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my minboundsphere attempt is not working, any suggestions on how to fix?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, I am trying to use the attached minboundsphere code, after a very long time this is my best attempt:
Error: Not enough input arguments.
Error in minboundsphere (line 53)
y = y(:);
Error in
[J(i,:), R(i)] = minboundsphere(C(ind,:));
C = xlsread("MINBOUNDCMATRIXDATA.xlsx");
clust = kmeans(C,3);
% Initialize scatter plot
J = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];
scatter3(C(:,1), C(:,2), C(:,3), 15, J(clust,:));
% Find minimum bounding sphere for each cluster and plot the spheres
hold on
[t, p] = meshgrid(linspace(0, pi), linspace(0, 2*pi));
J = zeros(3, 3);
R = zeros(3, 1);
colors = 'rgb';
for i = 1:3
% Find indices of data points in current cluster
ind = find(clust == i)
% Find minimum bounding sphere for current cluster
[J(i,:), R(i)] = minboundsphere(C(ind,:));
% Plot minimum bounding sphere for current cluster
surf(J(i,1) + R(i)*sin(t).*cos(p), ...
J(i,2) + R(i)*sin(t).*sin(p), ...
J(i,3) + R(i)*cos(t), ...
'EdgeColor', colors(i), 'FaceAlpha', 0.2);
ind = 58×1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Error using solution>minboundsphere
xyz must be an nx3 array of points
hold off
function [center,radius] = minboundsphere(xyz)
% minboundsphere: Compute the minimum radius enclosing sphere of a set of (x,y,z) triplets
% usage: [center,radius] = minboundsphere(xyz)
% arguments: (input)
% xyz - nx3 array of (x,y,z) triples, describing points in R^3
% as rows of this array.
% arguments: (output)
% center - 1x3 vector, contains the (x,y,z) coordinates of
% the center of the minimum radius enclosing sphere
% radius - scalar - denotes the radius of the minimum
% enclosing sphere
% Example usage:
% Sample uniformly from the interior of a unit sphere.
% As the sample size increases, the enclosing sphere
% should asymptotically approach center = [0 0 0], and
% radius = 1.
% xyz = rand(10000,3)*2-1;
% r = sqrt(sum(xyz.^2,2));
% xyz(r>1,:) = []; % 5156 points retained
% tic,[center,radius] = minboundsphere(xyz);toc
% Elapsed time is 0.199467 seconds.
% center = [0.00017275 8.5006e-05 0.00012015]
% radius = 0.9999
% Example usage:
% Sample from the surface of a unit sphere. Within eps
% or so, the result should be center = [0 0 0], and radius = 1.
% xyz = randn(10000,3);
% xyz = xyz./repmat(sqrt(sum(xyz.^2,2)),1,3);
% tic,[center,radius] = minboundsphere(xyz);toc
% Elapsed time is 0.614762 seconds.
% center =
% 4.6127e-17 -2.5584e-17 7.2711e-17
% radius =
% 1
% See also: minboundrect, minboundcircle
% Author: John D'Errico
% E-mail:
% Release: 1.0
% Release date: 1/23/07
% not many error checks to worry about
sxyz = size(xyz);
if (length(sxyz)~=2) || (sxyz(2)~=3)
error 'xyz must be an nx3 array of points'
n = sxyz(1);
% start out with the convex hull of the points to
% reduce the problem dramatically. Note that any
% points in the interior of the convex hull are
% never needed.
if n>4
tri = convhulln(xyz);
% list of the unique points on the convex hull itself
hlist = unique(tri(:));
% exclude those points inside the hull as not relevant
xyz = xyz(hlist,:);
% now we must find the enclosing sphere of those that
% remain.
n = size(xyz,1);
% special case small numbers of points. If we trip any
% of these cases, then we are done, so return.
switch n
case 0
% empty begets empty
center = [];
radius = [];
case 1
% with one point, the center has radius zero
center = xyz;
radius = 0;
case 2
% only two points. center is at the midpoint
center = mean(xyz,1);
radius = norm(xyz(1,:) - center);
case 3
% exactly 3 points. For this odd case, just use enc4,
% appending a new point at the centroid. This is simpler
% than other solutions that would have reduced the
% problem to 2-d. enc4 will do that anyway.
