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(Removed) Parametric equalizer filter specification



The fdesign.parameq filter specification object has been removed from DSP System Toolbox™. Use the designParamEQ (Audio Toolbox) function instead. For more information on how to update your existing code, see Version History.


d = fdesign.parameq(spec, specvalue1, specvalue2, ...)
d = fdesign.parameq(... fs)


d = fdesign.parameq(spec, specvalue1, specvalue2, ...) constructs a parametric equalizer filter design object, where spec is a non-case sensitive specification character vector. The choices for spec are as follows:

  • 'F0, BW, BWp, Gref, G0, GBW, Gp' (minimum order default)

  • 'F0, BW, BWst, Gref, G0, GBW, Gst'

  • 'F0, BW, BWp, Gref, G0, GBW, Gp, Gst'

  • 'N, F0, BW, Gref, G0, GBW'

  • 'N, F0, BW, Gref, G0, GBW, Gp'

  • 'N, F0, Fc, Qa, G0'

  • 'N, F0, Fc, S, G0'

  • 'N, F0 ,BW, Gref, G0, GBW, Gst'

  • 'N, F0, BW, Gref, G0, GBW, Gp, Gst'

  • 'N, Flow, Fhigh, Gref, G0, GBW'

  • 'N, Flow, Fhigh, Gref, G0, GBW, Gp'

  • 'N, Flow, Fhigh, Gref, G0, GBW, Gst'

  • 'N, Flow, Fhigh, Gref, G0, GBW, Gp, Gst'

where the parameters are defined as follows:

  • BW — Bandwidth

  • BWp — Passband Bandwidth

  • BWst — Stopband Bandwidth

  • Gref — Reference Gain (decibels)

  • G0 — Center Frequency Gain (decibels)

  • GBW — Gain at which Bandwidth (BW) is measured (decibels)

  • Gp — Passband Gain (decibels)

  • Gst — Stopband Gain (decibels)

  • N — Filter Order

  • F0 — Center Frequency

  • Fc— Cutoff frequency

  • Fhigh - Higher Frequency at Gain GBW

  • Flow - Lower Frequency at Gain GBW

  • Qa-Quality Factor

  • S-Slope Parameter for Shelving Filters

Regardless of the specification chosen, there are some conditions that apply to the specification parameters. These are as follows:

  • Specifications for parametric equalizers must be given in decibels

  • To boost the input signal, set G0 > Gref; to cut, set Gref > G0

  • For boost: G0 > Gp > GBW > Gst > Gref; For cut: G0 < Gp < GBW < Gst < Gref

  • Bandwidth must satisfy: BWst > BW > BWp

d = fdesign.parameq(... fs) adds the input sampling frequency. Fs must be specified as a scalar trailing the other numerical values provided, and is assumed to be in Hz.


Design a Chebyshev Type II parametric equalizer filter that cuts by 12 dB:

d = fdesign.parameq('N,Flow,Fhigh,Gref,G0,GBW,Gst',...
 Hd = design(d,'cheby2');

Design a 4th order audio lowpass (F0 = 0) shelving filter with cutoff frequency of Fc = 0.25, quality factor Qa =10, and boost gain of G0 = 8 dB:

d = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Fc,Qa,G0',4,0,0.25,10,8);
Hd = design(d);

Design 4th-order highpass shelving filters with S=1.5 and S=3:

F0 = 1;
Fc = .4; % Cutoff Frequency
G0 = 10;
S = 1.5;
f = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Fc,S,G0',N,F0,Fc,S,G0);
h1 = design(f);
hfvt=fvtool([h1 h2]);
set(hfvt,'Filters',[h1 h2]);

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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R2023b: fdesign.parameq has been removed

The fdesign.parameq filter specification object has been removed. Use the designParamEQ (Audio Toolbox) function instead.

Update Code

This table shows how the object is typically used and explains how to update the existing code to use the designParamEQ function. The designParamEQ function requires Audio Toolbox™.

