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Estimate pose from asynchronous MARG and GPS data


The insfilterAsync object implements sensor fusion of MARG and GPS data to estimate pose in the NED (or ENU) reference frame. MARG (magnetic, angular rate, gravity) data is typically derived from magnetometer, gyroscope, and accelerometer data, respectively. The filter uses a 28-element state vector to track the orientation quaternion, velocity, position, MARG sensor biases, and geomagnetic vector. The insfilterAsync object uses a continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter to estimate these quantities.



filter = insfilterAsync creates an insfilterAsync object to fuse asynchronous MARG and GPS data with default property values.


filter = insfilterAsync('ReferenceFrame',RF) allows you to specify the reference frame, RF, of the filter.

filter = insfilterAsync(___,Name=Value) sets one or more properties using name-value arguments in addition to any of the previous input arguments.

Input Arguments

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Local navigation coordinate system, specified as either 'NED' (North-East-Down) or 'ENU' (East-North-Up).

Data Types: char | string


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Reference location, specified as a three-element row vector in geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, and altitude). Altitude is the height above the reference ellipsoid model, WGS84. The reference location units are [degrees degrees meters].

Data Types: single | double

Additive quaternion process noise variance, specified as a scalar or four-element vector of quaternion parts.

Data Types: single | double

Additive angular velocity process noise in the local navigation coordinate system in (rad/s)2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real finite numbers.

  • If AngularVelocityNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the local navigation coordinate system, respectively.

  • If AngularVelocityNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Data Types: single | double

Additive position process noise in the local navigation coordinate system in m2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real finite numbers.

  • If PositionNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the local navigation coordinate system, respectively.

  • If PositionNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Data Types: single | double

Additive velocity process noise in the local navigation coordinate system in (m/s)2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real finite numbers.

  • If VelocityNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the local navigation coordinate system, respectively.

  • If VelocityNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Data Types: single | double

Additive acceleration process noise in (m/s2)2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real finite numbers.

  • If AccelerationNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the local navigation coordinate system, respectively.

  • If AccelerationNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Data Types: single | double

Additive process noise variance from the gyroscope bias in (rad/s)2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real finite numbers.

  • If GyroscopeBiasNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the gyroscope, respectively.

  • If GyroscopeBiasNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Data Types: single | double

Additive process noise variance from accelerometer bias in (m/s2)2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real numbers.

  • If AccelerometerBiasNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the accelerometer, respectively.

  • If AccelerometerBiasNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Additive process noise variance of geomagnetic vector in μT2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real numbers.

  • If GeomagneticVectorNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the local navigation coordinate system, respectively.

  • If GeomagneticVectorNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

Additive process noise variance from magnetometer bias in μT2, specified as a scalar or three-element row vector of positive real numbers.

  • If MagnetometerBiasNoise is a row vector, the elements correspond to the noise in the x, y, and z axes of the magnetometer, respectively.

  • If MagnetometerBiasNoise is a scalar, the single element is applied to each axis.

State vector of the extended Kalman filter. The state values represent:

Orientation (quaternion parts)N/A1:4
Angular Velocity (XYZ)rad/s5:7
Position (NED or ENU)m8:10
Velocity (NED or ENU)m/s11:13
Acceleration (NED or ENU)m/s214:16
Accelerometer Bias (XYZ)m/s217:19
Gyroscope Bias (XYZ)rad/s20:22
Geomagnetic Field Vector (NED or ENU)μT23:25
Magnetometer Bias (XYZ)μT26:28

The default initial state corresponds to an object at rest located at [0 0 0] in geodetic LLA coordinates.

Data Types: single | double

State error covariance for the extended Kalman filter, specified as a 28-by-28-element matrix of real numbers.

Data Types: single | double

Object Functions

predictUpdate states based on motion model for insfilterAsync
fuseaccelCorrect states using accelerometer data for insfilterAsync
fusegyroCorrect states using gyroscope data for insfilterAsync
fusemagCorrect states using magnetometer data for insfilterAsync
fusegpsCorrect states using GPS data for insfilterAsync
correctCorrect states using direct state measurements for insfilterAsync
residualResiduals and residual covariances from direct state measurements for insfilterAsync
residualaccelResiduals and residual covariance from accelerometer measurements for insfilterAsync
residualgpsResiduals and residual covariance from GPS measurements for insfilterAsync
residualmagResiduals and residual covariance from magnetometer measurements for insfilterAsync
residualgyroResiduals and residual covariance from gyroscope measurements for insfilterAsync
poseCurrent position, orientation, and velocity estimate for insfilterAsync
resetReset internal states for insfilterAsync
stateinfoDisplay state vector information for insfilterAsync
copyCreate copy of insfilterAsync
tuneTune insfilterAsync parameters to reduce estimation error
tunernoiseNoise structure of fusion filter


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Load logged sensor data and ground truth pose.

load('uavshort.mat','refloc','initstate','imuFs', ...
    'accel','gyro','mag','lla','gpsvel', ...

Create an INS filter to fuse asynchronous MARG and GPS data to estimate pose.

filt = insfilterAsync;
filt.ReferenceLocation = refloc;
filt.State = [initstate(1:4);0;0;0;initstate(5:10);0;0;0;initstate(11:end)];

Define sensor measurement noises. The noises were determined from datasheets and experimentation.

Rmag  = 80;
Rvel  = 0.0464;
Racc  = 800;
Rgyro = 1e-4;
Rpos  = 34;

Preallocate variables for position and orientation. Allocate a variable for indexing into the GPS data.

N = size(accel,1);
p = zeros(N,3);
q = zeros(N,1,'quaternion');

gpsIdx = 1;

Fuse accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and GPS data. The outer loop predicts the filter forward one time step and fuses accelerometer and gyroscope data at the IMU sample rate.

for ii = 1:N
    % Predict the filter forward one time step
    % Fuse accelerometer and gyroscope readings
    % Fuse magnetometer at 1/2 the IMU rate
    if ~mod(ii, fix(imuFs/2))
    % Fuse GPS once per second
    if ~mod(ii,imuFs)
        gpsIdx = gpsIdx + 1;
    % Log the current pose estimate
    [p(ii,:),q(ii)] = pose(filt);

Calculate the RMS errors between the known true position and orientation and the output from the asynchronous IMU filter.

posErr = truePos - p;
qErr = rad2deg(dist(trueOrient,q));

pRMS = sqrt(mean(posErr.^2));
qRMS = sqrt(mean(qErr.^2));

fprintf('Position RMS Error\n');
Position RMS Error
fprintf('\tX: %.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f (meters)\n\n',pRMS(1),pRMS(2),pRMS(3));
	X: 0.55, Y: 0.71, Z: 0.74 (meters)
fprintf('Quaternion Distance RMS Error\n');
Quaternion Distance RMS Error
fprintf('\t%.2f (degrees)\n\n', qRMS);
	4.72 (degrees)

Visualize the true position and the estimated position.

hold on
grid on
xlabel('N (m)')
ylabel('E (m)')
zlabel('D (m)')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel N (m), ylabel E (m) contains 2 objects of type line.


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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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