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AXI Manager Read

Read memory locations on FPGA board from Simulink

  • AXI Manager Read block

HDL Verifier Support Package for Intel Boards
HDL Verifier Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices


The AXI Manager Read block communicates with the AXI manager IP when it is running on an FPGA board. The block forwards read commands to the IP to access memory-mapped locations on the FPGA board.


The AXI Master Read block has been renamed to AXI Manager Read block. For more information, see Version History.

Before using this block, you must create an AXI manager IP and integrate it in your FPGA design. For more information, see Set Up AXI Manager.



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Data read from the FPGA board, returned as a scalar or vector. The output is of size 1-by-N, where N is the Output vector size parameter value. The Output data type parameter sets the data type of this output. The read data from the FPGA is of type uint32, int32, uint64, or int64 depending on the data width of the AXI manager IP on your FPGA. The block converts the data type to the value specified by the Output data type parameter.

Data Types: uint8 | int8 | uint16 | int16 | half | uint32 | int32 | single | uint64 | int64 | double | fixed point


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Specify the starting address for the read operation as a nonnegative integer or hexadecimal value. The block supports the address width of 32, 40, and 64 bits. The block converts the address data type to uint32 or uint64 according to the AXI manager IP address width. The address must refer to an AXI subordinate memory location controlled by the AXI manager IP on your FPGA board.

Memory Mapping Guidelines

  • If the AXI manager IP data width is 32 bits, the memory is 4 bytes aligned, and each address is a 4-byte increment (0x0, 0x4, 0x8). For example the address 0x1 returns an error.

  • If the AXI manager IP data width is 64 bits, the memory is 8 bytes aligned, and each address is an 8-byte increment (0x0, 0x8, 0x10). For example, specifying the address 0x1 or 0x4 are both invalid and return an error.

  • If the AXI manager IP data width is 32 bits and the Burst type parameter is set to Increment, the block increments the address by 4 bytes.

  • If the AXI manager IP data width is 64 bits and the Burst type parameter is set to Increment, the block increments the address by 8 bytes.

  • If the AXI manager IP data width is 32 bits and the Output data type parameter is set to half, the block reads the lower 2 bytes and ignores the higher 2 bytes.

  • If the AXI manager IP data width is 64 bits and the Output data type parameter is set to half, the block reads the lower 2 bytes and ignores the higher 6 bytes.

  • Do not use a 64-bit AXI manager IP for accessing 32-bit registers.

Example: 0xa4

In Increment mode, the AXI manager reads a vector of data from contiguous memory spaces starting with the specified address. In Fixed mode, the AXI manager reads all data from the same address.


The Fixed burst type is not supported for the PCI Express® interface. Use the Increment burst type instead.

The block converts the data read out of the FPGA to the specified data type.

Specify the number of memory locations for the block to read. By default, the block reads from a contiguous address block, incrementing the address for each operation. To turn off address increment mode and read repeatedly from the same location, set the Burst type parameter to Fixed.

When you specify a large operation size, such as reading a block of double data rate (DDR) memory, the block automatically breaks the operation into multiple bursts, using the maximum supported burst size. The maximum supported burst size is 256 words.

Specify the simulation sample time for the block. When you specify -1 (default), the block inherits the sample time from other blocks in the system.

To enable reading data from a set of registers with strobe synchronization, select this parameter. Enable this parameter when your FPGA design includes strobe synchronization generated by HDL Coder™. For more information about strobe synchronization, see the "Vector Data Read/Write with Strobe Synchronization" section in IP Core User Guide (HDL Coder).

Set the absolute address for the strobe generated with HDL Coder. The absolute address is the sum of the base address and the strobe offset provided by the IP core report.

Example: If the base address is 0x41000000 and offset is 0x110, the absolute address is 0x41000110.


To enable this parameter, select Vector register data with strobe synchronization.


Specify the interface type for communicating between the host and the FPGA.


AXI manager supports the PS Ethernet and USB Ethernet interfaces for only the AMD® Zynq® devices.