[center,radius] = enc4([xyz;mean(xyz,1)]);
case 4
% exactly 4 points
[center,radius] = enc4(xyz);
% pick a tolerance
tol = 10*eps*max(max(abs(xyz),[],1) - min(abs(xyz),[],1));
% more than 4 points. for no more than 15 points in the hull,
% just do an exhaustive search.
if n <= 15
% for 15 points, there are only nchoosek(15,4) = 1365
% sets to look through. this is only about a second.
asets = nchoosek(1:n,4);
center = inf(1,3);
radius = inf;
for i = 1:size(asets,1)
aset = asets(i,:);
iset = setdiff(1:n,aset);
% get the enclosing sphere for the current set
[centeri,radiusi] = enc4(xyz(aset,:));
% are all the inactive set points inside the circle?
ri = sqrt(sum((xyz(iset,:) - repmat(centeri,n-4,1)).^2,2));
[rmax,k] = max(ri);
if ((rmax - radiusi) <= tol) && (radiusi < radius)
center = centeri;
radius = radiusi;
% Use an active set strategy, on many different
% random starting sets.
center = inf(1,3);
radius = inf;
for i = 1:250
aset = randperm(n); % a random start, but quite adequate
iset = aset(5:n);
aset = aset(1:4);
flag = true;
iter = 0;
centeri = inf(1,3);
radiusi = inf;
while flag && (iter < 12)
iter = iter + 1;
% get the enclosing sphere for the current set
[centeri,radiusi] = enc4(xyz(aset,:));
% are all the inactive set points inside the circle?
ri = sqrt(sum((xyz(iset,:) - repmat(centeri,n-4,1)).^2,2));
[rmax,k] = max(ri);
if (rmax - radiusi) <= tol
% the active set enclosing sphere also enclosed
% all of the inactive points. We are done.
flag = false;
% it must be true that we can replace one member of aset
% with iset(k). That k'th element was farthest out, so
% it seems best (a greedy algorithm) to swap it in. The
% problem with the greedy algorithm, is it gets trapped
% in a cycle at times. but since we are restarting the
% algorithm multiple times, this will work.
s1 = [aset([2 3 4]),iset(k)];
[c1,r1] = enc4(xyz(s1,:));
if (norm(c1 - xyz(aset(1),:)) <= r1)
centeri = c1;
radiusi = r1;
% update the active/inactive sets
swap = aset(1);
aset = [iset(k),aset([2 3 4])];
iset(k) = swap;
% bounce out to the while loop
s1 = [aset([1 3 4]),iset(k)];
[c1,r1] = enc4(xyz(s1,:));
if (norm(c1 - xyz(aset(2),:)) <= r1)
centeri = c1;
radiusi = r1;
% update the active/inactive sets
swap = aset(2);
aset = [iset(k),aset([1 3 4])];
iset(k) = swap;
% bounce out to the while loop
s1 = [aset([1 2 4]),iset(k)];
[c1,r1] = enc4(xyz(s1,:));
if (norm(c1 - xyz(aset(3),:)) <= r1)
centeri = c1;
radiusi = r1;
% update the active/inactive sets
swap = aset(3);
aset = [iset(k),aset([1 2 4])];
iset(k) = swap;
% bounce out to the while loop
s1 = [aset([1 2 3]),iset(k)];
[c1,r1] = enc4(xyz(s1,:));
if (norm(c1 - xyz(aset(4),:)) <= r1)
centeri = c1;
radiusi = r1;
% update the active/inactive sets
swap = aset(4);
aset = [iset(k),aset([1 2 3])];
iset(k) = swap;
% bounce out to the while loop
% if we get through to this point, then something went wrong.
% Active set problem. Increase tol, then try again.
tol = 2*tol;
% have we improved over the best set so far?
if radiusi < radius
center = centeri;
radius = radiusi;
% =======================================
% begin subfunctions
% =======================================
function [center,radius] = enc4(xyz)
% minimum radius enclosing sphere for exactly 4 points in R^3
% xyz is a 4x3 array
% Note that enc4 will attempt to pass a sphere through all
% 4 of the supplied points. When the set of points proves to
% be degenerate, perhaps because of collinearity of 3 or
% more of the points, or because the 4 points are coplanar,
% then the sphere would nominally have infinite radius. Since
% there must be a finite radius sphere to enclose any set of
% finite valued points, enc4 will provide that sphere instead.
% In addition, there are some non-degenerate sets of points
% for which the circum-sphere is not minimal. enc4 will always
% try to find the minimum radius enclosing sphere.
% interpoint distance matrix D
% dfun = @(A) (A(:,[1 1 1 1]) - A(:,[1 1 1 1])').^2;
dfun = inline('(A(:,[1 1 1 1]) - A(:,[1 1 1 1])'').^2','A');
D = sqrt(dfun(xyz(:,1)) + dfun(xyz(:,2)) + dfun(xyz(:,3)));
% Find the most distant pair. Test if their circum-sphere
% also encloses the other points. If it does, then we are
% done.
