Operator '*' is not supported for operands of type 'struct'.

58 views (last 30 days)
Dear Sir
Nice Greeting
I get this Error
Operator '*' is not supported for operands of type 'struct'.
with this objective function
of =2.6773*x(1)+3.1007*x(2)+3.2178*x(3)+ 3.8021*x(4)+3.6727*x(5)+3.0442*x(6)+1.6362*x(7)+3.0479*x(8)+3.3917*x(9)+3.7468*x(10)+3.8989*x(11)+3.1073*x(12)+3.3207*x(13)+ 1.6382*x(14);
How can I solve this Error
Thanks in advance
tahseen alshmary
tahseen alshmary on 4 Oct 2021
excuse me, can you writ the objective function to me by formula x(i)
Andrea Strappato
Andrea Strappato on 4 Oct 2021
x(i) is the i-values/element from your x struct data type. So , for example, to get the i-th element from x try this: "struct_name(i).x".
Can you show your struct x data type?

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Oct 2021
The code itself did not have the problem you reported, but you need a replacement PSO.m file.
% Problem preparation
problem.nVar = 14;
problem.ub = 1.1 * ones(1, 14);
problem.lb = 0.05 * ones(1, 14);
problem.fobj = @ofun;
noP=30; %number of population
maxIter=1000; %number of iteration
visFlag = 1; % set this to 0 if you do not want visualization
RunNo = 30;
BestSolutions_PSO = zeros(1 , RunNo);
[GBEST,cgcurve ] = PSO( noP , maxIter, problem , visFlag ) ;
The modified PSO.m is attached.
Also, I optimized your ofun slightly;
function f = ofun(x) % objective function (minimization)
of =2.6773*x(1)+3.1007*x(2)+3.2178*x(3)+ 3.8021*x(4)+3.6727*x(5)+3.0442*x(6)+1.6362*x(7)+3.0479*x(8)+3.3917*x(9)+3.7468*x(10)+3.8989*x(11)+3.1073*x(12)+3.3207*x(13)+ 1.6382*x(14);
% if there is no constraints then comments all c0 lines below
c0 = zeros(1,0, 'like', x);
CTI =0.3;
A(1) =2.6773*x(1); B(1) =4.2191*x(6); %first row
A(2) =3.1007*x(2); B(2) =5.0777*x(1); %second row
A(3) =3.1007*x(2); B(3) =2.1891*x(7); %third row
A(4) =3.2178*x(3); B(4) =3.9908*x(2); %fourth row
A(5) =3.8021*x(4); B(5) =4.1278*x(3); %fifth row
A(6) =3.6727*x(5); B(6) =5.0785*x(4); %sixth row
A(7) =3.0442*x(6); B(7) =5.8436*x(5); %seventh row
A(8) =1.6362*x(7); B(8) =5.8436*x(5); %eighth row
A(9) =3.0442*x(6); B(9) =2.1962*x(14); %nighth row
A(10)=1.6362*x(7); B(10)=7.3310*x(13); %tenth row
A(11)=3.0479*x(8); B(11)=2.1891*x(7); %eleventh row
A(12)=3.0479*x(8); B(12)=5.4250*x(9); %tweleventh row
A(13)=3.3917*x(9); B(13)=4.9527*x(10); %thirteenth row
A(14)=3.7468*x(10); B(14)=5.2862*x(11); %fourteenth row
A(15)=3.8989*x(11); B(15)=3.8989*x(12); %fiveteenth row
A(16)=3.1073*x(12); B(16)=7.3310*x(13); %sixteenth row
A(17)=3.1073*x(12); B(17)=2.1962*x(14); %seventennth row
A(18)=3.3207*x(13); B(18)=4.4351*x(8); %eighteenth row
A(19)=1.6382*x(14); B(19)=5.0777*x(1); %nighnteenth row
A(20)=1.6382*x(14); B(20)=5.4250*x(9); % twenty row
c0(1)= B(1) -A(1)-CTI;
c0(2)= B(2) -A(2)-CTI;
c0(3)= B(3) -A(3)-CTI;
c0(4)= B(4) -A(4)-CTI;
c0(5)= B(5) -A(5)-CTI;
c0(6)= B(6) -A(6)-CTI;
c0(7)= B(7) -A(7)-CTI;
c0(8)= B(8) -A(8)-CTI;
c0(9)= B(9) -A(9)-CTI;
c0(10)= B(10)-A(10)-CTI;
c0(11)= B(11)-A(11)-CTI;
c0(12)= B(12)-A(12)-CTI;
c0(13)= B(13)-A(13)-CTI;
c0(14)= B(14)-A(14)-CTI;
c0(15)= B(15)-A(15)-CTI;
c0(16)= B(16)-A(16)-CTI;
c0(17)= B(17)-A(17)-CTI;
c0(18)= B(18)-A(18)-CTI;
c0(19)= B(19)-A(19)-CTI;
c0(20)= B(20)-A(20)-CTI;
if isa(x, 'sym')
D = arrayfun(@(C) piecewise(C < 0, -C*1000, C), c0);
D = c0;
mask = D < 0;
D(mask) = -1000*D(mask);
Z = sum(D);
f=of+Z; % fitness function
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Oct 2021
You posted your entire code, and that code did not have a call
If you want to know the value of the function at the best location, just examine
and the best location found is

