987752E-001 2.674341E-001 2.519974E-001 3.043885E-001 2.253342E-001
3.039207E-001 2.791285E-001 2.636919E-001 3.301162E-001 2.061553E-001 3.188896E-001 2.664985E-001 2.477875E-001
3.291807E-001 2.173819E-001 3.048563E-001 2.632241E-001 2.557397E-001 3.043885E-001 2.379641E-001 3.100018E-001
2.838063E-001 2.777252E-001 3.371329E-001 2.604174E-001 3.109374E-001 3.029852E-001 2.403030E-001 2.861452E-001
2.388997E-001 2.477875E-001 2.562074E-001 2.398352E-001 2.599497E-001 2.655630E-001 2.908230E-001 3.011141E-001
2.912907E-001 3.347940E-001 2.898874E-001 2.749185E-001 3.160829E-001 2.211242E-001 2.880163E-001 2.286086E-001
2.440452E-001 2.875485E-001 2.201886E-001 3.273096E-001 2.505941E-001 3.053240E-001 3.039207E-001 2.725796E-001
3.207607E-001 2.641596E-001 2.721119E-001 2.707085E-001 2.515297E-001 2.431097E-001 2.557397E-001 2.543363E-001
3.081307E-001 2.571430E-001 3.174863E-001 3.001785E-001 2.594819E-001 3.296485E-001 2.510619E-001 2.987752E-001
2.781930E-001 2.590141E-001 2.791285E-001 2.534008E-001 2.459164E-001 2.908230E-001 2.435775E-001 2.767896E-001
2.781930E-001 2.323508E-001 3.450851E-001 2.192530E-001 3.216963E-001 2.987752E-001 2.220597E-001 3.521018E-001
2.412386E-001 2.833385E-001 2.847418E-001 2.370286E-001 3.109374E-001 2.454486E-001 2.613530E-001 3.100018E-001
2.229953E-001 3.193574E-001 2.674341E-001 2.585463E-001 3.104696E-001 2.356253E-001 2.987752E-001 2.473197E-001
2.828707E-001 2.604174E-001 2.566752E-001 2.884841E-001 2.346897E-001 3.025174E-001 2.697730E-001 2.912907E-001
3.235674E-001 2.730474E-001 2.931618E-001 2.824030E-001 2.660308E-001 2.697730E-001 2.356253E-001 2.791285E-001
2.496586E-001 2.463841E-001 3.156151E-001 2.524652E-001 3.001785E-001 2.800641E-001 2.739830E-001 2.875485E-001
2.917585E-001 2.833385E-001 2.519974E-001 3.174863E-001 2.215919E-001 3.132763E-001 2.459164E-001 2.716441E-001
3.114052E-001 2.108331E-001 3.464884E-001 2.122364E-001 3.357296E-001 2.795963E-001 2.632241E-001 3.305840E-001
2.187853E-001 3.310518E-001 2.431097E-001 2.693052E-001 2.641596E-001 2.618208E-001 2.599497E-001 2.758541E-001
2.571430E-001 2.552719E-001 3.132763E-001 2.346897E-001 2.969041E-001 2.664985E-001 2.814674E-001 2.809996E-001
2.894196E-001 2.660308E-001 2.655630E-001 2.992429E-001 2.519974E-001 3.137440E-001 2.683696E-001 3.001785E-001
2.987752E-001 2.880163E-001 2.735152E-001 2.917585E-001 2.594819E-001 2.445130E-001 2.744507E-001 1.986708E-001
3.123407E-001 2.187853E-001 3.006463E-001 2.903552E-001 2.548041E-001 3.497629E-001 2.080264E-001 3.464884E-001
2.468519E-001 2.819352E-001 3.057918E-001 2.183175E-001 3.118729E-001 2.388997E-001 2.926941E-001 2.772574E-001
2.730474E-001 2.449808E-001 2.842741E-001 2.538686E-001 2.519974E-001 2.983074E-001 2.295441E-001 3.188896E-001
2.463841E-001 3.043885E-001 2.978396E-001 2.926941E-001 3.240351E-001 2.599497E-001 3.034529E-001 2.426419E-001
2.590141E-001 2.421741E-001 2.613530E-001 2.323508E-001 2.735152E-001 2.842741E-001 2.580785E-001 3.338585E-001
2.772574E-001 3.202929E-001 2.781930E-001 3.039207E-001 2.491908E-001 2.370286E-001 2.711763E-001 1.762175E-001
2.936296E-001 2.234630E-001 3.053240E-001 3.048563E-001 2.838063E-001 3.567795E-001 2.346897E-001 3.680062E-001
2.314153E-001 2.693052E-001 2.716441E-001 1.696687E-001 3.001785E-001 2.052197E-001 2.973718E-001 2.622885E-001
3.020496E-001 3.029852E-001 3.001785E-001 3.259062E-001 2.496586E-001 2.992429E-001 2.066231E-001 2.898874E-001