AXI Manager Interface Configuration

To view these parameters, open the AXI Manager Interface Configuration dialog box by clicking Configure global parameters. The visible parameters depend on the Type parameter value.

Global parameters apply to the entire Simulink® model.

Specify the manufacturer of your FPGA board. The AXI manager IP varies depending on the FPGA board type.


To enable this parameter, click Configure global parameters.

Select the data width, in bits, of the AXI manager IP on the FPGA.

For PCI Express, PS Ethernet, or USB Ethernet, set this value to 32. For JTAG or PL Ethernet, set this value to 32 or 64.


To enable this parameter, click Configure global parameters.

Specify the type of JTAG cable used for communication with the FPGA board. Use this parameter when more than one cable is connected to the host computer.

When you set this parameter to auto (default), the block automatically detects the JTAG cable type. The block prioritizes searching for Digilent® cables and uses this process to detect the cable type.

  1. The AXI Manager Write block searches for a Digilent cable. If the block finds:

    • Exactly one Digilent cable, it uses that cable for communication with the FPGA board.

    • More than one Digilent cable – it returns an error. To resolve this error, specify the desired cable using the Cable name parameter.

    • No Digilent cables, it searches for an FTDI cable.

  2. If no Digilent cable is found, the AXI Manager Write block searches for an FTDI cable. If the block finds:

    • Exactly one FTDI cable, it uses that cable for communication with the FPGA board.

    • More than one FTDI cable, it returns an error – To resolve this error, specify the desired cable using the Cable name parameter.

    • No FTDI cables, it returns an error – To resolve this error, connect a Digilent or FTDI cable.

  3. If it finds two cables of different types, it prioritizes the Digilent cable. To use an FTDI cable, set this parameter to FTDI.

When you set this parameter to FTDI, the block searches for FTDI cables. If the object finds:

  • Exactly one FTDI cable, it uses that cable for communication with the FPGA board.

  • More than one FTDI cable, it returns an error – To resolve this error, specify the desired cable using the Cable name parameter.

  • No FTDI cables, it returns an error – To resolve this error, connect a Digilent or FTDI cable.

For more details, see Select from Multiple JTAG Cables for AMD Boards.


To enable this parameter, set Type to JTAG and Vendor to AMD.

Specify this parameter if more than one JTAG cable of the same type are connected to the host computer. If more than one JTAG cable is connected to the host computer, and you do not specify this parameter, the block returns an error. The error message contains the names of the available JTAG cables. For more details, for Intel® boards, see Select from Multiple JTAG Cables for Intel Boards. For AMD boards, see Select from Multiple JTAG Cables for AMD Boards.


To enable this parameter, set Type to JTAG.

Specify the JTAG clock frequency in MHz. The JTAG frequency depends on the type of cable and the maximum clock frequency supported by the FPGA board. Check the board documentation for the supported frequency range.


To enable this parameter, set Type to JTAG.

Specify this parameter value as a nonnegative integer if more than one FPGA or Zynq device is on the JTAG chain. Otherwise, select auto (default) for automatic detection of chain position.


To enable this parameter, set Type to JTAG and Vendor to AMD.

Specify this parameter value as a nonnegative integer if more than one FPGA or Zynq device is on the JTAG chain.


To enable this parameter, set Type to JTAG and Vendor to AMD.

Specify this parameter value as a nonnegative integer if more than one FPGA or Zynq device is on the JTAG chain.


To enable this parameter, set Type to JTAG and Vendor to AMD.

Specify the IP address of the Ethernet port or USB Ethernet gadget on the FPGA board. The target IP address must be a set of four numbers consisting of integers in the range [0, 255] that are separated by dots. The default IP address for the PL Ethernet or PS Ethernet interface is The default IP address for the USB Ethernet interface is



To enable this parameter, set Type to PL Ethernet, PS Ethernet, or USB Ethernet.

Specify the user datagram protocol (UDP) port number of the target FPGA as an integer from 255 to 65,535.


To enable this parameter, set Type to PL Ethernet.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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