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i need to find the thickness of optical fibre from interference pattern.

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i have used an optical fibre as an object in holographic microscopy. i need to find the thickness of the optical fibre. i am new to the matlab platform. can anyone help me regarding the same .thanks in advance.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Sep 2021
I think it could be an interesting exercise to determine the effective core diameter based upon a hologram taken perpendicularly to a fibre that had been extracted from the outer poly shield.
But I would not expect the image to look anything like the posted image... could be wrong in my expectations.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Sep 2021
Edited: Image Analyst on 27 Sep 2021
Maybe you could determine the diameter of the fiber (core and/or cladding) from the hologram, but if you have the actual fiber (and not just the hologram) I think the most direct route would be to simple take a picture of the fiber in a microscope with the right field of view and to measure it with the microscope manufacturer's software. You could probably see both the cladding and the core and get both of the diameters. Determining the diameter(s) from the image it makes seems like an indirect, and much more difficult and much less precise, method.

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Answers (1)

yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 27 Sep 2021
sir,can you make some label to identify which part is the thickness

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