Control the exploration in soft actor-critic

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What is the best way to control the exploration in SAC agent. For TD3 agent I used to control the exploration by adjusting the variance parameter of the agent. Is there any such option for the SAC agent. Currently it seems that the agent is exploring more than required.

Answers (1)

Ahmed R. Sayed
Ahmed R. Sayed on 4 Oct 2022
Hi Mukherjee,
You can control the agent exploration by adjusting the entropy temperature options "EntropyWeightOptions" from the rlSACAgentOptions
For example, large values of EntropyWeight encourage the agent to explore the environment or control it by adjusting the temperature learning rate "LearnRate" to reach the target entropy "TargetEntropy" value [1]. In other words, you can use a fixed weight with zero learning rate and so on.
[1] Haarnoja, Tuomas, Aurick Zhou, Kristian Hartikainen, George Tucker, Sehoon Ha, Jie Tan, Vikash Kumar, et al. "Soft Actor-Critic Algorithms and Application." Preprint, submitted January 29, 2019.




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