2.169142E-001 2.529330E-001 2.763219E-001 2.215919E-001 3.427462E-001 2.445130E-001 3.221640E-001 3.132763E-001
2.585463E-001 2.997107E-001 2.608852E-001 2.473197E-001 2.646274E-001 2.431097E-001 2.590141E-001 2.833385E-001
2.487230E-001 3.450851E-001 2.646274E-001 2.940974E-001 3.025174E-001 2.337541E-001 3.062596E-001 1.771531E-001
3.048563E-001 2.655630E-001 2.449808E-001 3.390040E-001 2.374964E-001 3.385362E-001 2.679019E-001 3.001785E-001
3.216963E-001 2.604174E-001 2.922263E-001 2.627563E-001 2.529330E-001 2.618208E-001 2.585463E-001 2.505941E-001
3.039207E-001 2.487230E-001 3.207607E-001 2.753863E-001 2.702408E-001 3.347940E-001 2.229953E-001 3.104696E-001
2.505941E-001 2.679019E-001 2.992429E-001 2.393675E-001 3.156151E-001 2.552719E-001 2.912907E-001 2.992429E-001
2.234630E-001 3.160829E-001 2.360930E-001 2.505941E-001 3.053240E-001 2.094297E-001 3.085985E-001 2.519974E-001
2.650952E-001 3.071952E-001 2.515297E-001 3.296485E-001 2.730474E-001 2.912907E-001 3.053240E-001 2.379641E-001
3.123407E-001 2.566752E-001 2.608852E-001 3.067274E-001 2.220597E-001 2.880163E-001 2.426419E-001 2.608852E-001
2.856774E-001 2.557397E-001 3.123407E-001 2.627563E-001 3.104696E-001 3.015818E-001 2.753863E-001 3.076629E-001
2.702408E-001 2.735152E-001 2.894196E-001 2.290764E-001 2.538686E-001 2.716441E-001 2.113008E-001 2.716441E-001
2.861452E-001 2.510619E-001 3.043885E-001 2.987752E-001 2.800641E-001 3.263740E-001 2.650952E-001 2.973718E-001
2.912907E-001 2.393675E-001 2.964363E-001 2.529330E-001 2.767896E-001 2.604174E-001 2.487230E-001 2.884841E-001
2.332864E-001 2.936296E-001 2.795963E-001 2.571430E-001 3.011141E-001 2.370286E-001 2.969041E-001 2.791285E-001
2.777252E-001 2.903552E-001 2.431097E-001 2.931618E-001 2.562074E-001 2.898874E-001 2.791285E-001 2.562074E-001
2.917585E-001 2.562074E-001 2.693052E-001 2.622885E-001 2.669663E-001 2.866130E-001 2.580785E-001 2.725796E-001
2.739830E-001 2.646274E-001 2.739830E-001 2.852096E-001 2.697730E-001 2.814674E-001 2.786607E-001 2.683696E-001
3.076629E-001 2.431097E-001 3.048563E-001 2.842741E-001 2.538686E-001 3.240351E-001 2.272053E-001 2.866130E-001
2.618208E-001 2.309475E-001 3.142118E-001 2.239308E-001 2.983074E-001 2.917585E-001 2.374964E-001 3.301162E-001
2.332864E-001 2.917585E-001 2.870807E-001 2.314153E-001 3.109374E-001 2.557397E-001 2.683696E-001 3.043885E-001
2.697730E-001 2.660308E-001 3.043885E-001 2.445130E-001 2.781930E-001 2.838063E-001 2.426419E-001 2.912907E-001
2.548041E-001 2.875485E-001 2.510619E-001 2.828707E-001 2.898874E-001 2.477875E-001 3.301162E-001 2.838063E-001
2.777252E-001 2.795963E-001 2.655630E-001 2.534008E-001 2.524652E-001 2.445130E-001 2.463841E-001 2.519974E-001
2.641596E-001 3.090663E-001 2.576108E-001 3.455529E-001 2.664985E-001 3.174863E-001 3.071952E-001 2.243986E-001
3.558440E-001 1.607809E-001 3.235674E-001 2.033486E-001 2.243986E-001 3.413429E-001 1.453442E-001 3.923306E-001
2.164464E-001 3.025174E-001 3.254385E-001 2.557397E-001 3.567795E-001 2.421741E-001 3.132763E-001 2.505941E-001
2.795963E-001 2.594819E-001 2.721119E-001 2.468519E-001 2.824030E-001 2.824030E-001 2.487230E-001 3.418107E-001
2.440452E-001 3.287129E-001 2.449808E-001 2.744507E-001 2.852096E-001 2.290764E-001 3.095340E-001 2.248664E-001
2.945652E-001 2.440452E-001 2.763219E-001 2.875485E-001 2.571430E-001 3.128085E-001 2.557397E-001 2.917585E-001
