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Create pose graph

Since R2020a


G = createPoseGraph(vSet) returns a pose graph derived from the views and connections in the view set, vSet.



collapse all

Create an empty point cloud view set.

vSet = pcviewset;

Define three relative poses.

relPoses = repelem(rigidtform3d,3,1);
relPoses(1).Translation = [3 0 0];
relPoses(2).Translation = [5 0 0];
relPoses(3).Translation = [2 0 0];

Accumulate absolute poses.

absPoses = repelem(rigidtform3d,4,1);
absPoses(2).A = absPoses(1).A * relPoses(1).A;
absPoses(3).A = absPoses(2).A * relPoses(2).A;
absPoses(4).A = absPoses(3).A * relPoses(3).A;

Add four views to the point cloud view set.

vSet = addView(vSet,1,absPoses(1));
vSet = addView(vSet,2,absPoses(2));
vSet = addView(vSet,3,absPoses(3));
vSet = addView(vSet,4,absPoses(4));

Add three connections to the point cloud view set.

vSet = addConnection(vSet,1,2,relPoses(1));
vSet = addConnection(vSet,2,3,relPoses(2));
vSet = addConnection(vSet,3,4,relPoses(3));

Add a loop closure connection to the point cloud view set.

relPoses(4).Translation = [9 0 0];
vSet = addConnection(vSet,4,1,relPoses(4));

Create a pose graph.

G = createPoseGraph(vSet);

Input Arguments

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View set, specified as a pcviewset object.

Output Arguments

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Pose graph, returned as a digraph object. The nodes in the object correspond to views, and the edges in the object correspond to connections.

The EndNodes of the Edges in the G digraph correspond to indices into the Views table, (not ViewIds).


  • The EndNodes of the Edges in the G digraph correspond to indices into the Views table, (not ViewIds).

  • Use Directed and Undirected Graphs to inspect, modify, or visualize the pose graph.

  • Use the optimizePoseGraph (Navigation Toolbox) function to optimize the pose graph. Use of this function requires the Navigation Toolbox™.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

See Also



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