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CLEAR multi-object tracking metrics

Since R2023a


The trackCLEARMetrics object implements the Classification of Events, Activities, and Relationships (CLEAR) Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) metrics, which evaluate tracking performance by comparing tracks with ground truth. Other than CLEAR, the object also outputs Mostly-Tracked, Partially-Tracked, and Mostly-Lost MOT metrics. You can set the similarity method to intersection over union, Euclidean distance, and a custom method. The object uses the similarity method to compare tracks with truth.



metric = trackCLEARMetrics creates a default trackCLEARMetrics object. Use the evaluate object function to obtain various metrics.

metric = trackCLEARMetrics(Name=Value) specifies properties using name-value arguments. Unspecified properties have defaults values.



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Similarity threshold to assign tracks to detections, specified as a nonnegative scalar. The metric matches a track to a truth if their similarity is greater than or equal to the specified SimilarityThrehold property. The metric calculates the similarity between a track and a truth based on the similarity method specified in the SimilarityMethod property.

Method to calculate similarity between tracks and truths, specified as one of these values:

  • "IoU2d" — The metric calculates the similarity based on the intersection over union for 2-D axis-aligned rectangles. When you specify this value, you must also specify the BoundingBox field for the tracks and truths inputs when evaluating the metric using the evaluate object function. See the input arguments of evaluate for more details.

  • "Euclidean" — The metric calculates the similarity based on the Euclidean distances between tracks and truths as well as the scale defined in the EuclideanScale property. When you specify this value, you must also specify the Position field for the tracks and truths inputs when evaluating the metric using the evaluate object function. The position values can be 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D. See the input arguments of evaluate for more details.

  • "Custom" — The metric calculates the similarity based on a custom similarity function defined in the CustomSimilarityFcn property.


You can specify this property only when creating the object.

Data Types: char | string

Scale for Euclidean similarity, specified as a positive scalar. The metric calculates the similarity between a track and a truth as:



  • sim is the calculated similarity.

  • dE is the Euclidean distance between a track and a truth.

  • dS is the Euclidean scale.


To enable this property, set the SimilarityMethod property to "Euclidean".

Custom similarity function to use to calculate the similarity value between tracks and truths returned from the trackCLEARMetrics object. The function must use this syntax:

similarities = customFcn(tracks,truths)
The tracks and truths are a track list and truth list of the same time stamp. Specifically,

  • tracks — Track list, returned by the trackCLEARMetrics object as an N-element array of track structures. The track structures are in the same format as the tracks input of the evaluate object function except that these tracks are of the same time.

  • truths — Truth list, returned by the trackCLEARMetrics object as an M-element array of truth structures. The track structures are in the same format as the truths input of the evaluate object function except that these truths are of the same time.

  • similarities — Similarity values between tracks and truths, returned as an N-by-M matrix of scalars in range of [0 1]. The (i,j) element of the matrix represents the similarity between the i-th track in tracks and the j-th truth in truths.


You can specify this property only when creating the object.


To enable this property, set the SimilarityMethod property to "Custom".

Object Functions

evaluateEvaluate metrics on tracks and truths


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Create a trackCLEARMetrics object and set the SimilarityThreshold property to "0.8".

metric = trackCLEARMetrics(SimilarityThreshold=0.8);

Load a tracking dataset consisting of truths and tracks.


Visualize tracks in red and truths in blue.

for t = 0:0.5:10
    % Extract tracks at a certain time stamp.
    tracks_t = tracks([tracks.Time] == t);
    % Extract turths at a certain time stamp.
    truths_t = truths([truths.Time] == t); 
    cla; % Clean plotting in axes if any.
    for j=1:numel(tracks_t)
        posTrack = tracks_t(j).BoundingBox;
        posTrack(2) = posTrack(2)-posTrack(4);
        rectangle(Position=posTrack,EdgeColor="r",Curvature=[0.2 1]);
    for j=1:numel(truths_t)
        posTruth = truths_t(j).BoundingBox;
        posTruth(2) = posTruth(2)-posTruth(4);
    xlabel("x (m)")
    ylabel("y (m)")
    pause(0.2) % Pause the animation 0.2 seconds for each time stamp.

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 19 objects of type rectangle.

Evaluate the CLEAR MOT metrics.

metricTable = evaluate(metric,tracks,truths)
metricTable=1×12 table
    MOTA (%)    MOTP (%)    Mostly Tracked (%)    Partially Tracked (%)    Mostly Lost (%)    False Positive    False Negative    Recall (%)    Precision (%)    False Track Rate    ID Switches    Fragmentations
    ________    ________    __________________    _____________________    _______________    ______________    ______________    __________    _____________    ________________    ___________    ______________

     27.737      85.492             50                     40                    10                 56                43            68.613         62.667             3.7333              0               16      

Create a trackCLEARMetrics object. Set the SimilarityMethod property to "Euclidean" and set the EuclideanScale property to 2.

metric = trackCLEARMetrics(SimilarityMethod="Euclidean",EuclideanScale=2);

Load a tracking dataset consisting of tracks and truths.


Visualize tracks in red circles and truths in blue diamonds.

for t = 0:0.5:10
    % Extract tracks at a certain time stamp.
    tracks_t = tracks([tracks.Time] == t);
    % Extract truths at a certain time stamp.
    truths_t = truths([truths.Time] == t);
    hold off;
    for j=1:numel(tracks_t)
        position = tracks_t(j).Position;
        hold on;
    for j=1:numel(truths_t)
        position = truths_t(j).Position;
    xlabel("x (m)")
    ylabel("y (m)")
    pause(0.2) % Pause the animation 0.2 seconds for each time stamp.