[dij,ij] = max(D(:));
[i,j] = ind2sub([4 4],ij);
others = setdiff(1:4,[i,j]);
radius = dij/2;
center = (xyz(i,:) + xyz(j,:))/2;
if (norm(center - xyz(others(1),:))<=radius) && ...
(norm(center - xyz(others(2),:))<=radius)
% we can stop here.
% next, we need to test each triplet of points, finding their
% enclosing sphere. If the 4th point is also inside, then we
% are done.
ind = 1:3;
[center,radius,isin] = enc3_4(xyz(ind,:),xyz(4,:),D(ind,ind));
if isin
% the 4th point was inside this enclosing sphere.
ind = [1 2 4];
[center,radius,isin] = enc3_4(xyz(ind,:),xyz(3,:),D(ind,ind));
if isin
% the 3rd point was inside this enclosing sphere.
ind = [1 3 4];
[center,radius,isin] = enc3_4(xyz(ind,:),xyz(2,:),D(ind,ind));
if isin
% the second point was inside this enclosing sphere.
ind = [2 3 4];
[center,radius,isin] = enc3_4(xyz(ind,:),xyz(1,:),D(ind,ind));
if isin
% the first point was inside this enclosing sphere.
% find the circum-sphere that passes through all 4 points
% since we have passed all the other tests, we need not
% worry here about singularities in the system of
% equations.
A = 2*(xyz(2:4,:)-repmat(xyz(1,:),3,1));
rhs = sum(xyz(2:4,:).^2 - repmat(xyz(1,:).^2,3,1),2);
center = (A\rhs)';
radius = norm(center - xyz(1,:));
% =======================================
function [center,radius,isin] = enc3_4(xyz,xyztest,Di)
% minimum radius enclosing sphere for exactly 3 points in R^3
% xyz - a 3x3 array, with each row as a point in R^3
% xyztest - 1x3 vector, a point to be tested if it is
% inside the generated enclosing sphere.
% Di - 3x3 array of interpoint distances
% test the farthest pair of points. do they form a diameter
% of the sphere?
if Di(1,2)>=max(Di(1,3),Di(2,3))
center = mean(xyz([1 2],:),1);
radius = Di(1,2)/2;
isin = (norm(xyz(3,:) - center)<=radius) && (norm(xyztest - center)<=radius);
elseif Di(1,3)>=max(Di(1,2),Di(2,3))
center = mean(xyz([1 3],:),1);
radius = Di(1,3)/2;
isin = (norm(xyz(2,:) - center)<=radius) && (norm(xyztest - center)<=radius);
elseif Di(2,3)>=max(Di(1,2),Di(1,3))
center = mean(xyz([2 3],:),1);
radius = Di(2,3)/2;
isin = (norm(xyz(1,:) - center)<=radius) && (norm(xyztest - center)<=radius);
if isin
% we found the minimal enclosing sphere already
% If we drop down to here, no singularities should
% happen (I've already caught any degeneracies.)
% We transform the three points into a plane, then
% compute the enclosing sphere in that plane.
% translate to the origin
xyz0 = xyz(1,:);
xyzt = xyz(2:3,:) - [xyz0;xyz0];
rot = orth(xyzt');
% uv is composed of 2 points, in 2-d, plus we
% have the origin (after the translation)
uv = xyzt*rot;
A = 2*uv;
rhs = sum(uv.^2,2);
center = (A\rhs)';
radius = norm(center - uv(1,:));
% rotate and translate back
center = center*rot' + xyz0;
% test if the 4th point is enclosed also
isin = (norm(xyztest - center)<=radius);
It is not working and I have no idea why. I'm literally about to make my own but this seems like my best shot. please help!!!
Neo on 25 Feb 2023
I thought the error message discussing the variable y was from the function itself (it wasn’t). Are you saying that I’m not calling the same function as the minnoubdsphere function? If so, how would I correctly call this function? Since I seem to not be doing it correctly!
Torsten on 25 Feb 2023
Edited: Torsten on 25 Feb 2023
The error message is clear (see above).
I guess - additionally to the function "minboundsphere" - you gave your own script the same name.
This will lead to conflicts and MATLAB will error. Thus rename your script.

