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Convert SNR values

Since R2022a


    y = convertSNR(x,inputmode) converts the input signal-to-noise ratio value x to an SNR.


    y = convertSNR(x,inputmode,outputmode) converts the input signal-to-noise ratio value x to the ratio specified by outputmode. For more information, see Algorithms.

    y = convertSNR(x,inputmode,Name=Value) specifies additional name-value arguments.



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    Generate random data symbols and the 8-PSK modulated signal.

    d = randi([0 7],100,1);
    M = 8;                  % 8-PSK
    k = log2(M);            % bits per symbol
    psk = pskmod(d,M);

    Add the noise equivalent of a 6 dB Eb/No value to the modulated signal. To do so, first convert the Eb/No value to an SNR.

    EbNo = 6;
    SNR = convertSNR(EbNo,'ebno',BitsPerSymbol=k)
    SNR = 
    y = awgn(psk,SNR);

    Plot the signal with and without the noise component.

    hold on
    legend("Perfect Signal","Noisy Signal")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Perfect Signal, Noisy Signal.

    Set the simulation parameters

    M = 16;        % Modulation order
    k = log2(M);   % bits per symbol
    nSamp = 4;     % Number of samples

    Create the raised cosine transmit and receive filters

    txfilter = comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter( ...
    rxfilter = comm.RaisedCosineReceiveFilter( ...
        InputSamplesPerSymbol=nSamp, ...

    Generate random data symbols and the filtered 16-QAM modulated signal.

    d = randi([0 1],1000,1);
    modsig = qammod(d,M,InputType="bit");
    txsig = txfilter(modsig);

    Add the noise equivalent of 10 dB Eb/N0 to the modulated signal. To do so, first convert the Eb/N0 value to SNR.

    EbN0 = 10;
    snr = convertSNR(EbN0,"ebno", ...
        BitsPerSymbol=k, ...
        SamplesPerSymbol=nSamp, ...
    snr = 
    [sig2,var] = awgn(txsig,snr);
    rxsig = rxfilter(sig2);
    demodsig = qamdemod(rxsig,M, ...
        OutputType="llr", ...

    Plot the demodulated QAM signal.

    xlabel('Bit Number')

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Bit Number, ylabel LLR contains a line object which displays its values using only markers.

    Convert the SNR per subcarrier to an SNR value for an OFDM symbol with unused subcarriers.

    Define QPSK and OFDM modulation related variables.

    M = 4;                  % Modulation order for QPSK
    SNRsc = 15;             % SNR per subcarrier
    nfft = 128;             % Total number of subcarriers
    cplen = 16;             % Cyclic prefix length
    nnull = 30;             % Number of null subcarriers
    nullidx = ...           % Null indices
        [1:nnull nfft/2+1 nfft-nnull+1:nfft]'; 
    nsc = nfft-(2*nnull)-1; % Number of active subcarriers

    QPSK-modulate random data.

    data = randi([0 3],nsc,100);
    x = qammod(data,M,UnitAveragePower=true);

    OFDM-modulate and normalize the signal to unity power.

    txscale = nfft/sqrt(nsc);
    y = txscale * ofdmmod(x,nfft,cplen,nullidx);

    Compute the SNR equivalent value of the SNR per subcarrier and filter the OFDM-modulated signal through an AWGN channel.

    SNR = convertSNR(SNRsc,'snrsc',...
    r = awgn(y,SNR);

    Compute and display SNR values.

    n = r - y;
    fprintf('SNR of OFDM symbols = %1.1f dB\n', 10*log10(var(y)/var(n)));
    SNR of OFDM symbols = 12.3 dB
    Ssc = var(y) / nsc;
    Nsc = var(n) / nfft;
    fprintf('SNR per subcarrier = %1.1f dB\n', 10*log10(Ssc/Nsc));
    SNR per subcarrier = 15.1 dB

    Input Arguments

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    Input value in dB, specified as a numeric row vector.

    Data Types: double

    Input mode for x, specified as "ebno", "esno", "snr", or "snrsc".

    • "ebno"x is the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0).

    • "esno"x is the energy per symbol to noise power spectral density ratio (Es/N0).

    • "snr"x is the SNR.

    • "snrsc"x is the SNR per subcarrier in a multicarrier modulation scheme.

    For more information, see Algorithms.

    Output mode for y, specified as "ebno", "esno", "snr", or "snrsc".

    • "ebno"y is the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0).

    • "esno"y is the energy per symbol to noise power spectral density ratio (Es/N0).

    • "snr"y is the SNR.

    • "snrsc"y is the SNR per subcarrier in a multicarrier modulation scheme.

    For more information, see Algorithms.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

    Example: y = convertSNR(x,inputmode,outputmode,SamplesPerSymbol=2)

    Samples per symbol, specified as a positive integer. The function ignores SamplesPerSymbol value if you set:

    Data Types: double

    Bits per symbol, specified as a positive integer. The function ignores BitsPerSymbol value if you set:

    Data Types: double

    Coding rate, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 1]. The function ignores CodingRate value if you set:

    Data Types: double

    Total number of subcarriers in a multicarrier modulated signal, specified as a positive integer. The function ignores FFTLength value if "snrsc" is not the inputmode or outputmode setting.

    Data Types: double

    Number of active subcarriers, specified as a positive integer. The number of active subcarriers must be equal to or less than FFTLength. The function ignores NumActiveSubcarriers if "snrsc" is not the inputmode or outputmode setting.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    Output value in dB, returned as a row vector of numeric values. For more information, see Algorithms.


    This table shows the valid input to output mode conversions.

    inputmode to outputmodeConversion
    "ebno" to "snr"SNR = Eb / N0 + 10log10((Nbps×R) / Nsps)
    "snr" to "ebno"Eb / N0 = SNR – 10log10((Nbps×R) / Nsps)
    "ebno" to "esno"Es / N0 = Eb / N0 + 10log10(Nbps×R)
    "esno" to "ebno"Eb / N0 = Es / N0 – 10log10(Nbps×R)
    "esno" to "snr"SNR = Es / N0 – 10log10(Nsps)
    "snr" to "esno"Es / N0 = SNR + 10log10(Nsps)
    "snrsc" to "snr"SNR = SNRSC + 10log10(NSC / FFTLen)
    "snr" to "snrsc"SNRSC = SNR – 10log10(NSC / FFTLen)


    • Nbps is the BitsPerSymbol value.

    • Nsps is the SamplesPerSymbol value.

    • R is the CodingRate value.

    • FFTLen is the FFTLength value.

    • NSC is the NumActiveSubcarriers value.

    • Eb / N0 is the x value input or y value output when you set inputmode or outputmode, respectively, to "ebno".

    • Es / N0 is the x value input or y value output when you set inputmode or outputmode, respectively, to "esno".

    • SNR is the x value input or y value output when you set inputmode or outputmode, respectively, to "snr".

    • SNRSC is the x value input or y value output when you set inputmode or outputmode, respectively, to "snrsc".

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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    See Also

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