2.842741E-001 2.697730E-001 2.903552E-001 2.777252E-001 2.786607E-001 3.053240E-001 2.566752E-001 2.599497E-001
2.777252E-001 2.370286E-001 2.641596E-001 2.477875E-001 2.669663E-001 2.838063E-001 2.805319E-001 2.931618E-001
2.824030E-001 3.221640E-001 2.926941E-001 2.866130E-001 2.926941E-001 2.594819E-001 2.632241E-001 2.243986E-001
2.861452E-001 2.164464E-001 2.744507E-001 2.781930E-001 2.393675E-001 3.343262E-001 2.141075E-001 3.478918E-001
2.379641E-001 3.006463E-001 3.071952E-001 2.248664E-001 3.619251E-001 2.024131E-001 3.539729E-001 2.599497E-001
2.730474E-001 3.053240E-001 2.374964E-001 2.940974E-001 2.314153E-001 2.847418E-001 2.332864E-001 2.809996E-001
2.613530E-001 2.950329E-001 2.884841E-001 2.908230E-001 2.955007E-001 2.856774E-001 2.908230E-001 2.585463E-001
2.973718E-001 2.258019E-001 3.053240E-001 2.346897E-001 2.749185E-001 2.791285E-001 2.838063E-001 3.109374E-001
2.650952E-001 3.591184E-001 2.272053E-001 3.277774E-001 2.379641E-001 2.473197E-001 2.805319E-001 1.808953E-001
3.039207E-001 1.883797E-001 3.081307E-001 2.604174E-001 2.604174E-001 3.455529E-001 2.360930E-001 3.703451E-001
2.543363E-001 2.959685E-001 3.282451E-001 2.201886E-001 3.441496E-001 2.141075E-001 2.772574E-001 2.861452E-001
2.038164E-001 3.179540E-001 2.407708E-001 2.833385E-001 2.931618E-001 2.739830E-001 2.838063E-001 2.922263E-001
2.786607E-001 2.781930E-001 2.973718E-001 2.566752E-001 3.029852E-001 2.491908E-001 2.805319E-001 2.529330E-001
2.697730E-001 2.781930E-001 2.618208E-001 3.142118E-001 2.379641E-001 3.034529E-001 2.758541E-001 2.866130E-001
2.767896E-001 2.842741E-001 2.664985E-001 2.721119E-001 2.585463E-001 2.253342E-001 3.128085E-001 1.893153E-001
3.371329E-001 2.267375E-001 2.791285E-001 3.469562E-001 1.907186E-001 3.881206E-001 2.094297E-001 3.132763E-001
2.725796E-001 2.267375E-001 3.216963E-001 1.813631E-001 3.347940E-001 2.417064E-001 2.767896E-001 3.170185E-001
2.468519E-001 3.006463E-001 2.622885E-001 2.861452E-001 2.697730E-001 2.477875E-001 2.594819E-001 2.702408E-001
2.641596E-001 2.814674E-001 2.903552E-001 2.997107E-001 2.903552E-001 3.011141E-001 2.809996E-001 2.636919E-001
2.969041E-001 2.276730E-001 2.805319E-001 2.622885E-001 2.332864E-001 2.903552E-001 2.594819E-001 2.716441E-001
2.758541E-001 2.777252E-001 2.847418E-001 2.997107E-001 2.749185E-001 2.917585E-001 2.777252E-001 2.580785E-001
2.992429E-001 2.356253E-001 2.735152E-001 2.674341E-001 2.482552E-001 3.057918E-001 2.459164E-001 3.062596E-001
2.838063E-001 2.716441E-001 3.254385E-001 2.552719E-001 3.268418E-001 2.604174E-001 2.716441E-001 2.959685E-001
2.332864E-001 2.880163E-001 2.332864E-001 2.791285E-001 2.847418E-001 2.819352E-001 2.613530E-001 2.838063E-001
2.838063E-001 2.688374E-001 3.025174E-001 2.693052E-001 3.151474E-001 2.388997E-001 3.057918E-001 2.608852E-001
2.622885E-001 2.931618E-001 2.201886E-001 3.090663E-001 2.557397E-001 2.884841E-001 2.697730E-001 2.819352E-001
2.646274E-001 2.809996E-001 2.786607E-001 2.613530E-001 2.767896E-001 2.505941E-001 2.828707E-001 2.295441E-001
3.202929E-001 2.225275E-001 3.025174E-001 2.753863E-001 2.650952E-001 3.478918E-001 2.197208E-001 3.651995E-001
2.360930E-001 2.973718E-001 2.819352E-001 2.314153E-001 2.861452E-001 2.496586E-001 2.922263E-001 2.393675E-001
3.076629E-001 2.328186E-001 3.015818E-001 2.524652E-001 2.735152E-001 2.824030E-001 1.986708E-001 3.062596E-001
2.117686E-001 3.100018E-001 2.824030E-001 2.833385E-001 3.142118E-001 2.650952E-001 3.015818E-001 2.646274E-001
