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Evaluate fuzzy membership function


y = evalmf(mfT1,x) evaluates one or more type-1 membership functions based on the input values in x, returning the membership function values.


[yUpper,yLower] = evalmf(mfT2,x) evaluates one or more type-2 membership function based on the input values in x, returning both the upper and lower membership function values.



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Evaluate a generalized bell-shaped membership function across a range of input values from 0 through 10.

x = 0:0.1:10;
mf = fismf("gbellmf",[2 4 6]);
y = evalmf(mf,x);

Plot the evaluation.

xlabel('gbellmf, P = [2 4 6]')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel gbellmf, P = [2 4 6] contains an object of type line.

Create a vector of three Gaussian membership functions.

mf = [fismf("gaussmf",[0.9 2.5],'Name',"low");
      fismf("gaussmf",[0.9 5],'Name',"medium");
      fismf("gaussmf",[0.9 7.55],'Name',"high")];

Specify the input range over which to evaluate the membership functions.

x = (-2:0.1:12)';

Evaluate the membership functions.

y = evalmf(mf,x);

Plot the evaluation results.

xlabel('Input (x)')
ylabel('Membership value (y)')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Input (x), ylabel Membership value (y) contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent low, medium, high.

Create a triangular type-2 membership function.

mf = fismftype2("trimf",[5 7 9],'LowerLag',0.3,'LowerScale',0.8);

Evaluate the membership function across a range of input values from 0 through 10.

x = 0:0.1:10;
[yUpper,yLower] = evalmf(mf,x);

Plot the evaluated upper and lower MFs.

legend('Upper MF','Lower MF','Location','northwest')
ylabel('Membership value')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Input, ylabel Membership value contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Upper MF, Lower MF.

Input Arguments

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Type-1 membership function, specified as a fismf object or a vector of such objects.

Input value, specified as a scalar, vector, or 2-D matrix. If mf is a:

  • Single fismf object, then you can specify x as a scalar, vector, or matrix

  • Vector of fismf objects, then you can specify x as a scalar or vector

Type-2 membership function, specified as a fismftype2 object or a vector of such objects.

Output Arguments

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Membership value for a type-1 membership function, returned as a scalar, vector, or 2-D matrix. If mfT1 is a:

  • Single fismf object, then y is a scalar, vector, or matrix with the same dimensions as x. Each element of y is the evaluated membership value for the corresponding element of x.

  • Vector of fismf objects, then y is an M-by-N matrix, where M and N are the lengths of mfT1 and x, respectively. y(i,j) is the evaluated value of membership function mfT1(i) for input value x(j).

Upper MF membership value for a type-2 membership function, returned as a scalar, vector, or 2-D matrix. If mfT2 is a:

  • Single fismftype2 object, then y is a scalar, vector, or matrix with the same dimensions as x. Each element of y is the evaluated membership value for the corresponding element of x.

  • Vector of fismftype2 objects, then y is an M-by-N matrix, where M and N are the lengths of mfT2 and x, respectively. y(i,j) is the evaluated value of membership function mfT2(i) for input value x(j).

Lower MF membership value for a type-2 membership function, returned as a scalar, vector, or 2-D matrix. If mfT2 is a:

  • Single fismftype2 object, then y is a scalar, vector, or matrix with the same dimensions as x. Each element of y is the evaluated membership value for the corresponding element of x.

  • Vector of fismftype2 objects, then y is an M-by-N matrix, where M and N are the lengths of mfT2 and x, respectively. y(i,j) is the evaluated value of membership function mfT2(i) for input value x(j).

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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