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systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.RequirementLinkFinder Class

Namespace: systemcomposer.rptgen.finder
Superclasses: mlreportgen.finder.Finder (MATLAB Report Generator)

Find requirement links

Since R2022b


The systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.RequirementLinkFinder class searches for information about requirement links in a requirement link set.


finder = RequirementLinkFinder(Container) creates a finder that finds requirement links in a given requirement link set.


This finder provides these options to get search results:

  • To return the search results as an array, use the find method. Add the results directly to a report or process the results in a for-loop.

  • To iterate through the results one at a time, use the hasNext and next methods in a while-loop.

Neither option has a performance advantage.


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Requirement link set filename with the .slmx extension, specified as a string.

Example: f = RequirementLinkFinder("System_Reqs.slmx")

Data Types: string

Properties of objects to find, specified as a cell array of name-value arguments. The finder returns only objects that have the specified properties with the specified values.

Example: f.Properties = {'Gain','5'}

Data Types: char


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Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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