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J1939 Communication

Vehicle network communication using J1939 protocol

Create J1939 parameter groups and channels to transmit over a CAN network using MATLAB® or Simulink®.


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canDatabaseCreate handle to CAN database file
j1939ChannelCreate J1939 CAN channel
configBusSpeedConfigure bit timing of J1939 channel
startStart channel connection to J1939 bus
stopStop channel connection to J1939 bus
receiveReceive parameter groups from J1939 bus
transmitSend parameter groups via channel to J1939 bus
discardDiscard available parameter groups on J1939 channel
filterAllowAllOpen parameter group filters on J1939 channel
filterAllowOnlyAllow only specified parameter groups to pass J1939 channel filter
filterBlockOnlyBlock only specified parameter groups on J1939 channel filter
canDatabaseCreate handle to CAN database file
j1939ParameterGroupCreate J1939 parameter group
j1939ParameterGroupImportImport J1939 log file
j1939ParameterGroupTimetableConvert CAN messages or J1939 parameter groups into timetable (Since R2021a)
j1939SignalTimetableCreate J1939 signal timetable from J1939 parameter group timetable (Since R2021a)
extractAllOccurrences of specified J1939 parameter groups
extractRecentOccurrences of most recent J1939 parameter groups
extractTimeOccurrences of J1939 parameter groups within time range


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j1939.Channel PropertiesProperties of the j1939.Channel object
j1939.ParameterGroup PropertiesProperties of the j1939.ParameterGroup object


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J1939 Network ConfigurationDefine J1939 network configuration name and database file
J1939 Node ConfigurationConfigure J1939 node with address and network management attributes
J1939 CAN Transport LayerTransport J1939 messages via CAN
J1939 TransmitTransmit J1939 message
J1939 ReceiveReceive J1939 parameter group messages


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