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Data transfer object to enable data read and write operations from MATLAB to target FPGA or SoC device

Since R2020b


This object represents a connection from MATLAB® to the target FPGA or SoC device. To interact with the target device, use this object with the functions listed in Object Functions.



hFPGA = fpga(Vendor) creates a hardware object that you can use to connect to your target Intel® or Xilinx® pure-FPGA device.


hFPGA= fpga(p) creates a hardware object by taking in a processor connection object intelsoc or xilinxsoc that you can use to connect to your target Intel or Xilinx SoC device.


Input Arguments

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Connect to an Intel or Xilinx pure-FPGA target device from MATLAB.

When connecting to an SoC board, specify a processor connection object as the input.

Example: hFPGA = fpga("Intel")

Data Types: string | char

For SoC boards, specify a processor connection object as the input when creating the FPGA connection object. Pass in a xilinxsoc object for Xilinx SoC board. Pass in an intelsoc object for an Intel SoC board.

Example: hFPGA = fpga(p)

Output Arguments

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Connection from MATLAB to the FPGA on the Xilinx or Intel board. You can use this connection to interact with the hardware board and attached devices.​

Object Functions

Use the object functions to interact with your FPGA or SoC device.

addAXI4SlaveInterfaceWrite data to IP core or read data from IP core using AXI4 or AXI4-Lite interface
addAXI4StreamInterfaceWrite data to IP core or read data from IP core using AXI4-Stream interface
mapPortMaps a DUT port to specified AXI4 interface in HDL IP core
writePortWrite data to a DUT port from MATLAB
readPortReads output data and returns it with the port data type and dimension
releaseRelease the hardware resources associated with the fpga object


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Create an fpga object to connect to a Xilinx target device.

Create an fpga object with Vendor as Xilinx.

hFPGA = fpga("Xilinx")
hFPGA = 

  fpga with properties:

       Vendor: "Xilinx"
   Interfaces: [0x0 fpgaio.interface.InterfaceBase]


Create an fpga object to connect to an Intel target.

Create an fpga object with Intel as Vendor.

hFPGA = fpga("Intel")
hFPGA = 

  fpga with properties:

       Vendor: "Intel"
   Interfaces: [0x0 fpgaio.interface.InterfaceBase]


Create a hardware processor object to connect to a Xilinx SoC board. You can use the object to program your FPGA on-board the SoC board at the MATLAB command-line and to create an fpga object that connects to the FPGA through the processor on the SoC board.

Create a Xilinx processor hardware object and connect to the processor on-board the Xilinx SoC board.​

p = xilinxsoc('', 'root', 'root');

Program the FPGA and set the corresponding device tree from processor on the SoC board by using the xilinxsoc object function programFPGA.

programFPGA(p, "myBitstream.bit", "myDeviceTree.dtb");

For more information on device trees, see Generate Device Tree for IP Core.

Connect to the FPGA on-board the SoC board by using the fpga function. Use the processor hardware object p as an input to the fpga function.

f = fpga(p);

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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