2.711763E-001 2.618208E-001 2.590141E-001 2.445130E-001 2.777252E-001 2.449808E-001 2.912907E-001 2.800641E-001
2.679019E-001 3.090663E-001 2.781930E-001 2.903552E-001 2.688374E-001 2.870807E-001 2.440452E-001 2.795963E-001
2.529330E-001 2.627563E-001 2.618208E-001 2.693052E-001 2.903552E-001 2.805319E-001 3.305840E-001 2.534008E-001
3.380685E-001 2.725796E-001 2.795963E-001 2.824030E-001 2.374964E-001 2.852096E-001 2.323508E-001 2.725796E-001
2.473197E-001 2.805319E-001 2.753863E-001 2.955007E-001 2.604174E-001 2.973718E-001 2.435775E-001 2.393675E-001
3.273096E-001 2.080264E-001 3.259062E-001 2.431097E-001 2.856774E-001 2.959685E-001 2.604174E-001 3.380685E-001
2.440452E-001 3.338585E-001 2.594819E-001 2.664985E-001 2.856774E-001 2.421741E-001 2.580785E-001 2.716441E-001
2.599497E-001 2.627563E-001 3.048563E-001 2.421741E-001 3.221640E-001 2.562074E-001 2.870807E-001 2.767896E-001
2.417064E-001 3.174863E-001 2.360930E-001 3.100018E-001 2.407708E-001 2.781930E-001 3.015818E-001 2.426419E-001
3.132763E-001 2.697730E-001 2.641596E-001 2.987752E-001 2.674341E-001 2.618208E-001 2.828707E-001 2.342219E-001
3.081307E-001 2.318830E-001 2.805319E-001 3.011141E-001 2.225275E-001 3.670706E-001 2.005420E-001 3.142118E-001
2.950329E-001 1.967997E-001 3.591184E-001 1.860409E-001 3.006463E-001 2.622885E-001 2.290764E-001 3.235674E-001
2.047520E-001 3.324551E-001 2.655630E-001 2.866130E-001 3.221640E-001 2.604174E-001 3.310518E-001 2.519974E-001
2.744507E-001 2.590141E-001 2.594819E-001 2.351575E-001 2.332864E-001 2.702408E-001 2.286086E-001 3.207607E-001
2.604174E-001 3.015818E-001 3.319874E-001 2.655630E-001 3.319874E-001 2.697730E-001 2.945652E-001 2.800641E-001
2.314153E-001 2.922263E-001 2.164464E-001 2.534008E-001 2.744507E-001 2.459164E-001 3.188896E-001 2.482552E-001
3.235674E-001 2.842741E-001 2.627563E-001 3.287129E-001 2.281408E-001 3.062596E-001 2.487230E-001 2.571430E-001
3.015818E-001 2.374964E-001 3.006463E-001 2.908230E-001 2.505941E-001 3.193574E-001 2.468519E-001 2.763219E-001
2.707085E-001 1.921220E-001 3.104696E-001 1.865086E-001 3.315196E-001 2.707085E-001 2.753863E-001 3.825073E-001
2.608852E-001 3.815717E-001 2.608852E-001 3.310518E-001 2.234630E-001 2.468519E-001 2.473197E-001 1.673298E-001
2.809996E-001 1.874442E-001 2.978396E-001 2.300119E-001 3.156151E-001 2.880163E-001 3.034529E-001 3.642640E-001
2.388997E-001 3.535051E-001 2.155108E-001 2.683696E-001 2.543363E-001 2.075586E-001 3.263740E-001 2.075586E-001
3.048563E-001 2.926941E-001 2.594819E-001 3.418107E-001 2.519974E-001 3.109374E-001 2.721119E-001 2.286086E-001
2.997107E-001 2.211242E-001 2.660308E-001 2.908230E-001 2.155108E-001 3.160829E-001 2.936296E-001 2.449808E-001
3.418107E-001 2.622885E-001 2.931618E-001 2.931618E-001 2.660308E-001 2.870807E-001 2.281408E-001 3.085985E-001
2.159786E-001 2.641596E-001 2.809996E-001 2.332864E-001 2.786607E-001 2.346897E-001 2.791285E-001 2.594819E-001
3.067274E-001 2.407708E-001 3.011141E-001 2.800641E-001 2.641596E-001 3.071952E-001 2.534008E-001 3.249707E-001
2.131719E-001 3.104696E-001 2.421741E-001 2.819352E-001 3.006463E-001 2.328186E-001 3.310518E-001 2.388997E-001
3.174863E-001 2.585463E-001 2.917585E-001 2.688374E-001 2.449808E-001 2.725796E-001 2.459164E-001 2.646274E-001
2.332864E-001 2.767896E-001 2.477875E-001 2.917585E-001 2.697730E-001 3.104696E-001 2.824030E-001 2.898874E-001
3.142118E-001 2.487...