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More Answers (2)

tahseen alshmary
tahseen alshmary on 4 Oct 2021
Thank you so much

tahseen alshmary
tahseen alshmary on 4 Oct 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson on 4 Oct 2021
what do you mean
the full objective function below
of =2.6773*x(1)+3.1007*x(2)+3.2178*x(3)+ 3.8021*x(4)+3.6727*x(5)+3.0442*x(6)+1.6362*x(7)+3.0479*x(8)+3.3917*x(9)+3.7468*x(10)+3.8989*x(11)+3.1073*x(12)+3.3207*x(13)+ 1.6382*x(14);
% if there is no constraints then comments all c0 lines below
CTI =0.3;
A(1) =2.6773*x(1); B(1) =4.2191*x(6); %first row
A(2) =3.1007*x(2); B(2) =5.0777*x(1); %second row
A(3) =3.1007*x(2); B(3) =2.1891*x(7); %third row
A(4) =3.2178*x(3); B(4) =3.9908*x(2); %fourth row
A(5) =3.8021*x(4); B(5) =4.1278*x(3); %fifth row
A(6) =3.6727*x(5); B(6) =5.0785*x(4); %sixth row
A(7) =3.0442*x(6); B(7) =5.8436*x(5); %seventh row
A(8) =1.6362*x(7); B(8) =5.8436*x(5); %eighth row
A(9) =3.0442*x(6); B(9) =2.1962*x(14); %nighth row
A(10)=1.6362*x(7); B(10)=7.3310*x(13); %tenth row
A(11)=3.0479*x(8); B(11)=2.1891*x(7); %eleventh row
A(12)=3.0479*x(8); B(12)=5.4250*x(9); %tweleventh row
A(13)=3.3917*x(9); B(13)=4.9527*x(10); %thirteenth row
A(14)=3.7468*x(10); B(14)=5.2862*x(11); %fourteenth row
A(15)=3.8989*x(11); B(15)=3.8989*x(12); %fiveteenth row
A(16)=3.1073*x(12); B(16)=7.3310*x(13); %sixteenth row
A(17)=3.1073*x(12); B(17)=2.1962*x(14); %seventennth row
A(18)=3.3207*x(13); B(18)=4.4351*x(8); %eighteenth row
A(19)=1.6382*x(14); B(19)=5.0777*x(1); %nighnteenth row
A(20)=1.6382*x(14); B(20)=5.4250*x(9); % twenty row
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Oct 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson on 4 Oct 2021
Mathworks does not supply a function named PSO . The Mathworks particle swarm function is named particleswarm()
So we would need to know where you found the PSO.m function .

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