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Control maximum number of computational threads


N = maxNumCompThreads returns the current maximum number of computational threads.

Currently, the maximum number of computational threads is equal to the number of physical cores on your machine.


LASTN = maxNumCompThreads(n) sets the maximum number of computational threads to n and returns the previous maximum number of computational threads, LASTN.

LASTN = maxNumCompThreads('automatic') sets the maximum number of computational threads using what the MATLAB® software determines to be the most desirable. It additionally returns the previous maximum number of computational threads, LASTN.


Setting the maximum number of computational threads using maxNumCompThreads does not propagate to your next MATLAB session.

You can set the -singleCompThread option when starting MATLAB to limit MATLAB to a single computational thread. By default, MATLAB makes use of the multithreading capabilities of the computer on which it is running.

On Windows® platforms with multiple processor groups, the default maximum number of computational threads is equal to the number of physical cores within the processor group that is running MATLAB.


collapse all

Display the current maximum number of computational threads.

N = maxNumCompThreads
N = 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Maximum number of computational threads, specified as a positive integer scalar.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Current maximum number of computational threads, returned as a positive integer scalar.

Previous maximum number of computational threads, returned as a positive integer scalar.

Version History

Introduced in R2007b

See Also

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