Create and Evaluate CLEAR MOT Metrics
Create a trackCLEARMetrics
object and set the SimilarityThreshold
property to "0.8"
metric = trackCLEARMetrics(SimilarityThreshold=0.8);
Load a tracking dataset consisting of truths and tracks.
Visualize tracks in red and truths in blue.
figure for t = 0:0.5:10 % Extract tracks at a certain time stamp. tracks_t = tracks([tracks.Time] == t); % Extract turths at a certain time stamp. truths_t = truths([truths.Time] == t); cla; % Clean plotting in axes if any. for j=1:numel(tracks_t) posTrack = tracks_t(j).BoundingBox; posTrack(2) = posTrack(2)-posTrack(4); rectangle(Position=posTrack,EdgeColor="r",Curvature=[0.2 1]); end for j=1:numel(truths_t) posTruth = truths_t(j).BoundingBox; posTruth(2) = posTruth(2)-posTruth(4); rectangle(Position=posTruth,EdgeColor="b"); end xlabel("x (m)") ylabel("y (m)") pause(0.2) % Pause the animation 0.2 seconds for each time stamp. end
Evaluate the CLEAR MOT metrics.
metricTable = evaluate(metric,tracks,truths)
metricTable=1×12 table
MOTA (%) MOTP (%) Mostly Tracked (%) Partially Tracked (%) Mostly Lost (%) False Positive False Negative Recall (%) Precision (%) False Track Rate ID Switches Fragmentations
________ ________ __________________ _____________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ __________ _____________ ________________ ___________ ______________
27.737 85.492 50 40 10 56 43 68.613 62.667 3.7333 0 16
Evaluate CLEAR MOT Metrics with Euclidean Distances
Create a trackCLEARMetrics
object. Set the SimilarityMethod
property to "Euclidean"
and set the EuclideanScale
property to 2
metric = trackCLEARMetrics(SimilarityMethod="Euclidean",EuclideanScale=2);
Load a tracking dataset consisting of tracks and truths.
Visualize tracks in red circles and truths in blue diamonds.
figure for t = 0:0.5:10 % Extract tracks at a certain time stamp. tracks_t = tracks([tracks.Time] == t); % Extract truths at a certain time stamp. truths_t = truths([truths.Time] == t); hold off; for j=1:numel(tracks_t) position = tracks_t(j).Position; plot(position(1),position(2),"ro") hold on; end for j=1:numel(truths_t) position = truths_t(j).Position; plot(position(1),position(2),"bd") end xlabel("x (m)") ylabel("y (m)") pause(0.2) % Pause the animation 0.2 seconds for each time stamp. end
Evaluate the CLEAR MOT metrics.
metricTable = evaluate(metric,tracks,truths)
metricTable=1×12 table
MOTA (%) MOTP (%) Mostly Tracked (%) Partially Tracked (%) Mostly Lost (%) False Positive False Negative Recall (%) Precision (%) False Track Rate ID Switches Fragmentations
________ ________ __________________ _____________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ __________ _____________ ________________ ___________ ______________
57.5 80.934 50 50 0 3 14 65 89.655 0.14286 0 1
Input Arguments
— Track CLEAR metric
Track CLEAR metric, specified as a trackCLEARMetrics
— Track list
array of track structures
Track list, specified as an array of track structures. Each structure must at least have these fields:
— Time of the track, specified as a nonnegative scalar.TrackID
— Track identifier, specified as a positive integer.
If you set the SimilarityMethod
property of the trackCLEARMetrics
object as "IoU2d"
, the structure must
include a BoundingBox
— Bounding box of the track, specified as a four-element vector as [x, y, w, h]. x and y are the x- and y-coordinates of the top left corner of the bounding box, respectively. w and h are the width and height of the bounding box, respectively.
If you set the SimilarityMethod
property of the trackCLEARMetrics
object as "Euclidean"
, the structure
must include a Position
— Position of the track, specified as a 1-D coordinate as x, a 2-D vector as [x, y], or a 3-D vector as [x, y,z]. x, y, and z are the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the track, respectively.
— Truth list
array of truth structures
Truth list, specified as an array of truth structures. Each structure must at least have these fields:
— Time of the truth, specified as a nonnegative scalar.TruthID
— Truth identifier, specified as a positive integer.
If you set the SimilarityMethod
property of the trackCLEARMetrics
object as "IoU2d"
, the structure must
include a BoundingBox
— Bounding box of the truth, specified as a four-element vector as [x, y, w, h]. x and y are the x- and y-coordinates of the top left corner of the bounding box, respectively. w and h are the width and height of the bounding box, respectively.
If you set the SimilarityMethod
property of the trackCLEARMetrics
object as "Euclidean"
, the structure
must include a Position
— Position of the truth, specified as a 1-D coordinate as x, a 2-D vector as [x, y], or a 3-D vector as [x, y,z]. x, y, and z are the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the truth, respectively.
Output Arguments
— Metric results
Metric results, returned as a table
. The table contains the
CLEAR, Mostly-Tracked, Partially-Tracked, and Mostly-Lost MOT metric values in this order:
MOTA — Multiple object tracking accuracy, returned as a percentage value. This metric represents the percentage of true matches (that are not misses, false positives, or switches) in all the matches between tracks and detections. A higher value indicates better tracking performance. For more details, see Algorithms.
MOTP — Multiple object tracking precision, returned as a percentage value. This metric represents the averaged similarity values over all the true matches (that are not misses, false positives, or switches) between tracks and truths. A higher value indicates better tracking performance. For more details, see Algorithms.
Mostly Tracked — Percentage of true trajectories that are tracked more than 80% of their lifetime. A higher value indicates better tracking performance.
Partially Tracked — Percentage of true trajectories that are tracked less than 80% but more than 20% of their lifetime.
Mostly Lost — Percentage of true trajectories that are tracked less than 20% of their lifetime. A lower value indicates better tracking performance.
False Positive — Total number of tracks that are not matched with any true object. A lower value indicates better tracking performance.
False Negative — Total number of truths that are not matched with any estimated object. A lower value indicates better tracking performance.
Recall — Percentage of true objects being tracked. A higher value indicates better tracking performance.
Precision — Percentage of estimated objects matching the corresponding true objects. A higher value indicates better tracking performance.
False Track Rate — Average number of false tracks or false positives per timestamp (frame). A lower value indicates better tracking performance.
ID Switches — Total number of identity switches. An identity switch occurs when the track associated to a true object changes from time t to time t+1. A lower value indicates better tracking performance.
Fragmentations — Total number of fragmentations. A fragmentation occurs when a true object is tracked again after being untracked for at least one timestamp. A lower value indicates better tracking performance.
Version History
Introduced in R2023a
See Also
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