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mexEvalString (Fortran)

Execute MATLAB command in caller workspace

Fortran Syntax

#include "fintrf.h"
integer*4 mexEvalString(command)
character*(*) command



String containing MATLAB® command to execute


0 if successful, and 1 if an error occurs.


Call mexEvalString to invoke a MATLAB command in the workspace of the caller.

mexEvalString and mexCallMATLAB both execute MATLAB commands. Use mexCallMATLAB for returning results (left side arguments) back to the MEX function. The mexEvalString function does not return values to the MEX function.

All arguments that appear to the right of an equal sign in the command string must be current variables of the caller workspace.

Do not use MATLAB function names for variable names. Common variable names that conflict with function names include i, j, mode, char, size, or path. To determine whether a particular name is associated with a MATLAB function, use the which function. For more information, see Variable Names.

Error Handling

If command detects an error, then MATLAB returns control to the MEX file and mexEvalString returns 1. To trap errors, use the mexEvalStringWithTrap function.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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