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Create a deployment script from a MATLAB Compiler PRJ file

Since R2022b


createDeploymentScript(prjfile,outputfile) creates a deployment script file by obtaining the information from a MATLAB® Compiler™ project file prjfile and generating a MATLAB script file at the location defined by outputfile.



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Create a deployment script named deployMyMagic using the project file mymagic.prj.

Create a MATLAB Compiler project using a deploytool app, such as the Library Compiler. Add a main file and save the project as mymagic.prj.

Save the compiler settings from mymagic.prj in a deployment script named deployMyMagic using createDeploymentScript.

createDeploymentScript("mymagic.prj", "deployMyMagic.m");

Input Arguments

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Path to the MATLAB Compiler or MATLAB Compiler SDK project file, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: "mymagic.prj"

Data Types: char | string

Path to the file to write as the deployment script, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The file must not exist and must include either the extension .m or no extension. If you do not specify an extension, .m is appended. If you do not specify a full path, outputfile is saved in the current folder.

Example: "deployMyMagic.m"

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2022b