Post Save Function callback

2 views (last 30 days)
Firas on 9 Nov 2022
Commented: Firas on 6 Dec 2022
The PostSaveFcn or CloseFcn do not work on a bus selector block unless I save or close the parent model. Is there a workaround to execute the callback as soon as I close the Message box of the block?
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Nov 2022
But closing the message box does not close or save the bus selector block...
I would tend to think that if there is a solution, it would have to do with the Mask. See for example in which the Mask is used to configure significant digits. I have not worked with the masks myself so I do not know if they are flexible enough for your situation.

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Answers (1)

Sai on 25 Nov 2022
I understand that you are trying to execute the callback immediately after closing the message box of the block. In MATLAB, there are two types of callbacks named as Model callbacks and Block callbacks. If we make changes to the model callbacks, then generally we will close and re-open the model before executing. But in Block callbacks we need not close the Simulink model, just saving it is enough.
To avoid these closing and re-opening the models, you can use the mask feature.
For more information on mask, please refer to the below documentation
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Firas on 6 Dec 2022
I need to update another block using my own script as soon as I save or close a bus selector block. I tried CloseFcn , Mask and everything but I souldn't get a clear answer, everything is locked and the callbacks are not exactly doing the real job intended? I don't want to execute my script after I save the parent model I want it to be excuted with block dialog closure!

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