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Remove invalid points from point cloud


[ptCloudOut,indices] = removeInvalidPoints(ptCloud) removes points with Inf or NaN coordinate values from point cloud and returns the indices of valid points.


The output is always an unorganized (X-by-3) point cloud. If the input ptCloud is an organized point cloud (M-by-N-by-3), the function returns the output as an unorganized point cloud.



collapse all

Create a point cloud object with NaN and Inf values.

xyzpoints = abs(randn(10,3)).*100;
xyzpoints(1:2:4,:) = nan('single');
xyzpoints(6:2:10,:) = inf('single');
ptCloud = pointCloud(xyzpoints);

Inspect the Location property of point cloud data to verify the occurrence of NaN and Inf values.

ans = 10×3

       NaN       NaN       NaN
  183.3885  303.4923  120.7487
       NaN       NaN       NaN
   86.2173    6.3055  163.0235
   31.8765   71.4743   48.8894
       Inf       Inf       Inf
   43.3592   12.4144   72.6885
       Inf       Inf       Inf
  357.8397  140.9034   29.3871
       Inf       Inf       Inf

Remove points with NaN and Inf values from the point cloud.

ptCloudOut = removeInvalidPoints(ptCloud);

Inspect the Location property of point cloud data to verify that the invalid points are removed.

ans = 5×3

  183.3885  303.4923  120.7487
   86.2173    6.3055  163.0235
   31.8765   71.4743   48.8894
   43.3592   12.4144   72.6885
  357.8397  140.9034   29.3871

Input Arguments

collapse all

Point cloud, specified as a pointCloud object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Point cloud, returned as a pointCloud object with Inf or NaN coordinates removed.


The output is always an unorganized (X-by-3) point cloud. If the input ptCloud is an organized point cloud (M-by-N-by-3), the function returns the output as an unorganized point cloud.

Indices of valid points in the point cloud, specified as a vector.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

GPU Code Generation
Generate CUDA® code for NVIDIA® GPUs using GPU Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

See Also


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