Discouraged UsageRecommended Replacement

Design based on Filter Bandwidth

Fs  = 48e3;
N   = 2;
Q   = 10;
G   = 9; % 9 dB

% Normalized center frequency
Wo1 = 2000/(Fs/2); 
Wo2 = 12000/(Fs/2);

% Normalized bandwidth
BW1 = Wo1/Q; 
BW2 = Wo2/Q;

PEQ = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,BW,Gref,G0,GBW',N,Wo1,BW1,0,G,4.5);
BQ1 = design(PEQ,'SystemObject',true);

PEQ.F0 = Wo2;
BQ2 = design(PEQ,'SystemObject',true);

% Visualize the filters
hfvt = fvtool(BQ1,BQ2,'Fs',Fs,'Color','white');
legend(hfvt,'BW1 = 200 Hz; Q = 10','BW2 = 1200 Hz; Q = 10');

Design based on Filter Bandwidth

Fs  = 48e3;
N   = 2;
Q   = 10;
G   = 9; % 9 dB

% Normalized center frequency
Wo1 = 2000/(Fs/2); 
Wo2 = 12000/(Fs/2);

% Normalized bandwidth
BW1 = Wo1/Q; 
BW2 = Wo2/Q;

[B1,A1] = designParamEQ(N,G,Wo1,BW1);
[B2,A2] = designParamEQ(N,G,Wo2,BW2);
BQ1 = dsp.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',[B1.',[1,A1.']]);
BQ2 = dsp.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',[B2.',[1,A2.']]);

% Visualize the filters
hfvt = fvtool(BQ1,BQ2,'Fs',Fs,'Color','white');
legend(hfvt,'BW1 = 200 Hz; Q = 10','BW2 = 1200 Hz; Q = 10');

Design based on Quality factor

Fs  = 48e3;
N   = 2;
G   = 15; % 15 dB

% Quality factor
Q1 = 0.48;
Q2 = 1/sqrt(2);

% Normalized center frequency
% F0 = 1 designs a highpass filter
% F0 can either be 0 or 1 in this configuration
F0 = 1;  

% Cutoff Frequency
Fc = 6e3/(Fs/2); 

PEQ = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Fc,Qa,G0',N,F0,Fc,Q1,G);
BQ1 = design(PEQ,'SystemObject',true);

PEQ.Qa = Q2;
BQ2 = design(PEQ,'SystemObject',true);

% Visualize the filters
hfvt = fvtool(BQ1,BQ2,'Fs',Fs,'Color','white');
legend(hfvt,'Q = 0.48','Q = 0.7071');

Design based on Quality factor

Fs  = 48e3;
N   = 2;
G   = 15; % 15 dB

% Quality factor
Q1 = 0.48;
Q2 = 1/sqrt(2);

% Normalized center frequency
Wo  = 6000/(Fs/2); 

% Normalized bandwidth
BW1 = Wo/Q1; 
BW2 = Wo/Q2;

[B1,A1] = designParamEQ(N,G,Wo,BW1);
[B2,A2] = designParamEQ(N,G,Wo,BW2);
BQ1 = dsp.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',[B1.',[1,A1.']]);
BQ2 = dsp.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',[B2.',[1,A2.']]);

% Visualize the filters
hfvt = fvtool(BQ1,BQ2,'Fs',Fs,'Color','white');
legend(hfvt,'Q = 0.48','Q = 0.7071');

Low shelf and high shelf filters

Fs  = 48e3;
N   = 4;
G   = 10; % 10 dB

% Normalized center frequency
Wo1 = 0; % Lowpass filter
% Corresponds to Fs/2 (Hz) or pi (rad/sample)
Wo2 = 1; % Highpass filter

% Bandwidth occurs at 7.4 dB in this case
BW = 1000/(Fs/2); 

PEQ = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,BW,Gref,G0,GBW',N,Wo1,BW,0,G,3);
BQ1 = design(PEQ,'SystemObject',true);

PEQ.F0 = Wo2;
BQ2 = design(PEQ,'SystemObject',true);

% Visualize the filters
hfvt = fvtool(BQ1,BQ2,'Fs',Fs,'Color','white');
legend(hfvt,'Low Shelf Filter','High Shelf Filter');

Low shelf and high shelf filters

Fs  = 48e3;
N   = 4;
G   = 10; % 10 dB

% Normalized center frequency
Wo1 = 0; % Lowpass filter
% Corresponds to Fs/2 (Hz) or pi (rad/sample)
Wo2 = 1; % Highpass filter

% Bandwidth occurs at 7.4 dB in this case
BW = 1000/(Fs/2); 

[B1,A1] = designParamEQ(N,G,Wo1,BW);
[B2,A2] = designParamEQ(N,G,Wo2,BW);
BQ1 = dsp.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',[B1.',[ones(2,1),A1.']]);
BQ2 = dsp.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',[B2.',[ones(2,1),A2.']]);

% Visualize the filters
hfvt = fvtool(BQ1,BQ2,'Fs',Fs,'Color','white');
legend(hfvt,'Low Shelf Filter','High Shelf Filter');

See Also

(Audio Toolbox)

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