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Calculate and plot monostatic and bistatic radar cross section (RCS) of platform, antenna, or array


rcs(object,frequency) plots the monostatic RCS of the platform, antenna, or array over a specified frequency. To learn more about monostatic and bistatic RCS, see What Is RCS?.


rcs(object,frequency,azimuth,elevation) plots the monostatic RCS of the platform, antenna, or array over a specified frequency for the specified azimuth and elevation angles.

rcs(___,Name=Value) plots the RCS with additional properties specified using one or more Name-Value Arguments. To plot a bistatic RCS, specify the TransmitAngle name-value argument as a 2-by-1 matrix with non-zero values.

[rcsval,azimuth,elevation] = rcs(object,frequency) returns the monostatic RCS value and corresponding azimuth and elevation angles of a platform, antenna, or array at the specified frequency.

[rcsval,azimuth,elevation] = rcs(___,Name=Value) returns the RCS value and corresponding azimuth and elevation angles using additional properties specified by one or more name-value arguments. To calculate a bistatic RCS, specify the TransmitAngle name-value argument as a 2-by-1 matrix. with non-zero values.


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Create a default helix antenna and plot the RCS at 2 GHz.

ant = helix;

Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents az=0° .

Create a default linear array and plot the RCS at 75 MHz in the elevation pane.

array = linearArray;

Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents az=0° .

Create a reflector-backed dipole and plot the RCS at 1 GHz in the elevation plane at 90 degree azimuth.

ant = reflector;

Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents az=90° .

Create a tetrahedron platform from an STL file.

p = platform;
p.FileName = "tetrahedra.stl"; 
p.Units = "m";

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Platform object, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 2 objects of type patch. This object represents PEC.

Mesh the platform with edge length of 0.1


Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontrol. The axes object with title Metal mesh, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains an object of type patch. This object represents PEC.

Sweep over the elevation with a vertically polarized E-field. Plot the RCS at 700 MHz in the azimuth plane.

az = 0:1:360;
el = 0;

Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents el=0° .

Create a corner reflector-backed antenna.

f = 2e9;
c = design(reflectorCorner,750e6);

Plot the RCS in the elevation plane.


Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents az=0° .

Plot the RCS in the azimuth plane.


Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents el=0° .

Calculate bistatic RCS for a default offset cassegrain antenna at a frequency of 14 GHz.

S = rcs(cassegrainOffset,14e9,TransmitAngle=[30;60],ReceiveAngle=[30;45])
S = 

Input Arguments

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Platform, antenna or array to calculate the RCS, specified as an object.

Example: platform(FileName="reflector.stl")

Example: reflectorParabolic

Example: linearArray(Element=dipole)

Analysis frequency to calculate the RCS, specified as a real-valued scalar in Hz.

Example: 70e6

Data Types: double

Azimuth angles to calculate the RCS, specified as an N-element real vector in degrees. When azimuth angle is specified as a vector, then the elevation angle must be a scalar.

Example: 90

Data Types: double

Elevation angles to calculate the RCS, specified as an M-element real vector in degrees. When elevation angle is specified as a vector, then the azimuth angle must be a scalar.

Example: 0:1:360

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: CoordinateSystem="polar"

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'CoordinateSystem','polar'

Coordinate system used to visualize the RCS, specified as a string.

Example: "rectangular"

Data Types: string

Scale used to visualize or compute the RCS, specified as a string. Use "log" scale to calculate and plot the RCS in dBsm unit.

Example: "linear"

Data Types: string

Transmit and receive wave polarization, specified as a string from one of these transmit-receive combinations:

  • HH – Horizontal polarized field is transmitted and received.

  • VV – Vertical polarized field is transmitted and received.

  • VH – Vertical polarized field is transmitted, and horizontal polarized field is received.

  • HV – Horizontal polarized field is transmitted, and vertical polarized field is received.

Example: "VV"

Data Types: string

Flag to enable or disable GPU to perform RCS calculations, specified as either 1 to enable the GPU or 0 to disable.

Example: 1

Data Types: logical

Transmit wave angle, specified as a 2-by-1 real vector representing an azimuth and elevation pair in degrees.

Example: [30;60]

Data Types: double

Receive wave angle, specified as a 2-by-M real matrix representing azimuth and elevation pairs in degrees.

