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Create two-port attenuator element

Since R2021a


    Use the attenuator object to attenuate the signal power by the insertion loss or attenuation factor that you specify. You can also use the attenuator object to compute attenuation in cascaded stages using an rfbudget object or the RF Budget Analyzer app.



    att = attenuator creates a default attenuator object with the attenuation of 3 dB.

    att = attenuator(Name,Value) sets Properties of the attenuator object using one or more name-value arguments. For example, att = attenuator('Attenuation',3.2) creates an attenuator object with attenuation set to 3.2 dB. Properties you do not specify retain their default values.



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    Name of the attenuator element, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

    Example: att = attenuator('Name','Attenuator1') creates an attenuator element called Attenuator1.

    Insertion loss or attenuation applied to the signal, specified as a scalar in dB.

    Example: att = attenuator('Attenuation',20) creates a 20 dB attenuator element.

    Input impedance of the attenuator element, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.

    Example: att = attenuator('Zin',200) creates an attenuator element with the input impedance of 200 ohms.

    Output impedance of the attenuator element, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.

    Example: att = attenuator('Zout',200) creates an attenuator element with the output impedance of 200 ohms.

    This property is read-only.

    Number of input and output ports in attenuator element, returned as a positive scalar.

    This property is read-only.

    Terminals of the attenuator element, returned as a cell array.

    Object Functions

    sparametersCalculate S-parameters for RF data, network, circuit, and matching network objects


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    Design an attenuator element to reduce the amplitude level of an audio signal by 18 dB while matching the impedance of a network of 600 ohms.

    att = attenuator('Attenuation',18,'Zin',600,'Zout',600);

    Calculate the S-parameters of the attenuator element at 3 KHz.

    spar = sparameters(att,3e3)
    spar = 
      sparameters with properties:
          Impedance: 50
           NumPorts: 2
         Parameters: [2x2 double]
        Frequencies: 3000

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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