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Uniform Encoder

Quantize and encode floating-point input into integer output

  • Uniform Encoder block

DSP System Toolbox / Quantizers


The Uniform Encoder block performs these two operations on each floating-point sample in the input vector or matrix:

  1. Quantizes the value using the same precision

  2. Encodes the quantized floating-point value to an integer value

For more information on how the block computes the output, see Algorithms.

The Uniform Encoder block operations adhere to the definition for uniform encoding specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.701.


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Open the ex_uniform_encoder model.

Double-click the Uniform Encoder block and set these parameters in the block dialog box:

  • Peak = 2

  • Bits = 3

  • Output type = Unsigned

The following figure illustrates uniform encoding.

The block quantizes the real and complex components of each input (horizontal axis) independently to one of $2^3$ distinct levels in the range [-2,1.5]. It then maps these components to one of $2^3$ integer values in the range [0,7]. The block maps:

  • -2.0 to 0

  • -1.5 to 1

  • -1.0 to 2

  • -0.5 to 3

  • 0.0 to 4

  • 0.5 to 5

  • 1.0 to 6

  • 1.5 to 7

This list shows the block output for specific inputs.

  • Input = 1.6, Quantized Input = 1.5+0.0i, Output = 7+4i

  • Input = -0.4, Quantized Input = -0.5+0.0i, Output = 3+4i

  • Input = -3.2, Quantized Input = -2.0+0.0i, Output = 4i, Saturation (real)

  • Input = 0.4-1.2i, Quantized Input = 0.0-1.5i, Output = 4+i

  • Input = 0.4-6.0i, Quantized Input = 0.0-2.0i, Output = 4, Saturation (imaginary)

  • Input = -4.2+3.5i, Quantized Input = -2.0+2.0i, Output = 7i, Saturation (real and imaginary)

The output data type is automatically set to uint8, the most efficient format for this input range.



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Specify the floating-point input signal as a vector or a matrix. Inputs greater than (1−21−B)V or less than −V saturate at those respective values. The real and imaginary components of complex inputs saturate independently.

Data Types: single | double
Complex Number Support: Yes


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Encoder output, returned as a vector or a matrix. The block quantizes each sample in the floating-point input and encodes the quantized floating-point value to an integer value. For more information on how the block computes the output, see Algorithms.

Data Types: int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32
Complex Number Support: Yes


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Specify the largest input amplitude to encode V as a nonnegative scalar. Real or imaginary input values greater than (1−21−B)V or less than −V saturate (independently for complex inputs) at those limits.

Specify the number of bits B that the block needs to represent the integer output. The number of bits B can be any integer value between 2 and 32, inclusive. The number of levels at which the block quantizes the floating-point input is 2B.

Specify the data type of the block output as one of these:

  • Unsigned integer –– The block maps the smallest quantized floating-point value −V to the integer 0 and the largest quantized floating-point value (1−21−B)V to the integer 2B−1. It linearly (uniformly) maps the intermediate quantized floating-point values to the intermediate integers in the range [0, 2B−1]. For efficiency, the block automatically selects an unsigned output data type (uint8, uint16, or uint32) with the minimum number of bits equal to or greater than B.

  • Signed integer –– The block maps the smallest quantized floating-point value −V to the integer −2B−1, and the largest quantized floating-point value (1−21−B)V to the integer 2B−1−1. It linearly maps the intermediate quantized floating-point values to the intermediate integers in the range [−2B−1, 2B−1−1]. The block automatically selects a signed output data type (int8, int16, or int32) with the minimum number of bits equal to or greater than B.

This table shows the output data types that the block uses.

BitsUnsigned IntegerSigned Integer

2 to 8



9 to 16



17 to 32



Block Characteristics

Data Types

double | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection



The Uniform Encoder block performs these two operations on each floating-point sample in the input.

  1. Quantizes the value using the same precision

  2. Encodes the quantized floating-point value to an integer value

In the first step, the block quantizes an input value to one of 2B uniformly spaced levels in the range [−V, (1−21−B)V], where you specify B in the Bits parameter and you specify V in the Peak parameter. The quantization process rounds both positive and negative inputs downward to the nearest quantization level, with the exception of those that fall exactly on a quantization boundary. It quantizes the real and imaginary components of complex inputs independently.

In the second step, the block uniquely maps (encodes) the quantized floating-point value to one of 2B integer values. When you set the Output type to Unsigned integer, the blocks maps the smallest quantized floating-point value −V to the integer 0 and the largest quantized floating-point value (1−21−B)V to the integer 2B−1. It linearly (uniformly) maps the intermediate quantized floating-point values to the intermediate integers in the range [0, 2B−1]. For efficiency, the block automatically selects an unsigned output data type (uint8, uint16, or uint32) with the minimum number of bits equal to or greater than B.

When the Output type is set to Signed integer, the smallest quantized floating-point value −V is mapped to the integer −2B−1, and the largest quantized floating-point value (1−21−B)V is mapped to the integer 2B−1−1. Intermediate quantized floating-point values are linearly mapped to the intermediate integers in the range [−2B−1, 2B−1−1]. The block automatically selects a signed output data type (int8, int16, or int32) with the minimum number of bits equal to or greater than B.


[1] General Aspects of Digital Transmission Systems: Vocabulary of Digital Transmission and Multiplexing, and Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Terms, International Telecommunication Union, ITU-T Recommendation G.701, March, 1993.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also



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