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Add propagation models

Since R2020a



pmc = add(propmodel1,propmodel2) adds propagation model objects propmodel1 and propmodel2 and returns a composite propagation model object pmc which contains propmodel1 and propmodel2.


  • The syntax propmodel1+propmodel2 can be used in place of add.

  • A composite propagation model cannot contain more than one propagation model object of the same class.

  • A composite propagation model cannot contain more than one propagation model object which includes effects of free-space loss.


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Specify the transmitter and the receiver sites.

tx = txsite(Name="Fenway Park",Latitude=42.3467,Longitude=-71.0972, ...
rx = rxsite(Name="Bunker Hill Monument",Latitude=42.3763,Longitude=-71.0611);  

Calculate signal strength using default Longley-Rice model.

 ss1 = sigstrength(rx,tx)
ss1 = -80.9353

Create composite propagation model with Longley-Rice and specific atmospheric propagation models.

pm = propagationModel("longley-rice") + ...
       propagationModel("gas") + propagationModel("rain");  

Calculate signal strength using composite propagation model.

ss2 = sigstrength(rx,tx,pm)
ss2 = -81.2259

Input Arguments

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Propagation model, specified as a character vector or string. You can also use the propagationModel function to define this input.

Data Types: char | string

Propagation model, specified as a character vector or string. You can also use the propagationModel function to define this input.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Composite propagation model, composite propagationModel function object

The path loss computed by pmc is the sum of path losses computed by propmodel1 and propmodel2. If either propmodel1 or propmodel2 is a ray tracing model, then pmc is also a ray tracing model where path losses from rain, gas, or fog models in the composite are added to the path loss computed for each propagation path.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a