Error with gpuArray. My code works on two computers but not a 3rd! "The data no longer exists" but it does!

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I am doing some beamforming on GPU and it doesn't work on my newly installed computer. This code works on my workstation with a GTX 2080Ti, my laptop with an RTX A2000, but it wont run on my lab computer also with a GTX 2080Ti. This computer is a totally fresh install. The only thing that isn't new is the graphics card. I'm reusing the old one while a GTX4080 ships.
Here is the error from a smaller section of the command:
interp1(RcvData_gpu, delay_ind_gpu);
Error using gpuArray/interp1
The data no longer exists on the device.
But in the same moment i can test if those vars existOnGPU and I get true for both.
K>> existsOnGPU(RcvData_gpu)
ans =
ans =
What gives? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Daniel on 7 Feb 2023
This are the 3 snippets of the code that generate the variables that are used in the interp1.
%build return delay to each element from each point in beamformed
%space. Same for each angle. In wavelengths
return_delay_gpu = gpuArray(sqrt(reshape((x_gpu (:)' - Array_Positions_gpu )',length(za), length(xa),1,Nelements).^2 + z_gpu .^2));%factor in return lens
%build receive aperture for each angle and beamformed pixel.
%Generally a fixed F# versus depth.
RxAng_Correct_gpu =gpuArray(abs(repmat(reshape((x_gpu (:)'-Array_Positions_gpu)',length(za), length(xa), 1, Nelements), 1, 1, na)...
- repmat(reshape((z_gpu (:)'.*tand(IP.deg_rx))', length(za), length(xa),na), 1, 1, 1, Nelements))...
<= reshape((z_gpu (:)'./cosd(IP.deg_rx)/2/AP.fnumber)', length(za), length(xa), na));
%used later to minimize interp1 points
RxAng_Correct_IDX_GPU = find(RxAng_Correct_gpu);
% total tx/rx delay for each beamformed image pt converted to
% samples
total_delay_samples_gpu = ((TXDelay_gpu + return_delay_gpu - (2 * zacqstart)) * smps_wave);
%ac is interpolation index offset to allow passing collapsed RF data (ie, 1 D array) into interp1.
%for each beamformed point, the index represents where in the RF
%data to grab a point. This is done for each array element RF line
%and then will be summed.
ac = reshape((ones(1,length(za)*length(xa)).*(0:na*Nelements-1)'*NptsRF)',length(za),length(xa),na,Nelements);
%final index in collapsed RF 1D format rawRF for interpolation
%into beamformed space.
delay_ind_gpu = gpuArray(ac+total_delay_samples_gpu + filt_shift);
t_gpu = gpuArray(((0:NptsRF-1)' + zacqstart)/IP.fs);
%phase rotation line
IQ_samp_gpu = gpuArray(complex(exp(-1i*wc*t_gpu)));
%rotation for final image pts
RotatePhase_gpu = gpuArray(complex(exp(1i*wc*delay_times_gpu)));
%lump in admittance angle, window, RxAng and pahse correcton
%AllCorrect_gpu = gpuArray(SenCutOff_gpu.*Rcv_window_gpu.*RxAng_Correct_gpu.*RotatePhase_gpu); % allocate GPU matrix
AllCorrect_gpu = gpuArray(complex(zeros(size(RxAng_Correct_gpu)))); % allocate GPU matrix
%just multiply non zero elements
AllCorrect_gpu(RxAng_Correct_IDX_GPU) = RxAng_Correct_gpu(RxAng_Correct_IDX_GPU).*RotatePhase_gpu(RxAng_Correct_IDX_GPU); % allocate GPU matrix
RcvDataIn_gpu = gpuArray(double(RcvDataRawIn( :, transducer.ConnectorES, (j-1)*na+1: (j-1+bundle)*na))) ;
RcvDataIn_gpu= filter(b_gpu,a_gpu,RcvDataIn_gpu);
%put back in correct order
%down mix data to Make it complex IQ
%phase shift data and complex it
RcvData_gpu = RcvDataIn_gpu.*IQ_samp_gpu;
RcvData_gpu = filtfilt(bb_gpu,aa_gpu,RcvData_gpu)*2; % factor 2: to preserve the envelope amplitude
%reorder indexes to prep for final interp1
RcvData_gpu = reshape(RcvData_gpu, [NptsRF , Nelements, na, bundle]) ;
RcvData_gpu = reshape(permute(RcvData_gpu,[1 3 2 4]), [Nsamples * Nelements, bundle]) ;
% interpolate Rdata, sum up element contributions to a given pixel, and then compound image
%interp1 data and then sum across elements for each beamformed pixel
BFOut_gpu = squeeze(sum(interp1(RcvData_gpu, delay_ind_gpu).*AllCorrect_gpu,4));
catch gpuSqueezeEr
disp(['Failed on BFOUT Squeeze:' newline 'Beamforming failed with the following message:' newline gpuSqueezeEr.message]);
Failed on BFOUT Squeeze:
Beamforming failed with the following message:
The data no longer exists on the device.
Oli Tissot
Oli Tissot on 20 Feb 2023
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for reporting! I would like to reproduce the issue on my side to understand what is going on but some variables are not defined in your code snippet: x_gpu, Array_Positions_gpu, etc. What I need is some script that exhibit the issue and that I can reproduce on my side (everything must be defined there). Would it be it possible for you to get that and post it here for me? Then I could investigate the issue.

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Accepted Answer

Daniel on 17 Feb 2023
I found the fix. But I don't get it. This code works in 2021b, but it does not work in 2022b. The one computer that it didnt work on had 2022b installed. I installed the older version and the code worked perfectly.
Does anyone from Mathworks know why interp1 fails like this in 2022b?

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