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Configure workflows for UVM and SystemVerilog component generation from MATLAB

Since R2023a

    Add-On Required: This feature requires the ASIC Testbench for HDL Verifier add-on.


    The svdpiConfiguration object controls the creation of a universal verification methodology (UVM) component or a SystemVerilog DPI component from a MATLAB® function.



    svdpiObj = svdpiConfiguration() creates an svdpiConfiguration object for a sequential module.


    svdpiObj = svdpiConfiguration(ComponentKind) creates an svdpiConfiguration object for a SystemVerilog module or a UVM component specified by ComponentKind.


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    Code Generation

    Specify a custom configuration object using coder.config('dll'). The configuration object build type must be set as dynamic library. See coder.config (MATLAB Coder).

    Choose how the SystemVerilog ports are generated when your MATLAB function includes a port that is a composite data type, such as struct or complex.

    • 1 — Retain structures by defining new SystemVerilog types.

    • 0 — Flatten composite data types to its individual members in SystemVerilog.

    Data Types: logical

    Choose how the SystemVerilog ports are generated when your MATLAB function includes a port that is a vector or matrix data type.

    • 1 — Each element in the array or matrix creates a scalar port in the generated SystemVerilog code.

    • 0 — The generated SystemVerilog ports preserve the array or matrix as defined in MATLAB.

    Data Types: logical

    Name of MATLAB function to generate the DPI component from, specified as a character vector or string.

    This is an optional property. If you use the uvmfTestBenchConfiguration object, then this is the only way in which you can specify the MATLAB function name associated with this object.

    Example: "funcName"

    Data Types: char | string

    Select the SystemVerilog data type for ports as one of these values:

    • CompatibleCType – Generate a compatible C type interface for the port.

    • BitVector – Generate a bit vector type interface for the port.

    • LogicVector – Generate a logic vector type interface for the port.

    For more information about this property, see -PortsDataType.


    To enable this property, set the ComponentKind property to 'uvmf-predictor', 'uvmf-sequence', or 'uvmf-custom'.

    Data type and size of MATLAB function inputs, specified as a cell array. Specify the input types that the generated DPI component accepts. InputArgs is a cell array specifying the type of each function argument. Elements are converted to types using coder.typeof.

    This property has the same functionality as the codegen (MATLAB Coder) function argument args.

    Example: {double(0),int8(0)}


    To enable this property, set the ComponentKind property to 'uvmf-predictor', 'uvmf-sequence', or 'uvmf-custom'.

    Component Information

    Select a built-in template for SystemVerilog DPI or UVM component generation, specified as 'template-name'. For a customized template, specify 'custom'.

    You can override values of built-in template variables through this configuration object. A common use of overrides is to ensure compatibility of the generated code with any existing testbench or component library by avoiding type-name conflicts.

    Common overrides for all templates include:

    • ComponentTypeName, TestBenchTypeName — override the default values by setting the ComponentTypeName and TestBenchTypeName properties in the svdpiConfiguration object.

    • ComponentPackageTypeName — override the default value by setting the TemplateDictionary property in the svdpiConfiguration object.

    Optional template-specific overrides:

    • UVM sequence:

      • SequenceTransTypeName, SequencerTypeName, SequenceCount, SequenceFlushCount, ConfigObjTypeName — override the default values by setting the TemplateDictionary property in the svdpiConfiguration object.

    • UVM predictor:

      • InputTransTypeName, OutputTransTypeName, ConfigObjTypeName — override the default values by setting the TemplateDictionary property in the svdpiConfiguration object.

    • UVM scoreboard:

      • InputTransTypeName, OutputTransTypeName, ConfigObjTypeName — override the default values by setting the TemplateDictionary property in the svdpiConfiguration object.

    • PREDICTOR_INPUTS, MONITOR_INPUTS, CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS — map HDL ports to groups by using the addPortGroup object function with the svdpiConfiguration object.

    For more information about the template engine, see SystemVerilog and UVM Template Engine.

    Component type name, specified as a string or character vector. The dpigen function uses this argument to name the generated component and the SystemVerilog package files. If you do not specify a component type name, the component type name is the MATLAB function name.

    Testbench type name, specified as a string or character vector. The dpigen function uses this argument to name the generated SystemVerilog testbench and its associated files. If you do not specify a component type name, the testbench type name is uses the name of the MATLAB testbench function.

    In the code below, the dpigen function generates a predictor component, and creates a testbench module for it using the provided testbench function name (my_tb).

    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-predictor');
    dpigen fooBar -testbench my_tb -config c;

    To override that testbench name, specify the desired SystemVerilog name. In this example it is specified as pulse_framed_tb.

    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-predictor');
    c.TestBenchTypeName = 'pulse_framed_tb';
    dpigen fooBar -testbench my_tb -config c;


    Each template defines a template dictionary, which declares template-specific variables. Assign values to these variables as a cell array of variable names followed by values.

    The template files expand tokens of the form %<Name> with Value. Names and values must be strings or character arrays.

