What is matlab.apps.AppBase
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Siaw Chong Lee
on 13 Jul 2022
Edited: Praveen Reddy
on 30 Aug 2023
In app designer, the first line of code is
classdef app1 < matlab.apps.AppBase
but I cannot find any documentation about this class. Can someone elaborate a bit?
I was trying to create a class from scratch without app designer, and I came across the issue that I cannot assign a callback to a button like this
app.Button.ButtonPushedFcn = @app.buttonCallback
but must do
app.Button.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @buttonCallback, true)
The error that I got is
Error using app1/buttonCallback
Too many input arguments.
I guess the callbacks must be associated using a special way by calling the createCallbackFcn from matlab.apps.AppBase?
Accepted Answer
Praveen Reddy
on 29 Aug 2023
Edited: Praveen Reddy
on 30 Aug 2023
Hi Siaw,
I understand that you are getting an error while trying to create call back to a button by inheriting “matlab.apps.AppBase”. The “matlab.apps.AppBase” class provides various features and functionality specific to App Designer, such as managing the app's components, handling events, and generating the user interface. It serves as the base class for your custom app class, allowing you to inherit and utilize the built-in functionality provided by App Designer. The error you are facing is due to an incorrect usage of the function, “createCallBackFcn" requires you to pass “app”, “callback”, “eventData” as the three input arguments.
Hope this helps!
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