fidi = fopen('H1 - Copy.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fidi, repmat('%f',1,8), 'HeaderLines',16, 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',1, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
EarthQuake = cell2mat(C)
EarthQuake = 4500×8
0.3231 0.2773 0.2590 0.3081 0.2291 0.3194 0.2221 0.2567
0.2960 0.1921 0.3292 0.2277 0.3049 0.3151 0.2688 0.3273
0.2698 0.2880 0.2590 0.2763 0.2454 0.2483 0.2571 0.2511
0.2543 0.3025 0.2665 0.2782 0.3339 0.2440 0.3413 0.2553
0.2623 0.2941 0.2066 0.3151 0.2267 0.2904 0.3011 0.2408
0.3114 0.2759 0.2955 0.2777 0.3016 0.2497 0.2927 0.2571
0.2450 0.3035 0.2146 0.3427 0.2211 0.2829 0.2819 0.2132
0.3357 0.2094 0.3231 0.2730 0.2702 0.3413 0.2618 0.3287
0.2782 0.2525 0.2787 0.2314 0.2581 0.2520 0.2450 0.2735
0.2412 0.2927 0.2960 0.2745 0.3025 0.2843 0.2595 0.2843
Apparently, there are more than one space separating the columns. It was not possible to determine that originally.
michael roberts
on 31 May 2023
boom. that moves the data into a cell array, nice. Would never have figured that out from the basics of textscan.
nums=[C{:}] and nums=[C{1,:}] appear to bring the same data back, how to access it as not seeing it in here.
What is the best approach to plot this? - Create a vector for each row then ammend and partner with incremental values of time in 0.005 sec?
Star Strider
on 31 May 2023
The textscan output ‘C’ is a cell array, ‘EarthQuake’ is a numeric array.
To plot it, first create a time vector, then use that as the independent variable vector —
fidi = fopen('H1 - Copy.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fidi, repmat('%f',1,8), 'HeaderLines',16, 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',1, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
EarthQuake = cell2mat(C)
EarthQuake = 4500×8
0.3231 0.2773 0.2590 0.3081 0.2291 0.3194 0.2221 0.2567
0.2960 0.1921 0.3292 0.2277 0.3049 0.3151 0.2688 0.3273
0.2698 0.2880 0.2590 0.2763 0.2454 0.2483 0.2571 0.2511
0.2543 0.3025 0.2665 0.2782 0.3339 0.2440 0.3413 0.2553
0.2623 0.2941 0.2066 0.3151 0.2267 0.2904 0.3011 0.2408
0.3114 0.2759 0.2955 0.2777 0.3016 0.2497 0.2927 0.2571
0.2450 0.3035 0.2146 0.3427 0.2211 0.2829 0.2819 0.2132
0.3357 0.2094 0.3231 0.2730 0.2702 0.3413 0.2618 0.3287
0.2782 0.2525 0.2787 0.2314 0.2581 0.2520 0.2450 0.2735
0.2412 0.2927 0.2960 0.2745 0.3025 0.2843 0.2595 0.2843
L = size(EarthQuake,1)
L = 4500
Ts = 0.005; % Sampling Interval (s)
t = linspace(0, L-1, L)*Ts;
plot(t, EarthQuake)
xlabel('Time (s)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('Acceleration ($\frac{cm}{s^2}$)', 'Interpreter','latex')
legend(compose('Column %d',1:size(EarthQuake,2)), 'Location','best')
for k = 1:size(EarthQuake,2)
plot(t, EarthQuake(:,k))
xlabel('Time (s)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel({'Acceleration', '($\frac{cm}{s^2}$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title(sprintf('Column %d',k))
ylim([-1 1]*1000)
sgtitle('Earth Quake')
Fs = 1/Ts;
Fn = Fs/2;
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
FT_EQ = fft((EarthQuake-mean(EarthQuake)).*hann(L), NFFT);
Fv = linspace(0, 1, NFFT/2+1)*Fn;
Iv = 1:numel(Fv);
for k = 1:size(EarthQuake,2)
plot(Fv, abs(FT_EQ(Iv,k))*2)
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel({'Acceleration', 'Magnitude ($\frac{cm}{s^2}$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title(sprintf('Column %d',k))
ylim([0 2E4])
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(abs(FT_EQ(Iv,k))*2);
[maxpk,idx] = max(pks);
Peak(k,:) = maxpk;
Freq(k,:) = Fv(locs(idx));
sgtitle('Fourier Transform: Earth Quake')
FrequencyTable = table(Freq, Peak)
FrequencyTable = 8×2 table
Freq Peak
______ _____
19.141 17450
19.141 17103
19.141 17529
19.141 16665
19.141 17048
19.141 17581
19.141 16971
19.141 17636
I added the Fourier transforms simply out of my curiosity.
