non rectangular density plots

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pfb on 4 Aug 2011
Hi all,
I have to produce density plots like those obtained e.g. with imagesc, but on a triangular domain. That is: the "pixels" of my image lay on a triangular instead of a rectangular lattice. Of course I could use imagesc, filling only one half of a rectangular lattice (matrix), but this choice is not as aesthetically appealing and hides the symmetry of the problem. I get a rectangular triangle instead of an equilateral one.
What I'm doing now is plotting '.' markers at the sites of the triangular lattice, and then adding custom-made axes. The result is sort of ok, but I have some problems. For one the image is very "heavy" since I must individually plot a huge number of "pixels". Second, I cannot think of any means of changing the color code, like colormap(somemap) does. The color of each individual '.' marker is set at the moment of the plotting, and I have no idea as to how to have it respond to a colormap command.
I'd be really interested in any suggestion on ways of changing the colormap. I thought of using (exceedingly tiny) hexagonal patches instead of markers, but I guess that would make the image even bigger.
Thanks a lot for your help

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Aug 2011
scatter() and pass a vector as the C parameter instead of passing an RGB matrix. The result will be colormap sensitive.
  1 Comment
pfb on 9 Aug 2011
Thanks a lot Walter,
I do not know how I could miss the scatter function after so many years of matlab use.
As you suggest, scatter does exactly what I need. It has the same effect of the function I created *and* is colormap (and clim!) sensitive.
Thanks again

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