    Override default template values here such as transaction type names for UVM components or sequence counts for a UVM sequence component. To see an example, go to Override Template Variable Values.


    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-sequence');
    c.TemplateDictionary = {
         'SequenceCount',      '15',
         'SequenceFlushCount', '2',

    In the template file, the line:

    repeat (%<SequenceCount>)

    will be replaced with:

    repeat (15)

    This property is read-only.

    A port group represents a section of the generated interface that logically belongs together. For example:

    • All inputs to a module belong to the ALL_INPUTS port group in the built-in templates.

    • All inputs to a UVM scoreboard module that originate in the monitor belong to the MONITOR_INPUTS port group in the UVM scoreboard template.

    • Configuration inputs to a scoreboard, sequence, or predictor belong to the CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS interface.

    Several built-in groups exist such as ALL_INPUTS and ALL_OUTPUTS. Templates utilize port groups to generate wrapper code specific to that group.

    You can modify a port group by using the addPortGroup or removePortGroup functions respectively.

    For example, add port groups to a scoreboard:

    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-scoreboard');
         addPortGroup(c, 'PREDICTOR_INPUTS', {'PeakSq','Location','FilterOut_re','FilterOut_im'});
         addPortGroup(c, 'MONITOR_INPUTS', {'PeakSqImplIn','LocationImplIn',...
         addPortGroup(c, 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS', 'pErrorPercentThreshold'); 

    In the template file, the configuration object definition can include the following code to allow randomization of variables:


    The path to the template files to use when processing a module or component, specified as a cell array of one or more templates.

    A template file can generate several files per component. Template file location and name can use an absolute path or relative path. Relative paths are converted to absolute paths.


    To write this property, set the ComponentKind property to 'custom'. Otherwise, this property is read-only.

    The path to the template files to use when processing a testbench for a component, specified as a string or as a cell array for multiple templates.

    A template file can generate several files per component. Filenames can use an absolute path or relative path. Relative paths are converted to absolute paths.


    To write this property, set the ComponentKind property to 'custom'. Otherwise, this property is read-only.

    Object Functions

    addPortGroupAdd port group mapping to svdpiConfiguration object
    removePortGroupRemove port group mapping from svdpiConfiguration object


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    This example shows how to generate a SystemVerilog DPI (SVDPI) component from the sineWaveGen function by using the default template in HDL Verifier™.

    Use Default Template to Create SVDPI Module

    Create a configuration object with the default template, and use it with the dpigen function. Note the generated SystemVerilog files:



    dpigen -config c -args {0,0} sineWaveGen
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.c
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper header file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.h
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating makefiles for: sineWaveGen_dpi
    Code generation successful.

    Rename the generated module to myDut. Note the generated SystemVerilog files:



    c.ComponentTypeName = 'myDut';
    dpigen -config c -args {0,0} sineWaveGen
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.c
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper header file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.h
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating makefiles for: sineWaveGen_dpi
    Code generation successful.

    Use Template to Create UVM Predictor

    Create a configuration object with the UVM predictor template, and use it with the dpigen function. Note the generated SystemVerilog files:





    c = svdpiConfiguration('uvm-predictor');
    c.ComponentTypeName = 'sinWave_predictor';
    dpigen sineWaveGen -config c -args {0,0}
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.c
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper header file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.h
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    Warning: Port group 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS' was found in the template file but contained no ports in its list. Specify the PortGroups list using the svdpiConfiguration object.
    Warning: Port group 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS' was found in the template file but contained no ports in its list. Specify the PortGroups list using the svdpiConfiguration object.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    Warning: Port group 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS' was found in the template file but contained no ports in its list. Specify the PortGroups list using the svdpiConfiguration object.
    ### Generating makefiles for: sineWaveGen_dpi
    Code generation successful.

    Override Template Variable Values

    Now, change the generated SystemVerilog transaction names.

    • Override the default predictor_input_trans and rename it sineWaveTrans.

    • Override the default predictor_output_trans and rename it sineWaveOut.

    To assign new values to the InputTransTypeName and OutputTransTypeName variables in the template dictionary, set the TemplateDictionary property.

    c.TemplateDictionary = {
    dpigen sineWaveGen -config c -args {0,0}
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.c
    ### Generating DPI-C Wrapper header file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/sineWaveGen_dpi.h
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    Warning: Port group 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS' was found in the template file but contained no ports in its list. Specify the PortGroups list using the svdpiConfiguration object.
    Warning: Port group 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS' was found in the template file but contained no ports in its list. Specify the PortGroups list using the svdpiConfiguration object.
    ### Generating source code file /tmp/Bdoc24b_2679053_1515857/tp726e8c56/hdlverifier-ex13685125/codegen/dll/sineWaveGen/ from template text.
    Warning: Port group 'CONFIG_OBJECT_INPUTS' was found in the template file but contained no ports in its list. Specify the PortGroups list using the svdpiConfiguration object.
    ### Generating makefiles for: sineWaveGen_dpi
    Code generation successful.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

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