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 4 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Evaluate the CLEAR MOT metrics.

metricTable = evaluate(metric,tracks,truths)
metricTable=1×12 table
    MOTA (%)    MOTP (%)    Mostly Tracked (%)    Partially Tracked (%)    Mostly Lost (%)    False Positive    False Negative    Recall (%)    Precision (%)    False Track Rate    ID Switches    Fragmentations
    ________    ________    __________________    _____________________    _______________    ______________    ______________    __________    _____________    ________________    ___________    ______________

      57.5       80.934             50                     50                     0                 3                 14              65           89.655            0.14286              0               1       

Create a trackCLEARMetrics object. Set the SimilarityMethod property to "Custom" and set the CustomSimilarityFcn property to @mySimilarityFcn.

metric = trackCLEARMetrics(SimilarityMethod="Custom",CustomSimilarityFcn=@mySimilarityFcn);

Load a tracking dataset consisting of tracks and truths.


Visualize tracks in red circles and truths in blue diamonds.

for t = 0:0.5:10
    % Extract tracks at a certain time stamp.
    tracks_t = tracks([tracks.Time] == t);
    % Extract turths at a certain time stamp.
    truths_t = truths([truths.Time] == t);
    hold off;
    for j=1:numel(tracks_t)
        position = tracks_t(j).Position;
        hold on;
    for j=1:numel(truths_t)
        position = truths_t(j).Position;
    xlabel("x (m)")
    ylabel("y (m)")
    pause(0.2) % Pause the animation 0.2 seconds for each time stamp.

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 4 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Evaluate the CLEAR MOT metrics.

metricTable = evaluate(metric,tracks,truths)
metricTable=1×12 table
    MOTA (%)    MOTP (%)    Mostly Tracked (%)    Partially Tracked (%)    Mostly Lost (%)    False Positive    False Negative    Recall (%)    Precision (%)    False Track Rate    ID Switches    Fragmentations
    ________    ________    __________________    _____________________    _______________    ______________    ______________    __________    _____________    ________________    ___________    ______________

      72.5       95.397             50                     50                     0                 0                 11             72.5            100                0                 0               1       

Custom Similarity Function

function sims = mySimilarityFcn(tracks,truths)
    numTracks = numel(tracks);
    numTruths = numel(truths);
    sims = NaN(numTracks,numTruths);
    for i = 1:numTracks
        for j = 1:numTruths
            pTrack = tracks(i).Position;
            pTruth = truths(i).Position;
            sims(i,j) = max(0,1-norm(pTrack-pTruth)/norm(pTruth));


The trackCLEARMetrics object implements the CLEAR algorithms and takes these steps to calculate various metrics based on a list of tracks (T) and truths (R).

  1. First, the object loops over each time step tk, k = 1, …, N, derived from the time in the list of truths.

    1. The object extracts all the tracks and truths at time tk as Tk and Rk, respectively, from the track list (T) and truth list (R).

    2. The object calculates the similarity scores between tracks in Tk and truths in Rk based on the specified similarity method.

    3. Using the calculated similarities at tk and the matching history at tk-1, the object forms a cost matrix for matching between Tk and Rk. After that, the object matches between Tk and Rk based on the Hungarian assignment algorithm and the similarity threshold.

      There are three types of results from the matching:

      • True match — A match that associates a valid track in Tk to a valid truth in Rk.

      • False positive — A match in which a track is not associated to any truths.

      • False negative — A match in which a truth is not associated to any tracks.

    4. The object increments the number of true matches, false positives, and false negatives, as well as the sum of all true matches similarity scores across timestamps.

    5. Using the true matches of the previous timestamp, the object also increments the number of track switches and track fragmentations. A track switch occurs if a true object is matched in both the current and previous timestamps and the identity of the matched track changes across these two timestamps. A track fragmentation occurs if a true object has a true match in the current timestamp but does not have a true match in the previous timestamp.

  2. Next, the object calculates metrics based on various values cumulated during the loop. In particular, it calculates the multiple object tracking accuracy (MOTA) , the multiple object tracking precision (MOTP), the Precision, and the Recall metrics as follows:

    • MOTA metric:


      where ntruths is the total number of truth occurrences across all time steps, nfp is the total number of false positives, nfn is the total number of false negatives, and ns is the total number of switches.

    • MOTP:


      where nt is the total number of true matches across all time stamps and si is the similarity score of the i-th true match.

    • Precision:


      where nt is the total number of true matches and nfp is the total number of false positives.

    • Recall:


      where nt is the total number of true matches and nfn is the total number of false negatives.

The definitions for all the metrics are given in the results argument of the evaluate object function.


[1] Bernardin, Keni, and Rainer Stiefelhagen. “Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance: The CLEAR MOT Metrics.” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, vol. 2008, 2008, pp. 1–10.

[2] Li, Yuan, et al. “Learning to Associate: HybridBoosted Multi-Target Tracker for Crowded Scene.” 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE, 2009, pp. 2953–60.

[3] Luiten, Jonathon, et al. “HOTA: A Higher Order Metric for Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking.” International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 129, no. 2, Feb. 2021, pp. 548–78.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

See Also

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