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Feb 2023
C = xlsread("MINBOUNDCMATRIXDATA.xlsx");
Your file has 19 variables. The first two of them are text. The first output for xlsread() strips out leading and trailing columns that are non-numeric, so your C would be an array with 17 columns.
clust = kmeans(C,3);
You cluster, with each of the 17 columns of one row being treated as a 17-dimensional point. You get out one value in clust for each row of C.
ind = find(clust == i)
You pick out a subset of rows (fine it itself, but you could improve efficiency by using logical indexing)
% Find minimum bounding sphere for current cluster
[J(i,:), R(i)] = minboundsphere(C(ind,:));
You extract all 17 columns of the selected rows, and ask minboundsphere to find a minimal sphere over those 17-dimensional points. Which is a problem because minboundsphere is only able to work on 3 dimensional points.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Mar 2023
Edited: Walter Roberson on 2 Mar 2023
You have been asking to group two classes at a time, and find the minimum bounding sphere on the X Y Z components of the data.
You can, of course, do things like use hold on .
It is not clear to me what you are trying to do. Perhaps something like
knownclasses = "K" + (1:12); %STRING not character vector
numclasses = length(knownclasses);
cmap = parula(numclasses);
numplots = floor(numclasses / 2);
for i = 1:3
% Find indices of data points in current cluster
ind = clust == i;
for classnum = 1 : 2 : numclasses
class1 = knownclasses(classnum);
class2 = knownclasses(classnum+1);
part1 = DataClassList == class1 & ind;
part2 = DataClassList == class2 & ind;
if isempty(part1) || isempty(part2)
fprintf('cluster %d does not contain %s together with %s\n', i, class1, class2);
plotnum = floor(classnum/2)*3 + i - 1;
ax = subplot(numplots, 3, plotnum);
% Find minimum bounding sphere for current cluster for these classes
[J1, R1] = minboundsphere(C(part1,1:3));
[J2, R2] = minboundsphere(C(part2,1:3));
S1 = surf(ax, J1(1) + R1*sin(t).*cos(p), ...
J1(2) + R1*sin(t).*sin(p), ...
J1(3) + R1*cos(t), ...
'EdgeColor', colors(classnum), 'FaceAlpha', 0.2);
hold(ax, on);
surf(ax, J2(1) + R2*sin(t).*cos(p), ...
J2(2) + R2*sin(t).*sin(p), ...
J2(3) + R2*cos(t), ...
'EdgeColor', colors(classnum+1), 'FaceAlpha', 0.2);
hold(ax, 'off');
title(ax, sprintf('Cluster %d, %s vs %s', i, class1, class2));
legend([S1, S2], [class1, class2]);
Neo on 2 Mar 2023
I can see why my question may not be clear so in full transparency:
In MATLAB, you can use the kmeans function to cluster data into groups based on similarities in their values. The minboundsphere function can be used to visualize the clusters by fitting a minimum bounding sphere around each group.
In my case, I want to classify the numerical variables in the Excel sheet into 12 separate spheres using kmeans. To do this, I can first read in the data from the Excel sheet. Next, i can preprocess the data as needed (e.g. normalize the variables) before passing it to the kmeans function with the desired number of clusters (in this case, 12).
Once I have the cluster assignments, I can use the minboundsphere function to visualize the clusters. This function takes in the cluster centers and radii as input and plots a sphere around each group. This can help make it clear which variables belong to which group.
% Read in the Excel data
C = xlsread("MINBOUNDCMATRIXDATA.xlsx");
% Normalize the data
mm = minmax(C.');
Cscaled = (C - mm(1,:))./(mm(2,:) - mm(1,:));
% Perform kmeans clustering
numClusters = 12;
clust = kmeans(Cscaled, numClusters);
% Initialize scatter plot
scatter3(C(:,1), C(:,2), C(:,3), 15, clust);
% Find minimum bounding sphere for each cluster and plot the spheres
hold on
[t, p] = meshgrid(linspace(0, pi), linspace(0, 2*pi));
J = zeros(numClusters, 3);
R = zeros(numClusters, 1);
colors = hsv(numClusters);
for i = 1:numClusters
% Find indices of data points in current cluster
ind = find(clust == i);
% Find minimum bounding sphere for current cluster
[J(i,:), R(i)] = minboundsphere(Cscaled(ind,:));
% Plot minimum bounding sphere for current cluster
surf(J(i,1) + R(i)*sin(t).*cos(p), ...
J(i,2) + R(i)*sin(t).*sin(p), ...
J(i,3) + R(i)*cos(t), ...
'EdgeColor', colors(i,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.2);
hold off
HOWEVER, I keep getting different errors. I don't understand why its this hard to cluster 17 numerical values into 12 minimum bounding spheres! Can you tell me how accomplish this? Thanks! @Walter Roberson

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