michael roberts
on 31 May 2023
That's impressive! :) Is it correct that the plot is a plot of the columns individually, not combined as one single time history? Attached image of my plot.
Not sure I fully understand the fourier transform, however, am working with the OpenSeismoLab module to plot the acceletation, velocity, then displacement plots, per attached, which I believe uses Fourier-based functions.
Not sure if i was the lack of data, using only one column, or something else that wouldn't allow for 1) Integrate with baselineCorr per document 2) the displacement to graph properly (shown as increasing to end).
So, question is how to combine the columns with the data, from upper left of the cell array, same row to the right, then starting on the left of next row, etc. Then the "out of memory' I'm not sure if it's a data issue or a local workstation issue.
Star Strider
on 31 May 2023
I can’t do anything with the out-or-memory problem. There are several ways to correct for the baseline, however the records you have don’t seem to need it. It may be necessary to subtract the mean of the data (or at least the first data value) from the data to avoid integrating a constant, giviung erroneous resutls, however even that doesn’t appear to be necessary with these data.
This seems to work —
fidi = fopen('H1 - Copy.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fidi, repmat('%f',1,8), 'HeaderLines',16, 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',1, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
EarthQuake = cell2mat(C) % Acceleration
EarthQuake = 4500×8
0.3231 0.2773 0.2590 0.3081 0.2291 0.3194 0.2221 0.2567
0.2960 0.1921 0.3292 0.2277 0.3049 0.3151 0.2688 0.3273
0.2698 0.2880 0.2590 0.2763 0.2454 0.2483 0.2571 0.2511
0.2543 0.3025 0.2665 0.2782 0.3339 0.2440 0.3413 0.2553
0.2623 0.2941 0.2066 0.3151 0.2267 0.2904 0.3011 0.2408
0.3114 0.2759 0.2955 0.2777 0.3016 0.2497 0.2927 0.2571
0.2450 0.3035 0.2146 0.3427 0.2211 0.2829 0.2819 0.2132
0.3357 0.2094 0.3231 0.2730 0.2702 0.3413 0.2618 0.3287
0.2782 0.2525 0.2787 0.2314 0.2581 0.2520 0.2450 0.2735
0.2412 0.2927 0.2960 0.2745 0.3025 0.2843 0.2595 0.2843
L = size(EarthQuake,1)
L = 4500
Ts = 0.005; % Sampling Interval (s)
t = linspace(0, L-1, L).'*Ts;
EQ_Vel = cumtrapz(t, EarthQuake) % Velocity
EQ_Vel = 4500×8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0015 0.0012 0.0015 0.0013 0.0013 0.0016 0.0012 0.0015
0.0030 0.0024 0.0029 0.0026 0.0027 0.0030 0.0025 0.0029
0.0043 0.0039 0.0043 0.0040 0.0042 0.0042 0.0040 0.0042
0.0056 0.0053 0.0054 0.0055 0.0056 0.0056 0.0056 0.0054
0.0070 0.0068 0.0067 0.0070 0.0069 0.0069 0.0071 0.0067
0.0084 0.0082 0.0080 0.0085 0.0082 0.0082 0.0086 0.0078
0.0098 0.0095 0.0093 0.0100 0.0094 0.0098 0.0099 0.0092
0.0114 0.0107 0.0108 0.0113 0.0107 0.0113 0.0112 0.0107
0.0127 0.0120 0.0123 0.0126 0.0121 0.0126 0.0125 0.0121
EQ_Dsp = cumtrapz(t, EQ_Vel) % Displacement
EQ_Dsp = 4500×8
1.0e+00 *
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003
plot(t, EarthQuake)
xlabel('Time (s)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('Acceleration ($\frac{cm}{s^2}$)', 'Interpreter','latex')
legend(compose('Column %d',1:size(EarthQuake,2)), 'Location','best')
for k = 1:size(EarthQuake,2)
plot(t, EarthQuake(:,k))
xlabel('Time (s)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel({'Acceleration', '($\frac{cm}{s^2}$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title(sprintf('Column %d',k))
ylim([-1 1]*1000)
sgtitle('Earth Quake: Accleration')
for k = 1:size(EarthQuake,2)
plot(t, EQ_Vel(:,k))
xlabel('Time (s)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel({'Acceleration', '($\frac{cm}{s}$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title(sprintf('Column %d',k))
ylim([-1 1]*10)
sgtitle('Earth Quake: Velocity')
for k = 1:size(EarthQuake,2)
plot(t, EQ_Dsp(:,k))
xlabel('Time (s)', 'Interpreter','latex')
ylabel({'Acceleration', '($cm$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title(sprintf('Column %d',k))
ylim([-1 1]*100)
sgtitle('Earth Quake: Displacement')
There does not appear to be any specific reason to correct the baseline.
