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Calculate and plot radiation efficiency of antenna or array

Since R2021a


    efficiency(object,frequency) plots the radiation efficiency of the antenna or array over the specified frequency.


    E = efficiency(object,frequency) returns the radiation efficiency of the antenna or array over the specified frequency.


    E = efficiency(___,UseParallel = true) uses the Parallel Computing Toolbox™ to perform efficiency calculations for each frequency in parallel. To use this feature, you need a license to the Parallel Computing Toolbox.


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    Create a top-hat monopole antenna.

    m = metal("Lead");
    ant = monopoleTopHat(Conductor=m);

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title monopoleTopHat antenna element, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 5 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent Lead, feed.

    Plot the radiation efficiency of the antenna over a frequency range of 40-100 MHz.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Efficiency, xlabel Frequency (MHz), ylabel Efficiency contains an object of type line.

    Create and visualize patch microstrip antennas with PEC, copper, silver, and aluminium metal patches.

    ant_patchPEC = patchMicrostrip(Substrate=dielectric("Air"),Conductor=metal("PEC"));
    ant_patchCopper = patchMicrostrip(Substrate=dielectric("FR4"),Conductor=metal("Copper"));
    ant_patchSilver = patchMicrostrip(Substrate=dielectric("FR4"),Conductor=metal("Silver"));
    ant_patchAluminium = patchMicrostrip(Substrate=dielectric("FR4"),Conductor=metal("Aluminium"));

    Compare the radiation efficiency of these antennas at the frequency of 1 GHz.

    Eff_patchPEC = efficiency(ant_patchPEC,1e09)
    Eff_patchPEC = 
    Eff_patchCopper = efficiency(ant_patchCopper,1e09)
    Eff_patchCopper = 
    Eff_patchSilver = efficiency(ant_patchSilver,1e09)
    Eff_patchSilver = 
    Eff_patchAluminium = efficiency(ant_patchAluminium,1e09)
    Eff_patchAluminium = 

    Input Arguments

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    Antenna or array to calculate efficiency, specified as one of the following options:


    Only homogeneous arrays are supported for efficiency calculation, with an exception of conformalArray.

    Example: dipole

    Frequency to calculate the radiation efficiency, specified as a scalar for a single frequency or a vector for a frequency range in Hz.

    Example: 50e6:1e6:100e6

    Data Types: double

    Option to enable parallel pool, specified as a logical value. The default value is false. Set the flag to true or 1 to enable the parallel pool. Use parallel pool to speedup the efficiency calculations at multiple frequencies for computationally large antennas and arrays.

    Example: UseParallel=true

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

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    Radiation efficiency of the antenna, returned as a scalar or a vector with values in the range [0,1].

    More About

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    Radiation Efficiency

    A spherical coordinate system representation of radiated power density.

    The time-average power density radiated by an antenna is: Equation for the time-averaged radiated power density of an antenna.

    where, r = radius of the sphere,

    θ, φ = spherical coordinate angles,

    E, H = electric and magnetic field intensity respectively.

    The total power radiated by antenna is:

    Equation for total radiated power of the antenna.

    where, U = radiation intensity (W/ unit solid angle),

    dΩ = element of solid angle.

    The radiation efficiency is given as: Equation for the antenna radiation efficiency.

    where, Pin = total input power.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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