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Requirements-Based Development in Projects

Projects help you organize and share files, and work with source control systems. Since requirements-based development commonly involves multiple contributors and multiple files, consider organizing your models, requirements, links, and tests in a project. For more information, see Create Projects.

Organizing Requirements, Models, and Tests

To facilitate multiple individuals working on a project in source control, consider the following:

  • Store models, requirements, and tests in separate folders within a project.

  • Add folders to the project path, so that link sources and destinations resolve when you open a requirement set or model.

  • Use a source control tool, such as Git, to collaborate on projects and project files.

  • When you link requirements to a model (or code, test, etc.) the traceability data file saves in the same folder as the model. Store traceability data files in a folder with the respective model, code, or test.

  • Opening a requirement set in a project loads other requirement and link sets in the project.

This is a simple project with a model, several tests, and a requirement set.

Project folders and files

If your project includes shared library models, requirement sets, requirements links, and supporting files, you can create requirements links between your local models and shared requirements. You can also create requirements between your local requirements and shared models and supporting files. Shared library requirements data is integrated into your local requirements data.

You can refresh requirement link information by using the slreq.refreshLinkDependencies command.

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