Example: [30 60; 45 90]'

Data Types: double

Solver for RCS analysis, specified as a string from these:

  • PO - Physical Optics

  • MoM - Method of Moments

  • FMM - Fast Multipole Method

Example: "MOM"

Data Types: string

Output type, specified as a string. Specify the type as "Magnitude" to calculate and plot the magnitude of RCS values. Specify the type as "Complex" to calculate the complex RCS values. Plotting complex RCS values is currently unsupported.

Example: "Complex"

Data Types: string

Output Arguments

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RCS value of the platform, antenna, or array object, returned as an N-by-M real-valued array in dBsm or a complex-valued array depending on the Type specified in the input. The size of the array is equal to the number of azimuth values (N) multiplied by the number of elevation values (M). Since, both the azimuth and elevation angles cannot be specified as vectors simultaneously, the size of the RCS value vector is either 1-by-M for a scalar azimuth and vector elevation or N-by-1 for a vector azimuth and scalar elevation.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Azimuth angles of the calculated RCS pattern, returned as an N-element real-valued vector in degrees.

Data Types: double

Elevation angles of the calculated RCS pattern, returned as an M-element real-valued vector in degrees.

Data Types: double

More About

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What Is RCS?

Radar Cross Section (RCS) is the measure of scattering cross section of an object interrogated by a plane wave. The assumption of a plane wave implies that the structure is in the far field of the radiator, which is typically a part of the radar system. RCS is a function of the object's shape, the frequency of the radar, the angle of interrogation of the wave, and the object's material parameters. RCS can also be measured in logarithmic units of dBsm, which is dB relative to a 1 m2 reference area.

RCS is calculated using two typical configurations:

  • Monostatic

  • Bistatic

By default, the rcs function calculates a monostatic RCS. To calculate a bistatic RCS, restrict the "TransmitAngle" to 2-by-1.

Monostatic RCS

The monostatic RCS configuration is characterized by a radar system that transmits a signal and receives the backscattered signal from the object being interrogated at the same site. The source of the transmitted electromagnetic waves and the receiving system for the scattered wave are co-located.

Diagrammatic representation of a monostatic radar configuration to calculate the radar cross section of an aerial object.

Bistatic RCS

In the bistatic RCS configuration, the radar system consists of a fixed radar transmitting site and a fixed or mobile receiving site captures the backscattered waveform from the object.

Diagrammatic representation of a bi-static radar congiuration to calculate the radar cross section of an aerial object.

RCS Calculation

RCS is calculated in both a scalar form and a matrix form. Equations for both forms include electric (E) and magnetic (H) field quantities calculated or measured in the far field of the scattering object.

Scalar Form

In the scalar form of RCS, σ is defined as a ratio of the squared backscattered-field to the squared incident field, given by the equation:


where Es and Ei represent the scattered and incident electric fields at a specific point in 3-D space.

Matrix Form

The matrix form of the RCS decomposes the incident and the scattered fields into horizontal and vertical polarizations and then computes the ratios of the various combinations between the scattered and incident fields, given by the equation:


where EsH and EiH represent the horizontal polarized components of the scattered and incident electric fields at a given point in 3-D space. EsV and EiV represent the vertical polarized components of the scattered and incident electric fields at a given point in 3-D space.

Limitations of PO Solver

The classic physical optics (PO) formulation does not support multiple reflections from a physical structure illuminated by a plane wave. The PO current density is valid only in the illuminated region of the structure. This formulation does not handle any reflections from the illuminated region that result in secondary illumination of a different region of the structure.

  • Case 1: When the direction of the incident plane wave results in a reflection back in the direction of the incoming source.

  • Case 2: When the angle of the incident plane wave causes a second reflection from a different part of the structure, this reflection contributes significantly to the scattered field and is not be considered by the PO solver.



[1] Gurel, L., H. Bagrci, J. C. Castelli, A. Cheraly, F. Tardivel. "Validation Through Comparison: Measurement and Calculation of the Bistatic Radar Cross Section of a Stealth Target." Radio Science. Vol. 38, Number 3, 2003, pp.12-1 - 12-8.

[2] Rao, S.M., D. R. Wilton, A. W. Glisson. "Electromagnetic Scattering by Surfaces of Arbitrary Shape." IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation. Vol. AP-30, Number 3, 1982, pp.409-418.

[3] Jakobus, U., F. M. Landstorfer. "Improved PO-MM Formulation for Scattering from Three-Dimensional Perfectly Conducting Bodies of Arbitrary Shape.." IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation. Vol. AP-43, Number 2, 1995, pp.162-169.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b