They seem to be sufficiently different so that it would likely not be appropriate to plot them together in a single plot, although you certainly can if you want to.
michael roberts
on 1 Jun 2023
Can you provde insight into the transformation coding to combine the array cell into one large record from 0 to 4500x8 with time and that'll solve the current issue? I.e. each row from L to R placed vertically after each previous row, and paired with time as I believe the record went out to 180 seconds and may affect the integrations? I.e. to plot one chart EarthQuake_180 from 0 to 180 sec? :)
Star Strider
on 1 Jun 2023
I don’t understand. What’s the ‘current issue’?
The sampling interval is 0.005 seconds, and 4500 rows with a sampling interval of 0.005 seconds covers a span of 22.5 seconds. There are 36000 total data points in the file, so that would equate to 180 seconds if they were put together in a single vector. The problem is that there are no instructions on how to create a single vector from those data. Should they be concatenated row-wise (creating one column vector) or column-wise (creating one row vector)? There is nothing in the file to suggest either method.
So there’s no ‘transformation’. The textscan function reads the acceleration data first into a cell array using the appropriate format descriptor and the ‘CollectOutput’ and ‘MultipleDelimsAsOne’ name value pairs to correct for the data format in the file, and then the cell2mat function converts it from the initial cell array into a numeric matrix.
Guessing (for lack of any specific guidance) that they should be a single column vector, one way of creating it would be to use the reshape funciton, and another to simply use the ‘(:)’ subscript convention.
Using reshape —
fidi = fopen('H1 - Copy.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fidi, repmat('%f',1,8), 'HeaderLines',16, 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',1, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
EarthQuake = cell2mat(C) % Acceleration
EarthQuake = 4500×8
0.3231 0.2773 0.2590 0.3081 0.2291 0.3194 0.2221 0.2567
0.2960 0.1921 0.3292 0.2277 0.3049 0.3151 0.2688 0.3273
0.2698 0.2880 0.2590 0.2763 0.2454 0.2483 0.2571 0.2511
0.2543 0.3025 0.2665 0.2782 0.3339 0.2440 0.3413 0.2553
0.2623 0.2941 0.2066 0.3151 0.2267 0.2904 0.3011 0.2408
0.3114 0.2759 0.2955 0.2777 0.3016 0.2497 0.2927 0.2571
0.2450 0.3035 0.2146 0.3427 0.2211 0.2829 0.2819 0.2132
0.3357 0.2094 0.3231 0.2730 0.2702 0.3413 0.2618 0.3287
0.2782 0.2525 0.2787 0.2314 0.2581 0.2520 0.2450 0.2735
0.2412 0.2927 0.2960 0.2745 0.3025 0.2843 0.2595 0.2843
Ts = 0.005;
Fs = 1/Ts;
Fn = Fs/2;
EarthQuakecv = reshape(EarthQuake, [], 1) % Try Column-Wise Concatenation
EarthQuakecv = 36000×1
L = numel(EarthQuakecv) % Vector Length
L = 36000
t = linspace(0, L-1, L)*Ts; % Time Vector
plot(t, EarthQuakecv)
title({'This Doesn’t Look Correct, So Apparently Column-Wise', 'Concatenation Isn’t Going To Work'})
EarthQuakerv = reshape(EarthQuake.', 1, []).' % Try Row-Wise Concatenation, Then Transpose
EarthQuakerv = 36000×1
plot(t, EarthQuakerv)
ylabel({'Acceleration', '($\frac{cm}{s^2}$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title('Earth Quake Row Vector: Acceleration')
EQrv_Vel = cumtrapz(t, EarthQuakerv);
plot(t, EQrv_Vel)
ylabel({'Acceleration', '($\frac{cm}{s}$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title('Earth Quake Row Vector: Velocity')
EQrv_Dsp = cumtrapz(t, EQrv_Vel);
plot(t, EQrv_Dsp)
ylim([0 700])
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel({'Displacement', '($cm$)'}, 'Interpreter','latex')
title('Earth Quake Row Vector: Displacement')
Wow! A displacement of six metres in three minutes would definitely get my attention! That looks better.
