Can someone please help me modify this ABC algorithm into matlab code?

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Can someone please help me modify this ABC algorithm into matlab code?
1 Procedure ABC()
Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or unbalanced delimiters, or other syntax error. To construct matrices, use brackets instead of parentheses.
2 Initialise maxIteration, popSize, limit and llhx
3 for i = 1 to popSize/2
4 foodSource[i] = initialiseSolutions()
5 foodSource[i].counter = 0
6 end for
7 while not reaching maxIteration do
//Employed bee phase
8 for i = 1 to popSize/2
9 newSol = neighbourSeach(foodSource[i], llhx)
10 if getFitness(newSol) < getFitness(foodSource[i])
11 foodSource[i] = newSol
12 foodSource[i].counter = 0
13 else
14 foodSource[i].counter++
15 end if
16 end for
//Onlooker bee phase
17 for i = 1 to popSize/2
18 k = selectSolBasedOnRouletteWheelSelection(foodSource)
19 newSol= neighbourSeach(foodSource[k], llhx)
20 if getFitness(newSol) < getFitness(foodSource[k])
21 foodSource[k] = newSol
22 foodSource[i].counter = 0
23 else
24 foodSource[i].counter++
25 end if
26 end for
//Scout bee phase
27 for i = 1 to popSize/2
28 if foodSource[i].counter > foodSource[i].limit
29 foodSource[i] = initialiseSolutions()
30 foodSource[i].counter = 0
31 end if
32 end for
33 end while
34 end Procedure

Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 22 Jun 2022

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