My code then creates a time vector (because one does not exist in the provided data), and then uses that for the first accleration plot and all sets of individual plots. It also uses the time vector as the first argument to the cumtrapz function to do the column-wise (default dimension) numerical integrations of the eitire matrix, first to calculate the velocity and second to calculate the displacement. It uses tiledlayout for the individual plots (although it could as easily use subplot).
That essentially describes how my entire code works.
Also, ignore the Fourier transforms. I just did those to see the frequency spectra of the data, out of my own curiosity to see what they look like individually, since I wasn’t orignally certain what the columns of the data matrix represent. (I don’t necessarily have to understand the data presented in Answers questions, however I like to explore them occasionally.) I would only advise doing them on the original acceleration data anyway, not on the integrated velocity or displacement data, since it’s unlikely that those would yield any additional significant information.
michael roberts
on 1 Jun 2023
A huge thank you for working thru and demonstrating your expertise on what appears to work like math magic :) It's impressive and super you have the skills to explore the data the way you can, and inferred the displacment: I'm trying to figure out if that is literally a total shift of the ground in one direction, unlike El Centro which oscilates. I have learned a ton and have more reasons to turn to MATLAB! Also, this data is part of efforts to process and evaluate seismic data for assessment of structures and is also to support STEAM events in elementary schools: We plug the time history into a mini-shake table which children test small towers on! THANKS A TON!
michael roberts
on 1 Jun 2023
Not sure I am allowed to add to something Accepted as an Answer or to restart it.
I noticed some interesting period, apostophy, and bracket placements in this function for row wise:
compared to column wise:
...was that the intent?
And to follow up with initial post: Would fprintf be the way to export EarthQuakerv back to a .dat file type with predetermined columns similar to the begining and the numerical data format?
-this is so that a scale factor can be applied to EarthQuakerv, a new scaled time history geenrated, then put back into a format at 0.005 sec for use in the Shake table.
Star Strider
on 2 Jun 2023
Yes, it was.
The first reshape call concatenated the columns as written. The second reshape call first had to transpose the ‘EarthQuake’ matrix, do the same sort of operation, then transpose the result to be a column vector. That all has to do with how reshape works.
If you want to save the result, I would do something like this:
EarthQuakeTable = table(t{:}, EarthQuakerv, 'VariableNames',{'Time_sec','Acceleration'}) % Create ‘table’
writetable(EarthQuakeTable, 'EarthQuake.txt') % Write To File
That will write it to a text file. (Include other variables such as ‘Velocity’ and ‘Displacement’ as desired.) That will be the easiest to read and import, although other options are possible. See the documentation on writetable for details.
The current online documentation is for R2023a, so check your own documentation for R2020a for the available options and requirements for it, since there have been changes to table as well in the interim.
Experiment with the ‘Displacement’ integration. Subtracting the mean of ‘Velocity’ from the ‘Velocity’ vector might give a more meaningful result.
More Answers (3)
Walter Roberson
on 27 May 2023
Your code says to scan the file for 8 floating point numbers with commas between them with a delimiter of tab. But your file contains columns of 8 floating point numbers with no commas
importdata expects a file name rather than a file identifier with the exception that the first parameter may be the special name '-pastespecial' instead of a file name.
Steven Lord
on 30 May 2023
You may want to interactively experiment with the various options for importing your data in the Import Tool. You can specify the range of data to import, control whether MATLAB should interpret the file as delimited or fixed-width, and specify how you want the data to be imported into MATLAB (table, vectors, cell array, etc.)
Once you've changed the settings so the data looks the way you want, you can import the data (if you only have this one file to read in) or generate MATLAB code to import the data (if you have multiple files formatted the same way and you want to reuse the commands to import each of the files.)
michael roberts
on 31 May 2023
That shows up with some good options I'm not 100% sure on: I.e. table vs Column vectors?
Since the data needs to read left to right, then down, and place a time value next to it starting from 0 to 0+0.005 sec.... perhaps column vectors aren't ideal: canm row vectors be generated then combined (appended) to generate the full list?
Table was '3.230996E-001' type values in a large table.
Appreciate the advice.
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